Slice's 47g Coral Evolution

tangs rule

Active Member
I still think your 47g tank is one of the nicest tanks around! ! ! keep up the good work and let your corals grow ot some, and it'll be total dynamite. Keep up the good work Slice!



Beautiful tank you have. I'm going to try your advice on the glueing/epoxying of rock to rock and see what happens. Right now it's in pretty good but I'm afraid if I get a bicolor blenny and it get's into the that particular rock, it may cause a problem. Like falling over again.


Active Member
Thanks for the kind words folks!
I am amazed at the growth of these corals; coming back home from my 2 week trip out of town last month really gave me a pleasant shock. Trip documented here:
Here is what the tank has done since my last update:
This Tricolor Acro has exceeded all expectations. Under actinics, it is a beautiful golden color with green polyps and purple tips.
Notice how it continues to encrust up the side of the rock and a new branch has already started to grow.

This Pearlberry was originally around the corner where it was not easily seen and it did not get proper light. It has now come up front and is doing well. It has colored up nicely. The Yellow Fuzzy that was in this spot never did anything in the tank but to slowly die
RIP Fuzzy.
Please excuse the sorry pic.

This guy may turn out to be the crowning glory, my Marshal Island Purple Green. Those branches growing up have just appeared in the past
3 weeks or so.

Here is the Big Boy, the Monti Cap. It has grown so much that the pink zoas that were centered on the rock face had to move or get completely shaded.

I can't tell you how many times I cursed "Dammit Dottie, MOVE!!" so I could take unobstructed pics, so to soothe her very large ego:

I didn't get good shots of the Red Planet or the Rose Millie. The Red Planet went through a loss of color that I cannot explain, but is coloring back up now. The Rose Millie is doing very well, finally getting its signature rose color. It was a teddy bear brown with it first arrived.
Here is another critter that is amazing. Awesome growth, always hungry. When I first got it (as a prize for winning a contest on a local forum), it was just a thin smear on the top of a plug.

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I read that Candy Canes do not grow quickly. This one did not get that memo. As soon as a head splits, each new half starts growing more mouths ready to split again. There was originally another stalk, but a Mex Turbo broke it off. Instead of gluing it back, I traded it away. I now
regret that. Had the other stalk been here, this one would soon be magnificent. Note how now the heads are growing 3 mouths.

This hammer was the size of a silver dollar when I got it back in May. It has grown a third head and is about 6" across.
I think this is the first shot dedicated to it.

Paly's Corner.

The left side of the tank doesn't get much photo love, so...
The green shrooms have grown from a single polyp by splitting. The red shrooms from a single polyp by budding. Both were donations from member T316, documented way back in this thread. The hydnophora shown middle-top is a monster.

Here are the Xenia and Palys shown above.

Here are hitchhiker shrooms I got on the last piece of LR I bought. I didn't care a thing for them at first, but they've kinda "grown" on me:

Some zoas in the tank grow tremendously, some not so much, others...meh...there is another big frag swap coming up this weekend, so prepare for a "New Additions" post soon. Here are a couple that are doing well

A poor pic, but look at the GLOW

These guys are bulletproof. Note on the right are some Tubbs Blue and some Watermelon Morphs, both in the "meh" category." />
And, of course, the FTS

In response to the request for system pics from TOTM winners, here are a few pics that includes the lighting and filtration.

HOB CPR Skimmer/Refugium Combo, skimmer side:

Refugium side (the foam block reduces turbulence/bubbles from the overflow, I also use this area for carbon bags)

Thanks for looking!


Everything is looking great.....I still have yet to figure out why some things do great....and others "meh" LOL


Well-Known Member
I love that monti. Another way to see your tank, art work or anything you want a different view to see how others may see it.... is using a mirror to look at it. It's true you don't really see it like others do, we think it looks like it isn't doing too much because we scrutinize it everyday. I love your tank.


Active Member
Those are some great growth shots. I love the Marshall Island Purple Green. Is Dottie the only fish in the tank? She sure does like the camera.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/381452/slices-47g-coral-evolution/160#post_3433754
Everything is looking great.....I still have yet to figure out why some things do great....and others "meh" LOL
Thanks Meow!
So far, its been only the most desirable zoas that have gone "meh", sadly...
Originally Posted by spanko http:///t/381452/slices-47g-coral-evolution/160#post_3433755
Hurrah!!! It looks wonderful. Great growth shots.
Thanks Spanko!
Really appreciate it!! Those "cryptic answers and strategic non-answers" paid off, didn't they?
Originally Posted by Flower
I love that monti. Another way to see your tank, art work or anything you want a different view to see how others may see it.... is using a mirror to look at it. It's true you don't really see it like others do, we think it looks like it isn't doing too much because we scrutinize it everyday. I love your tank.
Thanks Flower!
The monti certainly gets one's attention. I believe the biggest single contributor to it's growth rate and pattern is flow. I don't think it would have done as well with lesser grade powerheads.
I will try the mirror thing.
Originally Posted by Gemmy
Those are some great growth shots. I love the Marshall Island Purple Green. Is Dottie the only fish in the tank? She sure does like the camera.
Thanks Gemmy!
There are a couple of Firefish in the tank as well, but Dottie is the Diva Queen (we are due for new fish(es) addition very soon). You don't see all the pics that are trashed from her being front and center. I took most of these last night...since the game wasn't worth my full attention**...and the wife was laughing her a$$ off at me trying to get clean shots. Dammit Dottie!!!
**also thanks for not rubbing it in...not sure I can say I would do the rat bastards...


Active Member
Thanks Dan!
In general, my readings are (per Salifert)
alk 7.9-8.3 dKH
Cal 420-440 ppm
Mag 1440-1450 ppm
Salinity 35ppt (refractometer)
pH 8.2-8.4 (API), 8.0-8.3 (Salifert)
Temp 79* (cheap stick-on thermometer)
Nitrate undetectable (API)
P04 undetectable (Salifert)
I'm still using Seachem Reef Fusion 2-part, dosed manually, 10ml/day each part (adjusted per weekly test results) and Seachem Advantage Mag, about a tsp every other day.


Active Member
Looks good. I was asking because I have the tri-color acro to and haven't seen much growth. The big difference between our tanks is the lighting system (me with halides, you with T5). Someone was telling me acros do better under T5s but I would be willing to bet that someone else would say they do better under halides.


Active Member
I have a stunner acro and a green slimer that have not grown ^up^ hardly at all. Both have encrusted well and continue to, but no appreciable tip growth and no additional branches. They keep their color well and have healthy polyp extension, just no upward growth.
I *assume* one day they will get with the program.
Here is the Tricolor back in June, compare with the pic above taken last night

On the other hand, here is the Stunner Acro back in May

And last night. A lot of encrusting, but no upward growth. Its to the left of the Pokerstar Monti (which has grown a lot, it looks like it is "spilling over")
The Green Slimer at the top has done the same, only encrusting.


Active Member
Joe really really nice, I am sorry I missed this - Love everything - your monti looks like cups, fantastic tank. Truley deserved to win tank of the month.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/381452/slices-47g-coral-evolution/160#post_3434052
There you are! I was just looking at your profile earlier today to see when your last logon was.
BTW, our favorite LFS is finally going to open a Cary location in Jan.
Now get over to your build thread and update us with PICS!
I had not heard anything about the store. I need to go by there and get some food.
Haven't been on here in awhile. Scouts has had me tied up non-stop. Nothing really new to my tank, other than needs cleaning as usual.