Search results

  1. cpbirds407

    Fluval Edge???

    Hi There, I am looking at the six gallon fluval edge tank. I would like to put a goby and a shrimp in it OR do it freshwater and put a pair of Rams. I am just not too sure about how hard it is to clean, make water changes, etc. It looks very cool and sophisticated. I think that is why I would...
  2. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    Sorry guys! I was moving and I didnt have internet!!!!!!!!!! I dont have pictures of the grown ups but I will post them soon. Sorry for such a delay!
  3. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    ok. the little guys are definatelly growing! They are 17 days old!!! the sad part is that today, I lost one. I don't know why but it's dead. Everyone else looks ok. So, I will let you know what happens next. Goodnight everyone.
  4. cpbirds407

    ClownFish Breeding

    Congrats! Man, there's a lot to cover in raising these little guys! Sooo much that I couldn't even say it all in one post. However, theres a book called clownfishes by Joyce D. wilkerson. I'm kinda new in this breeding thing and I have to tell you that this book has absolutelly helped me in...
  5. cpbirds407

    Which Nano Tank Is Best?

    BIO CUBE!!!!!! They are the coolest! I have an 8 gal, 14 gal and a 29 gal. (I should of said, all sizes!!! 29 by far, favorite!
  6. cpbirds407

    More eclipse 12 questions

    You are a very smart person. Figure things now and do it right! First of all, as much as I like aqua clears, I don't reccomend this change. Eclipses are a nice DECORATIVE systems that are suitable for freshwater aquariums. However, you can keep some saltwater fish without a problem. When it...
  7. cpbirds407

    3 different ocellaris in 1 giant gbta?

    I second clintjj
  8. cpbirds407

    2 maroons?

    Yeap! I did the same exact thing that you did about three months aga and both of my goldstripe maroons have been ok. So I believe that you'll be ok. About five months gao I tried to introduce a smaller one with the current larger one I had and the small one ended up dead within hours! So, I...
  9. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    Thanks! I think if I let them, they will breed every month. However, I have separated the male and the female to condition them in order to successfully breed them again.
  10. cpbirds407

    mushroom issue

    I have an umbrella and it only keeps me dry. that's all! LOL Seriously, I do have one and It has never done that.
  11. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    lol. Thanks guys for all your support! I couldn't have done it without you guys help! Believe me on this! I mean it! The babies will be ready in about three to five months I'm assuming. I will keep you updated and I will let you know. Again, Thanks for all your help! Charlie.
  12. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    I Love MY Honey Bunchie!
  13. cpbirds407

    elephant ear mushroom pic

  14. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    Originally Posted by cpbirds407 So far I lost one and it was in the trascision (wrong spelling :) of coming out of the egg. The male dropped the egg and I guess it didn't hatch. But other than that, I haven't lost any more. I just counted today and I have exactly 46 babies!!!! I'm buying a...
  15. cpbirds407

    clam capability

    Originally Posted by teen nitrates really should be at zero for sps. they wont tolerate any nitrates IME. clams should be fine anywhere in the tank. Well... for thew most part. It also depends on the type of clam.
  16. cpbirds407

    Breeding Bangaii Cardinals

    Thanks Mcbdz
  17. cpbirds407

    clown ID

    Originally Posted by jonthefishguy 100% no doubt without hesitation absolutaley for sure cant make me change my mind I know what I know and it is a giraffe.... hahaha just kidding its a ocellaris LOL!!!!! TOO much! That made my day!
  18. cpbirds407

    Anemone question

    w/o a pic is difficult. However, if I had to guess, that sounds to me like the color of it.
  19. cpbirds407

    my new clown, occeleris?

    I would say, misbar ocellaris or false percula. (Different names, same fish)
  20. cpbirds407

    Clown Trying to host new Frogspawn

    I had a clown that killed my frogspawn because of it! So, please be careful. if it continues for a couple of days, remove the clown or the coral. That's just my advise and opinion.