Secret Santa Blind Swap!!!!


Active Member
Yeah, temps a problem sometimes. Thats why I am going to pair people to location, that way temp should be similar as well as shipping cost and time. A heat pack should be ok to sustain for 1-2 days. I am going to put the shipping instructions up here fairly soon.


Originally Posted by renogaw
read up on the stickied threads... yes, temperature is going to be a major issue. and you won't want to put them onto a styrophoam..
Why not use styro? Isn't that how some companies ship corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by K-ROK
Why not use styro? Isn't that how some companies ship corals?
Thats actually how everything I have ever received has been shipped.


Active Member
Shipping upside down is mainly how many wholesalers and myself sell coral at least those with a base. Those that do not have a base simply use a bag loosely folded around the coral and then double bagged, The bag that is used to fold around is NEVER opened but just cradles the coral so that if it has sharp edges , the bag prevents this from happening. As for corals with a base, make sure that there is enough water in the bag and enough air out of is so that the coral does not turn over and then have a coral out of water. Double bag it so that if it infact has sharp points, it will not puncture the bag as well. If they are loose frags, tieing them in just water with little air is okay too. as long as it doesnt have a tendency to OVER slime up which sometime can cause them to sufficate in their own slime. Use your best judgement and if you have to go the extra mile to see that it is wrapped properly, do so....someone is doing the same for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
read up on the stickied threads... yes, temperature is going to be a major issue. and you won't want to put them onto a styrophoam..
actually for something like frogspawn or hammer coral that have a loose flesh on top of a hard/sharp skeleton, hanging it upside down form a styrofoam base is a good idea. its just sorta hard to get it right. key is to cut the styrofoam so the OD of the styrofoam is roughly the same size as the ID of the bag. this will keep the styrofoam from flipping and shifting.


Originally Posted by teen
actually for something like frogspawn or hammer coral that have a loose flesh on top of a hard/sharp skeleton, hanging it upside down form a styrofoam base is a good idea. its just sorta hard to get it right. key is to cut the styrofoam so the OD of the styrofoam is roughly the same size as the ID of the bag. this will keep the styrofoam from flipping and shifting.
Good idea - perhaps a triangle shaped piece of styrofoam would work the best - have 1 point sticking up into the top of the bag and the other two points facing down and to the sides - this would eliminate any flipping.
Thanks for the pointers everyone. Looking forward to this!


Active Member
Here is the updated list of info I have, if you are not on it please get me your info so you can partake in the fun.

TX Reef
Don Lino
Devil Dog
i want to do mine, but im currently in a crisis with my tank, so if anybody is unsure about doing this one, i will hold one around valentines day, so you can come do mine.


to whoever my secret santa is, i am best recieving packages on thursdays, though some wed and fridays work as well.
also, peef, is the plan still for everyone to send it on the week of the 17th?


Active Member
Hey everyone, I have sent EVERYONE their person to send to. Every single one of us should have someone to send to...PLEASE if you did not get a pm today let me know. THANKS and I will get the shipping info here asap but my eyes hurt right now from all the cpu use so I will put it up a little later.
yeah the week of the 17th, UNLESS your person posts different here. OR if the sender needs to ship sooner or those cases you guys should just get ahold of each other and arrange it yourself. Sorry I know I am lazy but sheesh...JUST KIDDING

I hope this works out GREAT for everyone. Again, if you have ANY questions or concerns LET ME KNOW!!!!! Wooo I am excited!