Updated Pics, 24g Nano


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74

Your tank looks AWESOME!!~

Thank you very much, I appreciate it!


Active Member
So I took this pic last night and thought it was REALLY cool so I decided to post it.
Also is a pic of a misc, nudi I found crawling around. I was going to remove it but then it got swept into the back of the tank by the PH....



Active Member
Great pic of your hammer coral man.. The nudi is a lettuce, typical hitchiker, I have never had one do any harm to my tank. And I have seen on average about 4 at a time in my tank.
PS. Your coral will be on its way this week. I am shooting for tommorow...


Active Member
Thanks for the compliments. I appreciate it!
Sounds good PD thanks again!!! During the wait your zoos have grown like 6 or 7 new polyps!!!


Active Member
OK man little update for ya. Your frag is ready to go... YEEEHAA

I got the verbal from my LFS that they would let me have some packing stuff from the next shipment they get in. I am going there today to see if they have any. Once I get it, I am going to ship it out. Your frag currently has I believe about 25 to 30 polyps on it. If thats too big let me know I can cut it down some.
This is them
WOW Peef... I just looked through the progression of your 24g and it is a beauty!!! Would you share some info? Is this a commercial 24g Nano? I saw the info on the mods you made... Is all still thriving and how much daily/weekly maintenance and attention are you giving the system? Appreciate your info and thanks for the great pix!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaCl+H2O Fish
WOW Peef... I just looked through the progression of your 24g and it is a beauty!!! Would you share some info? Is this a commercial 24g Nano? I saw the info on the mods you made... Is all still thriving and how much daily/weekly maintenance and attention are you giving the system? Appreciate your info and thanks for the great pix!!!

Yeah, everything is growing and healthy. All my corals have at least doubled since being put in. I only put about 2 hours a week into it.
I do my standard tests of PH, CA, ALK, Trates, Sal.
1 20% water change a week. Thats about all. It supports itself. I have NO evaporation or rather such a small amount that it is unnoticed completely. I would say the most time is feeding proper amounts.... phyto, cyclo, mysis, and I now every monday put in a bag of live brine shrimp and HOLY COW my tank freaken LOOOOOVES it.
Originally Posted by peef
Yeah, everything is growing and healthy. All my corals have at least doubled since being put in. I only put about 2 hours a week into it.
I do my standard tests of PH, CA, ALK, Trates, Sal.
1 20% water change a week. Thats about all. It supports itself. I have NO evaporation or rather such a small amount that it is unnoticed completely. I would say the most time is feeding proper amounts.... phyto, cyclo, mysis, and I now every monday put in a bag of live brine shrimp and HOLY COW my tank freaken LOOOOOVES it.
All I can say is BRAVO!

Thanks for the info on your tanks specifics! I am still trying to decide on a Nano system. Leaning toward the expensive but very complete Red Sea MAX... Still concerned about my home ambient temp. of 78F and the need for a chiller. As a Keys resident I know you can relate. Thanks Again!


Active Member
Thanks!! I totally understand. I LOOOVE my NC but if the redsea 34g was out when I bought mine I would buy that instead. Just SO much more room and the lighting is great, a built in skimmer, all components on 1 cord...I mean come on what is not to love.......? Now only to read reviews.
Originally Posted by peef
Thanks!! I totally understand. I LOOOVE my NC but if the redsea 34g was out when I bought mine I would buy that instead. Just SO much more room and the lighting is great, a built in skimmer, all components on 1 cord...I mean come on what is not to love.......? Now only to read reviews.
Peef... Thanks for the vote of confidence with my decision!

I just got a call from my LFS that the MAX has arrived! I am getting it for $ 500.00+TAX. I just posted a ?
about whether to use RedSea's (sterile) 'Reef Base' and 'NitroBac' from there starter kit to begin cycling my new aquarium or 'live sand '... Any opinion? How are you maintaining your tanks temp. down their in the keys?
Appreciate Your Opinions & Correspondence!....


Active Member
I would just let your tank cycle naturally IMO, with the live sand. Also don't get arogonite CC. Get actual sand. Those chems can work but I like to manually add as little as possible. I use a chiller, since I have the MH light I need it. With the redsea I don't think you need one if I remember correctly. I am excited to see your tank grow up. Keep me updated!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fish Crazy
what type of coral is this, and are they hard to take care of?
They are green favites. They were VERY easy to take care of. I spot fed mysis every other week. They live off of phytoplakton and foods of that sort. Also off of zooxanthelia but they LOVED meaty treats. I actually just gave it away 5 days ago to a friend since my lights were too bright for them.


Active Member
Well my three peppermint shrimp decided they LOVE the taste of green fungia. Four of my big ones are picked clean. ALL the babies are alright though. I was SOOOOOOOOO mad I can't even explain it. Well I totally took my aquastructure apart the get the mother truckers out and now it is totally different again. Pics tomorrow. It looks good but I don't think as good as before. sniff sniff.

fish crazy

Originally Posted by peef
They are green favites. They were VERY easy to take care of. I spot fed mysis every other week. They live off of phytoplakton and foods of that sort. Also off of zooxanthelia but they LOVED meaty treats. I actually just gave it away 5 days ago to a friend since my lights were too bright for them.
ok thanks got any full tank shots


Active Member
So here is the updated pic after my peppermint shrimp capture.

Stupid head shrimp.....