Originally Posted by
The Bro
Got a question... might be stupid but really im not sure?
Does mixing or changing brands of salt mix affect a tank in any way? Or is it better to be consistant and use the same kind everytime?
Also about the water changes...
Let salt "mix" for 24 hours before a wc? I can't just quickly make up a batch an hour or so before the change?
Not sure if mixing salts is a prob or not....I am about to change from Instant Ocean to Instant Ocean Reef crystals, BUT I would find one you like and stick with it
NO...you can not (or should not) mix sw and throw it right in
Mix it in a clean container, add a powerhead and a small heater...let mix for at least 24 hours.....make sure it is the same salinity and temp as your display
(ph too)