If you're set on the Nova, look on e bay. Current USA, the maker of Nova, sells refurbished fixtures fir like 1/3-1/2 the price and offers a warranty.
I don't know ic you'll have enough lighting except for up top. Are you still considering an anemone? If you're still interested in keeping a RBTA, you might be in trouble with that lighting.
As for halides, I have a Coralife fixture (forgot which model, I think it is the Aqualight Pro). It has 3 halides, 4 power compacts and 4 moonlights on a 72" fixture. Now, this is more than you need, but they do make other models, which are all decent IMO.
You can save obey if you decide to do a. DIY kit. They're not that involved and I was going to go that route if I had not received a great deal on the Coralife fixture.