Search results

  1. niskyvaulter

    What is a good tank-mate for a yellow headed jawfish?

    dont put anything in. you should wait 3-4 weeks before putting another fish in. this lets the decomposing and denitrifying bacteria catch up with the increased bioload. if you add too many fish at once, the tank could crash. jawfish are pretty docile. so blennies, gobies, clowns, and other...
  2. niskyvaulter

    quarantine (sp?) question

    i wouldnt put it in the sump unless abolutely necessary. i dont know much about them, but they might be able to eat the copepods. keep it in the 10 until you can sell it to a lfs. definitly dont put it in your dt. they eat corals, sponges, and anemones. do you have a qt? if so, then put it in...
  3. niskyvaulter

    my 240 pictures and others

    please do!
  4. niskyvaulter

    Fish Questions

    for tang advice, i would only advise kole, spotted yellow eye, mimic eibli (amazing looking), tomini, and mimic lemonpeel. i dont think that a yellow tang belongs in a 75, but some people might disagree with me.
  5. niskyvaulter

    Article: How does nemo find his way home?

    who else noticed that the pic that they say is of a perc is really an occelaris?
  6. niskyvaulter

    What would be cool?

    how bout a semi aggressive reef. it could have a frogfish, hawkfish, one of the little puffers, and a small eel. you wouldnt be able to have inverts, but it would be something different.
  7. niskyvaulter

    Moving to a 180!

    first of all, welcome to the boards (always wanted to say that). second, congratulations on your new tank. i cant wait to see it get set up
  8. niskyvaulter

    Old bulbs/ Lighting ??

    Originally Posted by theappe3 But it still gives the right amount of light for coral growth? In other words... the only thing I need to worry about is algae growth? no. they give off as much light, but as the spectrum widens, the light given out at each wavelength diminishes to compensate...
  9. niskyvaulter

    my 240 pictures and others

    amazing looking tanks. that must be so great having a fish store. is it likde your dream job?
  10. niskyvaulter


    a lot of people dont, including myself (whos patient enough to qt their new prize coral?), but you technically should, some corals and inverts can carry parasites that you qt fish for, but they are much less likely to posses them if they were bought from a place that has independents for fish...
  11. niskyvaulter

    Rearing tank requirement

    what kind of larvae?
  12. niskyvaulter


    Originally Posted by jerl77 i was talking about other boards this one is the nicest one by far so any ways how are your fish doing? mine are great becuz they dont talk back where do you live in ny? its nice where i live, but then again im now upstate.
  13. niskyvaulter

    Cleaning Crews

    a lot of people even say that hermits dont really clean a lot. they just scavenge after other peoples foods. i dont have any. just lots of snails.
  14. niskyvaulter

    Fat little puffer

    thats a golden puffer. close relative of the dogface. thats a great catch. they go for $300+ as goldens.
  15. niskyvaulter

    1 month old 75 gal

    Originally Posted by biotank14 Ok wait and see then but they will be fine.. I have been doing this for awhile now so i think i know what im doing.. thanks for all the kind words.!and what are you talking about a 75 in to big for a sailfin? are you dumb?and they are not fighting the sailfin got...
  16. niskyvaulter

    need your choice

    7 watt 50/50
  17. niskyvaulter

    New fish suggestion

    Originally Posted by J.P how do flame hawks or lng nose hawks do with shrimp and clams? theyll usually eat ornamental shrimp. im not sure about clams.
  18. niskyvaulter

    I'm bored - breeding Flame Angels and Yellow Tangs

    since when were people breeding tangs? i never heard about this.
  19. niskyvaulter

    Tiny Bubble Tip Anemone?

    could it be a beadlet anemone?
  20. niskyvaulter

    Amount of fish per tank?

    Originally Posted by socal57che Some fish are known for being messy eaters and some for their perpetual pooping. These factors must be taken into consideration when selecting fish. A 4 inch puffer or trigger has a larger impact than a 4 inch clown. ive never really seen this to be logical...