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  1. nacl-man

    Delicate Balance of pH/Alk/Calcium

    Awesome! thanks a bunch! this time I'm saving that... and those links are great. hey anyone who is having problems with conversions check this website out: Makes it real easy to convert from ppm to meq/l to dKH Thanks again! Cheers!
  2. nacl-man

    RO or DI?

    My first tank was setup using tap water. It was a mess.... Ro/Di was the best money I ever spent. Well on the tank at least. Cheers!
  3. nacl-man


    Originally posted by The Claw Get a second job, so that you can finance your new hobby. lol... yup. Seriously though do a lot of reading about water chemistry and your tank... it is the best thing you can possibly do to be successful in the hobby. Don't forget: nobody knows everything so...
  4. nacl-man

    water flow to fuge

    I've always been under the impression that surface movement is crucial for oxygen x-fer.... I could be wrong however. If it was me I would switch it back.... but then again I don't have a fuge yet so I can not say from personal experience. Cheers!
  5. nacl-man

    Can You Believe This ?

    Hee hee... that was good for a laugh... thanks Squidd! :D
  6. nacl-man

    Delicate Balance of pH/Alk/Calcium

    There is a table that goes along with that article that helps clear up a few questions.... however I forgot to save it. ReefNut to you by any chance have that, I think it went over the realative levels of each chemical and how they correspond to one another. I thought there was one... or...
  7. nacl-man

    missing fish...what are ALL the possible culprits??

    Claire - How old is your tank? Also, what are your water chem readings? I hate to be the only negative poster so far but something along those lines could be culprit. 10 hours however seems like and awful short time for a fish to totally decompose. Most likely however he is just hiding in your...
  8. nacl-man

    And so it begins

    Looks good! Keep us posted :) I can't wait to start my next tank (when we get a house). Cheers!
  9. nacl-man

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    Yup, thanks for adding that CB. Keeping the CC is a good idea. Good luck!
  10. nacl-man

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    Yup, thanks for adding that CB. Keeping the CC is a good idea. Good luck!
  11. nacl-man

    magnum questions

    I run a Fluval 204 on my 44 gallon. I couldn't be happier. Just be sure to do regular maintence on it otherwise all that gunk will just cause problems (i.e - don't forget to clean it out every week). HTH.
  12. nacl-man

    Setup Help

    Looks good! If you have a bucket of salt and a few powerheads then you are good to go :) Cheers! (and good luck!)
  13. nacl-man

    Did I buy the wrong protien skimmer?

    If you don't have a sump you'll have to get a hang-on-tank skimmer like the Aquarium Systems SeaClone or a Prizim. Hope you can return that one! Or do some research and build yourself a sump :D Cheers!
  14. nacl-man

    Shells for Hermits

    Click on dry goods to the left... scroll down a bit and you can buy 100 shells for 10 bucks. The LFS near me charges for empty shells..... like they gotta make money or something seesh...
  15. nacl-man

    Dead Turbo Snails

    Could be something in the tap water... those guys are pretty sensitive. Also, are they falling off the glass? Turbo's can not right themselves when they fall so they will starve to death if you don't intervene. If that is the case try slowly raising your salinity... that helped keep mine on the...
  16. nacl-man

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    Oh yeah I noticed your post count and let me be the first to say "welcome to the board". hah! I've never been the first to say that before. I feel special :D Cheers!
  17. nacl-man

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    Oh yeah I noticed your post count and let me be the first to say "welcome to the board". hah! I've never been the first to say that before. I feel special :D Cheers!
  18. nacl-man

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    It is kinda difficult and for the most part I believe it is fairly high risk. Especially if you have sensitive corals / inverts / fish / or just about anything. Some will say you can do it by just scooping the CC out and replacing with sand... leaving the critters to deal with a detrius storm...
  19. nacl-man

    Crushed Coral , want to get rid of it.

    It is kinda difficult and for the most part I believe it is fairly high risk. Especially if you have sensitive corals / inverts / fish / or just about anything. Some will say you can do it by just scooping the CC out and replacing with sand... leaving the critters to deal with a detrius storm...
  20. nacl-man

    Crushed Coral

    Originally posted by aarone (been awhile since biology) If you want to get technical: Personally I think that is really boring reading.... but it does explain the how's and why's I think (it has been a while since I've read it). Cheers!