Search results

  1. flamehawk

    Do you like your Royal Gramma?

    great fish...hardy...colorful...eats well and has a decent disposition....would recommend.
  2. flamehawk

    Sohal Tang in a 55?

  3. flamehawk

    Achilles Tang trying to eat krill???

    Tangs are omnivores but really need veggie matter most (nori best option). Diet s/b supplemented with meaty products soaked in selcon or zoe. Brine sheimp, mysis, blood worms, and plankton are some good choices.
  4. flamehawk


    I have made you an offer...but not accepted. I understand. Good luck.
  5. flamehawk

    check my fish list

    good to go! good luck. I do however agree on waiting for the angel.
  6. flamehawk

    Henichous Butterfly

    I've seen heniochus in captivity reach 8 inches. In fact I have had one in my 125 for 4 years and he is about 6 1/2 inches and still growing. I think he will get to 8 inches.
  7. flamehawk

    another suggest-a-fish thread

    agree with overstocked observation and comments.
  8. flamehawk

    Flame Hawkfish in a 12Gal Nano

    The shrimp w/b toast. Flame needs at least a 30g IMO.
  9. flamehawk

    what tang should I add to my tank

    this post continues to illustrate that people ask questions AFTER they do things. Also reading has become a lost art I suppose becuase if they would have read any S/W book, it would have been clear that these fish loads will not work over time.......hope the hobby survives.
  10. flamehawk

    Henichous Butterfly

    They get up to 8-10 inches. Too big for a 46 bow or 50g. Sorry.
  11. flamehawk

    Coral Beauty

    I would not recommend all those fish in a 55( previous post) but a coral beauty in a 29 would do ok as long as it had enough live rock. They are great fish and the right mates.
  12. flamehawk

    problems with my saltwater tank

    bristle worms are good although quite non attractive in my view. I agree that it unusual to here about the 2 stories of clowns jumping out of tanks. They are not known jumpers. Anything in the tank that could be chasing them? It would not be the bristle worm.
  13. flamehawk

    same type of clownfish?

    They can pair up. Time will tell if yours will.
  14. flamehawk

    New Tank Help

    I rinsed all of my SD sand before adding to my 125g over 2 years ago. It helped and the cloudy conditions were clear in 1 day. If you have a cannister filter, you'll have to clean it out after murkiness clears since all the powde will be trapped. Patience and all should be ok.
  15. flamehawk

    newbe like some advice

    Welcome to the board. First golden patient. Nothing happens fast in this hobby except sometimes disaster when you are not patient. Your tank has not cysled yet and you already have 3 fish. Some will say using damsels are ok but there are other less harmful ways to cycle a tank( raw...
  16. flamehawk

    which tang?

    Would go with the smaller species...YT,PT or Kole. Hippo gets too big for a 55.
  17. flamehawk

    180g Complete Tank in NJ For Sale

    Still no pics?
  18. flamehawk

    45 gal oppinions?

    royal gramma or flame hawk.
  19. flamehawk

    Coral Beatuy and Flame Angel

    Maybe and Yes. Agree that there is a greater chance of LP and Flame working out.
  20. flamehawk

    Bellus Angels

    never kept one. From what I'vr read they are pretty rare. From Pics the blue male looks more attractive then the yellow strpped female. They also seem to be quite hardy if you can find one. They grow up to 5-6 inches.