Search results

  1. hedonic

    Damsel ID

    I think a non-agressive damsel is an oxymoron. There are but differnt shades of agressivness with them. I have seen tiny java damsels tear up fish three times its size, but yet again I have a freind with a large velvet damsel that is the whipping boy of his agressive tank. Its all relative. I...
  2. hedonic

    Sushi Seaweed ?

    Originally Posted by aquapro_1 I would never recommend you to use it. Human consumption is over processed w/ chemicals..not to mention cooked. It's best to get all natural & no preservatives. Sushi implies no cooking. The sushi seaweed is generally freezedried, not cooked. There is nothing...
  3. hedonic

    Refugium lighting options

    The lower kelvin ratings do a great job on refuge's. 5500k should get you better algea growth then the 50/50.
  4. hedonic

    Help with pump choice for 24 Gal. Nano Cube DX...

    May be an obvious question, but you don't have a heater in there currently, right? In my expeirence with small tanks, espcially those nano cubes, the pump has not been enough to keep it running that hot. In fact most of the people I have helped with them need a heater to keep their temp above...
  5. hedonic

    Clener Shrimp Question

    Each and every time I find one of my cleaner shrimp has molted I do a freak out for a few min's untill I find them. And I have had them for over year, and once a month or so... well it gets me everytime. They are endearing little buggers.
  6. hedonic

    Need Advice On Kalkwasser mix

    Do you have excessive saltcreep around or near your skimmer?
  7. hedonic

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    We have an 8'x3'x3' and four 400wat MH barly do the job, this being fish only. I would recoment 10-12.
  8. hedonic

    You got to try this & post your result...

    Red hammer drill
  9. hedonic


    Get the generic cleaning crew (hermit crabs, more snails, shrimp, maybe a brittle star or urchin), as far as more exotic inverts go, wait a while before you add any. 2mo's is still a very young tank. Your water parmaters maybe fine now but they may not have been when you added the damsels, that...
  10. hedonic

    How do you fund your hobby???

    Originally Posted by FISHY7 Senior credit anaylst for a midsized co. pay is decent but get bored often..... Hey I have an idea. Lets start a business, since there are so many people out there with good ideas.... What would be your dream business, if you had the opportunity to start...
  11. hedonic

    some new pic about 3 months old ..

    Originally Posted by dboy999 its never cloudy ...the problem is i have this mr dragon wrasse that likes to get funny sometmes an kick up tons of sand but i love him hes cool as hell... Dragon wrasse actually only refers to their juvinile form. Adults are sometimes 'rockmovers' because they look...
  12. hedonic

    Beware the lemonpeel

    Originally Posted by sleeper Hey WVgolfer, do you have any evidence of the rumor that lemonpeels are good at eating cyanobacteria (red/brown slime algae)? I've heard that and I'm currently experiencing a problem with it... I read in Julian Sprung's algae book that that the kole and chevron...
  13. hedonic

    10 gallon live much?

    In small tanks like this, make sure to look at surface area to. You can get a 15lb clunker of a rock and be no better off then if you got a gorgeous hollowed out 5lb'er. Quality of the rock is paramount in nano's.
  14. hedonic

    STOKED-Just scored a 120Gallon!

    I had no idea there where so many people from Kentucky, I thought I was alone...
  15. hedonic

    minimum tank for 2 or 3 false percs

    Clownfish can host to most anything. Make sure of the technical species of false percs. Often I have seen Polyumnus (SP?) clowns labled as false percs, these have not spawned in captivity for anyone (they are also black/white with an orange/yellow mask that does not go away). Just an FYI.
  16. hedonic

    nitrates in the ocean

    Its the fricken' ocean, it can do what ever it wants! Including having 0 nitrates. But really consider the amount of gas exchange and total volume of water, comparitivly I bet the bio-load is fairly low.
  17. hedonic

    VHO Question?

    First, it depends on the ballast set. I have seen several Ice Cap sets that come with the wiring harness and end caps... and serveral that don't. Check the receipt, or your order list it should detail whether it does/doesn't. As has been posted before, VHO's have an excellent actenic color. I...
  18. hedonic

    new tank, possible problems

    Even if it is freswater, Oscars are south american ciclids and can attain a size near 20"!!!! even young and small they release a ton of ammonia as they are very dirty fish (heavy bio-load). All that be as it may, even four tiny osacrs is way to many fish fro a seven gallon tank. You got hosed...
  19. hedonic


    Get it with a high-gloss though, it handles the moisture better.
  20. hedonic

    how dumb can you get

    breaking those flourescent tubes rocks. It is the first thing I do when a bulb burns out on my freshwater tank.