Search results

  1. cyn

    Strange Hitch-hiker needs id ...

    Klee, do a search, they are fairly interesting critters. And they are an indangered species too. cyn
  2. cyn

    Strange Hitch-hiker needs id ...

    It looks alot like the other post, I would venture to guess that it is an American glass eel. They do feed almost exclusivly on crustacians too. Good luck! cyn
  3. cyn

    Need Help

    My first guess would be that they fought and the emerald lost. I doubt that the trates had a role in your current loss. Not knowing what else is in the tank, I would say that you definatly need to get the trates down before you do loose something due to the elevated level. How much do you...
  4. cyn

    Maybe Nothin,But Concerned

    You don't sound stupid. A stupid person would not ask questions. What are your water tests reading? Where in the tank are the polyps? (High, medium or low) Were the polyps open when you bought them? These answers will help. I will keep an eye out for your reply. cyn
  5. cyn

    Well, I'm back...

    Glad your back Predator! You were missed. Looking forward to seeing the tank too! cyn
  6. cyn

    Macro alge in the show tank?

    DAB, I am not sure of the names of the algae I put in the tank. I only moved a little out of the bac pack into the main tank to see how it goes. I am currently trying to ID the varieties that the LFS gave me, and I will post pictures of them soon so you all can help! Thanks for all of the...
  7. cyn

    Macro alge in the show tank?

    I will let you know how it goes. Right now, I like it. Only time will tell. cyn
  8. cyn

    bubble things

    Are they air bubbles for sure? I was thinking that some of the small sponges look like bubbles in the beginning, and pods will too. If you stare at them, do they move at all? If so, they could be pods. Just a thought... cyn
  9. cyn

    Macro alge in the show tank?

    Thanks Kelly, I did put the some of the alge in the main tank today. The tangs are very pleased. The red alge has been eaten to the stems in less than 10 hours. The others are doing well. I will keep an eye out for the growth and prune as necessary. I am hoping to set up a refigum in the...
  10. cyn

    New, Need Help!!

    Why not try here? I know that sells ro units, and their prices are very competitive. Look in the dry goods section, there are several to choose from. cyn
  11. cyn

    Clam Filter ?

    WOW! What a nice setup! I have no experience with the clam filter, but it sounds like in theory it should work. Keep us posted! cyn
  12. cyn

    Macro alge in the show tank?

    Thanks Sammy et al, I picked some up at the LFS yesterday but was hesitating putting it in my tank. I put it in the return side of my backpac for the time being. I will be adding it to the tank tonight. My yellow tang went nuts when I put the stuff in the return :) . I guess he knew it was...
  13. cyn

    your worst mess up on a reef tank

    The worst thing I ever did was left home for a week. I left my now ex boyfriend pet sitting/tank sitting. I came home and found only one of my 5 banghaii cardinals still in the tank and one very large green brittle star. To make a long sad story short, my ex decided that he did not need to...
  14. cyn

    Macro alge in the show tank?

    I have seen alot of pictures posted and have never seen a tank with macro alge. Any particular reason why? Just sorta dawned on me while I was at a LFS today. They have several types of Macro in some of their tanks and it looks nice. It has me wondering if there is a reason not to put it in...
  15. cyn

    seaclone skimmer

    Jacob, I found the missing piece and the box if you want them. I am glad it is working for you. I hated the darn thing. I never could get rid of the bubbles. Good luck to you all. I honestly wish you the best with the seaclone. I would not buy another, no matter how inexpensive they get. cyn
  16. cyn

    Updated pic of tank

    Very nice tank! Any more pics? I love seeing what everyone else is doing! cyn
  17. cyn

    Proper depth of LS

    Another DSB testimonial.. I changed from CC to a 4" DSB after my tank had already cycled. I was showing a trace of Phos. and was having trouble with my pH prior to the switch. Now I have a very stable pH and no detectable Phos. My tank looks overall much better and I love not having to siphon...
  18. cyn

    some help for a beginner please.......

    Phosphate sponge is an additive you use similar to the way that folks use charcoal. I have never used it, but I know most LFS carry it and have read rave reviews here about it. My phos. is undetectable and was only once even slightly positive, below the color level of the test kit. HTH, cyn
  19. cyn

    food for the fish

    No, I do not think you have been mislead. I just think we are all looking for the saltwater utopia store!! I have posted my favorite before, but other stores are supposed to be as good or better. I know that for eye appeal, Aquarium world is the place to go look. They are the ones with the...
  20. cyn

    some help for a beginner please.......

    Ok, I am not too experienced with all of this either, but I will try to help. First, what are your water paremeters? Need to know pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, Specific gravity, and Phosphate for starters. In your reading, I am sure that you have read that Phosphate fuels alge. That would...