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  1. birdy

    how do u attach frogspawn to LR?

    You must have the whole head of frogspawn that comes out of the skeleton, should be like a branch with the head on the end. I never glue frogspawn just stick the skeleton in an appropriate hole and leave it.
  2. birdy

    need some advice from the pros on UV ster

    I agree if it ain't broke don't fix it! Leave it on, I will be running UV on my 150 sps tank, people get all freaked out that they are killing good stuff, but honestly there is almost no way we can kill off all the good stuff in our tank, Aquariums are generally much "dirtier" than the ocean...
  3. birdy

    decisions, decisions...

    Since you have other aggressive fish in the tank, I would go with a dottyback, I think they are such pretty fish, but are too aggressive for most of the tanks I have. And most of them stay small. My favorite is the bi-color pseudochromis
  4. birdy

    Nirtite ?

    I have found it sometimes takes a water change to get nitrites to drop, I don't know why but sometimes they seem to just linger, and after a couple of water changes then the levels drop. I would do a 20% water change, wait a few days test your levels again and see where you are at.
  5. birdy

    valentini puffer compatibility

    I never had trouble with small fish and my Val. The one thing you might keep in mind is that they like to nip at long flowing fins, so try to stay away from fish with flowing fins.
  6. birdy

    Iodine question

    be careful with Iodine it is easy to overdose. What brand of test kit did you get. I have never tested or dosed for Iodine, regular water changes should keep the levels where they should be, if you do add Iodine, do so carefully and use your test kit to keep the level low.
  7. birdy

    Uggggg...nitrites...please help

    I certainly have ancedotal evidence that supports Guy's statements, I maintain saltwater aquariums as a side business and I have had at least two tanks with nitrite levels fairly high with no ill effects to the fish in the tank. I think nitrite levels indicate a disturbance in the biological...
  8. birdy

    RO/DI Question

    Actually I would be suprised if you needed more than a 50 or 75gpd unit, I maintain 6 tanks right now ranging from a 75gallon to a 225 gallon and I used a 74gpd unit (It is in use a lot but that is good for a RO unit). Anyway, it is my understanding that the rejection (getting rid of bad stuff)...
  9. birdy

    Uggggg...nitrites...please help

    I want to clarify, are you talking about nitrites or nitrates. Go ahead and give us exact levels for Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, pH, alk.
  10. birdy

    Turbo Calcium Users

    I am a bit confused, the dkh of a reef tank should be around 8-10. so if yours is 2.8 then it is low. What is your calcium level in the tank, turbo is pretty strong stuff so you have to be careful with it. The only way to know how much the turbo is raising your calcium level each day is to...
  11. birdy

    kent nitrate sponge question

  12. birdy

    Initializing a 300 ga plus tank

    I think your water bill from filling a tank with an RO/DI filter at home would still be less than buying the water elsewhere. Also you are taking a chance with water from another source that it is not pure.
  13. birdy

    How tall a stand

    standard height for a reef ready stand like oceanic makes is 32", a lot of people like them taller, 36" is common for people to make them a bit higher. I just made a stand that is 42", tall enough to view the tank without looking down but not so tall I cannot get into the tank easily. As far as...
  14. birdy

    Fan placement in Canopy

    I think HQI actually put out more heat, at least the ones I do put out more heat than the SE bulbs did.
  15. birdy

    Fan placement in Canopy

    As long as there is some opening in the back for air to move through the canopy, I would mount the fans blowing air in, beause they will displace the hot air in the canopy, the more cool air you have blowing in the more hot air you will push out the back of the canopy. That is what I would do...
  16. birdy

    Fan placement in Canopy

    It will work, but I would blow the air in, studies people have done show that blowing air in will cool a canopy better than pulling air out. Is the back of your canopy open? if not I would find a way to vent it.
  17. birdy

    My new stand

    I am setting up a new tank and my husband (who is a cabinet maker) built me this stand . I think it turned out great, still need to fill the holes and lacquer it, gonna do that tonight. Oh and we have to make the raised panel doors too of course.
  18. birdy

    Reef Ready????

    Yep no problem at all, in fact some of the "custom" tank Manf. are doing external overflow boxes so there are no overflow boxes inside the aquarium, very cool. I hate overflow boxes in my aquarium. If it were me though I would get some black pvc and then paint the back of the tank black so the...
  19. birdy

    My 3 year old goin for a an EEG tomorrow

    Good luck Tizzo- my twins are almost three and I cannot imagine having to do that, uggh, how awful. I also have a friend with a son that is delayed (sounds a lot like your son), they did the EEG and all that and did tests for Autism, but still no diagnosis. Frustrating.
  20. birdy

    Emergency !! Tank Leaking!!

    Bailey- what is your deal, why are you so worried about a few new posters who are coming to defend their friend from another board, I also know all the people from Kansas and know that it is true. Keep this on topic, Yeffrie- I know you said you are considering Legal action, you might want to...