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  1. striker

    No Pods

    Hello Iechy, I have a mandarin in my 29gallon. I have a bakpak too and while I was adding some to the tank I accidently dropped a cupload into the return side of the skimmer. Needless to say it made a mess and now have about 4 inches in there. I've left it alone and even added some extra...
  2. striker

    Mandarin Goby

    Sounds fine. I have had one for 3 months now in my 29 gallon. 70lbs of lr and 4inch ls keep my population high and my mandarin happy. Once and a while he'll pick at live and frozen brine.
  3. striker

    29 Gallon Fish Selection

    Coral beauty sounds fine but I'd definitely stay away from a snowflake eel. They require large aquariums(100gallon+) and shouldn't be housed with small fish that can fit into its mouth.
  4. striker

    ick ??? ways to prevent it!

    I've heard that mixing garlic extract or buying the brand name garlic mixes will help in the overall health of fish and prevention of ich. Not sure how good it is or if it works but went out and bought kent garlic xtreme. My fish like brine shrimp so I thought to add some nutrition to it.
  5. striker


    sps and clams is the only way to go with all that lighting. Sounds like it's going to be great. Post some pics when you finaly put it up.
  6. striker

    Think you're overfeeding? Think again!

    I'd never pour the entire bottle of flake food! Only about half:) It's enough to make you want to build a fence around your tank to keep away the little terrors. I had the same problem with my wife overfeeding the tank but never to that extreme. I hope your tank recovers ok.
  7. striker

    type of fliteration for a 29g reef?

    Ls and lr IMO are the best filtration for a 29 gallon. After that an emperor or penguin overflow are good for additional filtration(occasional carbon) and water movement. Lets not forget a small skimmer(especially if you have a few fish). I could personaly do without all the mechanical...
  8. striker

    No Animals???

    You're best bet is to buy a few lbs of lr and ls to reseed your tank. The algae and critters should then spread out to your existing lr and ls. Just make sure your lfs sand and rock has a nice amount of life on it. I'm actually placing another order online to keep my mandarin happy. That fish...
  9. striker

    science fair project

    As a project I'd try 3 tanks. One with a dsb, a regular sb and crushed coral and study the short and longterm advantages and water conditions of each.
  10. striker

    Anyone use frozen formula 1 and 2

    I just bought these from a lfs in the frozen packs to give my fish a larger variety of foods. The problem is when I give it to the fish it disintigrates and made a mess in my tank. My fish barely got any pieces out of it, the rest just spread out all over. Is this how it's supposed to be or...
  11. striker

    Starting to think of which fish to buy first???

    sgt york - Maybe you'll get lucky and you're new sally's will get him for you:)
  12. striker

    Will adding LR cause cycle?

    I've always added lr to my tank with very minimal die-off and spikes but that is mainly due to the fact that it was shipped overnight, already cured and in increments of 10-15lbs at a time. I've also added lr from a lfs(just got some a few days ago) but again I'm talking about 5-10lbs. If...
  13. striker

    saltwater plants

    I think 3 weeks is what is recommended to cure the lr. Just make sure to check it thouroughly before adding to the main tank. As far as plants go I don't know much about it but I've always thought maidens hair is the nicest one I've seen on the net.
  14. striker

    Live Rock vs Live Sand

    Definitely go for the lr and ls. I tried setting up my 29gallon with just ls in it and I had to fight against tons of unwanted algae until everything eventually crashed and died. Even todays' filters can't compare to the biological filtration that lr and ls gives a tank. Besides helping with...
  15. striker

    FREE!!! black long spined urchin

    I don't think you have to worry too much about it. I have no personal experience with them but went back and read that when they grow larger they may become aggresive and go after small fish and inverts. What I have learned is that every tank and its inhabitants will be different. I've heard...
  16. striker

    FREE!!! black long spined urchin

    Everything gets along fine. The only time I had a problem was when I added a few bumble bee snails which were attacked and killed for the shells by my blueleg hermits. Otherwise I've never had a problem. The only thing I don't have is a sally lightfoot crab. I think they are predatory or...
  17. striker

    FREE!!! black long spined urchin

    I have 2 black long spined urchins both healthy and beautiful. I decided to keep one of them to keep my reef diverse. Anyone who wants the other can email me at I live in Astoria, New York, if anyone is close they can pick it up anytime. They both hitched on my lr months...
  18. striker

    I am setting up another tank and came across a possibly big problem!!

    When setting up my sw tank I simply disgarded my old glass tank and bought a new one. I had the leftover algae and didn't want to take the chance. They are cheap considering how much you will be spending on the rest of the sw equipment.
  19. striker

    hammer coral feeding..failure

    It's the same with my hammer. I've seen brine shrimp get caught and wrapped up in it but after a couple of minutes they release them. This guy just loves the light and will retreat at night.
  20. striker

    Looking for a blue reef safe fish that stays somewhat small.

    There are two that I've heard of and was considering to buy awhile back. A macneills accessor 3 inches and a blue flavivertex pseudochromis 3 inches. The psedochromis is actually blue with a lyellow stripe. Both look really nice. Good luck finding them though.