I've tapped into this thread just last night. There are many valid points to both arguements. Here are some from my point of view.....
I've been a nurse for 11 years. Ten of my eleven years in emergency medicine and now a flight nurse. The last 4 years of my career I've worked in Florida......a very all around F'ed up state. For example.....
If a patient of sound mind and body decided to become a DNR, (do not resuscitate), let's say at age 45. And for some reason at age 61 is brought to the ER for becoming unresponsive, due to a MASSIVE, inoperable brain tumor. So, in order to respect his wishes, we should let him die. But, now if Aunt Jenny, who hasn't seen him in 35 years, comes into the code room and says "NOOOOOO,....do everything you can to save him!!!", we HAVE TO ignore his DNR and do what she desires. And that's only in our Sunshine State.
I've seen many children "brought back" after a near drowning accidents, either from a pool or lake. What are they brought back from? You should see them suffer. Contracted.... ulcerated.....artificially fed. Granted, as a parent myself, it's hard to see your child in this state. Remember, being alive does not mean having a life.
Terri has brain ischemia. Ischemia is defined as an IRREVERSIBLE condition. Ischemia is lack of blood supply to tissues or organs. Blood carries Oxygen, therefore, if there is no blood flowing to you tissues or organs (brain), you receive no oxygen. Without oxygen, you develop IRREVERSIBLE tissue or organ death. She developed an ischemia event. It's that simple. No grey area here. CT scans are proof of this. So stop saying that she can "wake up" at any moment. Get a grip. Read a medical book.
I cannot judge the actions of her husband regards to living with another woman. But here are some points to ponder...
1. Terri's parents REFUSED to give him a divorce.
2. Husband was publicly offered $1 million to leave her feeding tube in. He was offered $10 million privately to do the same. He declined both.
3. All the phone numbers of all the people who called the parents to provide financial support and charity funding, were sold to telemarketers. Thats right,....if you called the family, they sold your phone number to the AVON lady.
On a side not, I think Jeb Bush needs to stay out of this. He's got so many other governmental things to worry about,.... not to mention keeping his daughter off of
Also the so called, "Revered" Jesse Jackson..... That schmuck will do anything to get in the public lime-light. He needs to worry about the illegitamate kids he's fathered.
In summary, make sure you have a living will, IN RIGHTING!!! Tell your family, spouse, loved ones, of your wishes and have them respect your wishes.
Sorry for the lengthy opinions......