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  1. cyn

    water changes in a reef tank?(reefkeepers only plz)

    I do 10% every 2 weeks. Always have, probally always will. My tank is thriving and I have very few problems. cyn
  2. cyn

    Where can I buy calpura?

    One of the LFS here in Houston gave me a bag of mixed calpura. They have it growing in alot of their tanks. I put a little in the show tank and the rest in the return side of my backpac. (No refugium yet) cyn
  3. cyn

    happy birthday mr salty

    Ditto! Have a happy one! cyn
  4. cyn

    wonky water

    I agree with the others here. When I made the change to sand from CC, I had the sand storm from He.... Give it some time to settle. If you have powerheads for circulation, check to make sure that they are not aimed at the sand. With some time and patience, the sand will settle and the...
  5. cyn

    everyone post a pic on this topic

    Ok, here is mine. Thanks for the chance to show it off! cyn
  6. cyn

    Killer Coral Banded Shrimp

    My CBS does not bother anything either. I have Pmints and they are fine. I think that CBS are a 50/50 shot, either they work or dont. cyn
  7. cyn

    Dead Coral

    Oh, and I feed all of my corals, some direct others I let filter feed. I use DT's, Marine snow, Golden Pearls and brine soaked in Zoe. Stumped, cyn
  8. cyn

    Dead Coral

    I did dip it when I got it home. I have decided today that it is gone too. I guess I will wait a while before I try another elegance. This one was not opening at the LFS, but opened nicely the day after I put it in the tank. I placed it in the tank under acintic only for an hour, shut down...
  9. cyn

    Right Place at the Right Time ?

    You have me wondering which LFS got that much rock? Especially that much nice rock! I agree with monitering things, but if the rock smelled fresh, you should be ok. You will always get some die off, the rock has been exposed to air more than once. Good luck! Let us know how it goes. cyn
  10. cyn

    The number keeps going down, help!

    I also agree with checking for copper. Was this a used tank? If so, you may have copper from the previous user. Also, check your makeup water. Not only for copper, but to be sure it closley matches your tank water including temperature. Another idea, has anyone sprayed anything near the...
  11. cyn

    Dead Coral

    I think I lost mine too. :( Most will say to remove the skeleton before the decaying coral fouls the water. I am debating on doing this right now. I can still see the mouths on my specimin, so I am still hesitant to admit that it is gone. I am wondering how I know for sure that it is...
  12. cyn

    fanally found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Glad you were finally able to ID the critter! You should post it in the thread about hitchhiker ID, for future reference! cyn
  13. cyn

    Advice on personable fish...

    The midas blennie is really cool, It was my first fish and still my favorite. Another interesting fish is the Diamond goby, but if you decide on one of these make sure your rock is on the bottom glass and stable as they dig alot. Fish include: Hippo tang, yellow tang, Maroon Yellow strip clown...
  14. cyn

    Half Done Conversion

    As usual, Mr. Salty is right on. Even if you add live sand, I would do the old substrate in pantyhose scattered over the new stuff. This is exactly what I did and my tank did not re cycle. I changed out 1/3 of the cc at a time and put some each time in pantyhose on top of the sand. It works...
  15. cyn

    What is this?

    I would guess that it is either a sea slug or a young snail. If it is hard on top, then the snail. If not, a sea slug. It could be a nudibranch, but I would have to see the other side to tell. Most nudibranches are patterned and or colorful, but some are drab. You could do a search on...
  16. cyn

    cant get damsels out

    For the record, my lyre tailed yellow damsel is a Pain in the A$$! It steals food from the corals, harrasses the clowns and in general just can not leave anything alone. I also have 2 blue damsels and they are no where near as agressive and aggrivating as the yellow. If I could find someone...
  17. cyn


    My elegance has started doing the same thing... Hmmm.. I am going to move it lower in the tank and see how it goes. This is my second attempt at keeping one. The first was destroyed by a bi-color angel. This one opened the first couple of days and now only partially opens. I guess we will...
  18. cyn

    Updated pics on website.

    Wow! I love the Blasto! I got one last week, but the color of your is wonderful. I hope my little guy gets that big and healthy! cyn
  19. cyn

    Finished My site.. check it out please..

    Very nice tank! Thanks for posting it. cyn
  20. cyn

    Please go see my new pics!!!!

    Sweet tank! Only 1040$, that is a deal and a half! I too am glad to see you back. cyn