Search results

  1. jemshores

    B/W saddleback coloring? I have cooties or something? no one has a comment or idea? oh well, i'll search elsewhere.
  2. jemshores

    B/W saddleback coloring?

    My 2 saddlebacks arrived today-purchased B/W ones and cannot seem to figure out why they are deep rust? Sounds stupid but no juvi pics on these fellas can I find and I was wondering if they turn black as they get older? I attached a bad pic but its the best I can do right now while they get...
  3. jemshores

    Cleanup Crew deaths in a 14g

    Could it be starvation? IMO thats alot of CUC for a 14 and I believe you said 3 pieces of LR. Maybe there is not enough detrius (sp) for them to eat...come nite time, they all compete...take a flashlight after lights out and check out what's going on...
  4. jemshores

    We've decided to "adopt" a soldier.

    Originally Posted by socal57che That is allowed and was on the list from our church...I just wasn't sure if they would ship very well. I would love to send chocolate chip cookies. Anyone know if they will ship ok? yes...put them in a small tin with wax paper and they will be OK...
  5. jemshores

    Heater placement in AP, Current Nano tank

    Originally Posted by gmann1139 12 gallon NC, Heater in the chamber with the return pump. With the amount of water flowing past the heater there, its always going to give you a 'better' heating profile than inside the tank. What type of heater (submersible) did you use and how did you install...
  6. jemshores

    12G Nano sand bed question????

    No responses? Oh well, we put it all in and have about a 2" bed now-hope that is fine. Anyway doing our stock list and would like your opinions.. 12 G Nano(1 Month away): Pr. B/W perc clowns Neon Goby Barbershop Goby Pistol Shrimp CUC-5 nass, 2 turbos, 1 mithrax (red?) Polyps, shrooms, etc
  7. jemshores

    12G Nano sand bed question????

    Hi! I am not really new to the boards but new to being a nano owner. Anyway, in the process of setting it up now and we purchased a 20 lb. bag of live sand-put about 3/4 of the bag in and was wondering what the proper depth for a nano is. The bed is appx 1 1/4 deep now and I think a really deep...
  8. jemshores

    95 wave front 15 months later

    Gorgeous tank Vin! I luv that piece of LR? in the middle with the two openings...looks like a halloween face! Is that real LR or a decorative piece?
  9. jemshores

    Love, Did I ever show you this?

    Racoons are vicious We had one that got into the garbage on a regular basis...even backed the cars up against the cans to prevent him from tipping them and spreading trash everywhere. (this went on for months)Anyway, got a cat trap from a neighbor, baited it with a can of sardines, and caught...
  10. jemshores

    Parents... your kids' first vacations???

    Originally Posted by crimzy After considering everything, the wife and I decided not to go to Cancun in July. So we discussed everything at length, and eventually decided to bring the rugrats on vacation with us. So we are taking them to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in May. I am very anxious...
  11. jemshores

    The BEST day EVAR!

    Very interesting thread!!! Best of luck to you and I am sure your expertise will prevail! I have 2 questions....are they live or egg bearers and do they make any sounds?
  12. jemshores

    Emergency help needed!! No electric power!!

    Originally Posted by D-Dzel I'm in the desperate need of help. It seems that part of the neighborhood lost power and I have no idea why to do. So far I've covered my tanks with a bunch of warm blankets and lit up some candles to keep the room warm. We have electric heat, so that's a big problem...
  13. jemshores

    what is the likly hood of a waterspill disaster?

    Anything is possible...but taking the precautions on your equipment is #1, which you have already thought out. However, I did the same and our 60 has sprung 2 leaks from the seams. Yes, it is a used tank, and I was home once when it happened and once just walking in the door when it started. We...
  14. jemshores

    6AM leaving for the Super Bowl!!

    Just wanted to share some of this Steeler's fans enthusiasim!! Icing the beer and on R way!!This is R 1st Super Bowl, so wish us luck. (hope we find our way home!)
  15. jemshores

    Bud Light anyone??

    Originally Posted by ruaround BL commercial funny... i would imagine the troy commercial ends with him proclaiming his love for joe buck and they make out... which is another too conterversial commercial for TV... see it on youtube soon!!! Who is Joe Buck
  16. jemshores

    Bud Light anyone?? Also check out the old Mean Joe Green Coke commercial and then the new one with Troy (cept they don't show the ending)! Which brings me to the next do U think the ending will play out??
  17. jemshores

    Cardinals Vs. Steelers...

    Might be going out on a limb here but must ask....if you all know someone-that knows someone, etc. that has tix to the Super Bowl (2), PLEASE PM me...I am not comfortable buying off most of these ticket sales sites (*bay), I know there will be alot of scamming going on. I live 1 hour north of...
  18. jemshores

    What's For Din-Din?

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr WELL EXCUUUUUUSSSSSEEEEE MEEEEEEE? Like an episode of EMERAL LIVE... Im having a Bologna Sandwich (BOARS HEAD) with swiss and some homemade nachos... AND I love it.. Boar's Head "jumbo" is the BEST!!!! Lo-sodium LOL ... tonite, before the big game tomorrow...
  19. jemshores

    pick suberbowl teams and who wins

    Originally Posted by ERock412 Steelers all the way! These teams can't step to the steel curtain!!! How bout a Pennsylvania Super Bowl? Watch out Tampa, here we come! (coming from a born and bred Steeler fan) Also, the last time the Gators won the BCS (2006) my Black & Gold won the Super...
  20. jemshores T-Shirt

    Originally Posted by camfish A long long time ago I started a t-shirt thread in the Ask section. We have pending approval now, so we need some designs. Here's what we've learned, the t-shirt should'nt have an actual picture on it because too many colors will make it really...