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  1. cyn

    What to do on a 10 day vacation?

    Great advice you all! I am going away for 4 days and was getting ready to post the same question. I love the idea of the bags labled with the days to feed! Thanks so much! cyn
  2. cyn

    JBJ Lighting Experience?

    I have had my JBJ lights for about 5 months. I love them and so do my corals. The only problem I have ever had was one of the fans started hanging up, but a good vaccuming cured that. I know that in this area, the lights are backed strongly by the stores that sell them and if you have any...
  3. cyn

    food for the fish

    Hey Kenner is not that far either. How do the stores mentioned there compare to the stores here in Houston? Would it be worth the trip to check them out? Also, if you are going to be in the area, I would love to have you critique my setup and offer advice. cyn
  4. cyn

    Algae question

    If the alge is dirty brown it is likely diatoms. If it is rusty red, almost maroon, it could be coraline. When you touch it is is slimy? If this is the case, it could be cynobacteria. Keep a powerhead on it and see what happens. cyn
  5. cyn

    controling algea

    Also keep an eye on Phosphates. Alge feeds on the stuff. If you keep your Phos. undetectable the alge will not do very well. cyn
  6. cyn

    ID please....

    Looks like clove polyps to me. cyn
  7. cyn

    Ideas please

    I have one brain, but it is about half way up. I am not sure of my lighting for putting them on the bottom. I guess I can try and see. That is a very nice coral you posted. I will look into the corals you mention too. Thanks for the input NM, I trust your advice tremendously! cyn
  8. cyn

    Marine Snow

    Thanks for the input. As I said, I was looking for DT's when I found the Marine snow. I will be going back to Houston on Tuesday to find DT's now. I have been using the 'snow' for about a week and see no change in anything. I guess I should have posted here before I spent the $$. Live and...
  9. cyn

    Ideas please

    It is a 55 gal. The corals I have are listed in the topic 4x55w. I know I want to try another elegance, my first was destroyed by a bi-color angel. I also want a colt or 2. Besides that, I am at a loss. Thanks, cyn
  10. cyn

    Ideas please

    Lights: 220w PC's Ca: I keep it at 450 by driping Kalk at night. Thanks cyn
  11. cyn


    Hi back to you! And I was hoping for some info on Eels!!! LOL. cyn
  12. cyn

    Marine Snow

    Who has used Marine snow and how did you all like it? I got a bottle when I was looking for DT's and am wondering what everyone thinks of the stuff. cyn
  13. cyn

    Dust on Live Rock

    I get the same thing, partially from my diamond goby who is always moving the substrate. I use the turkey baster like NM does and it works great. Good Luck! cyn
  14. cyn

    my order

    Did you call them to find out why they shipped it ground? I would have been on the phone pronto! Give them a chance to make it right first before you give up on them, I have never heard of anyone having this happen. Cyn
  15. cyn

    Ideas please

    I am looking for ideas on corals to put towards the bottom of my tank. The rock is nicely stocked now but the lower 1/3 looks sorta barren. Any suggestions? cyn
  16. cyn


    Ohh.. I want one of those. Let me know how it does! I will be watching for updates! :) cyn
  17. cyn

    Food for Yellow Tang?

    I have a yellow tank that eats flakes, seaweed selects and brine too. It is doing great. I would tend to agree with the posts that stress variety and alot of greens. My tank has cleared all of the micro and macro alge out of my tank in less than 2 months. HTH, cyn
  18. cyn

    Clown Question

    I have a true perc and a yellow stripe maroon. When I added the yellow stripe, all *@(( broke out, but now they agree to disagree and things are better. Except when the perc goes near my bubble coral, then the war is back on! cyn
  19. cyn

    Cycle Help Please

    If you are trying to cycle the tank, then stop the water changes. This will only prolong the process. I agree that it sounds like the rock was not cured, but that is history now. Maintain good water flow and dont skim for now. In time the ammonia will go down and the trates and trites will...
  20. cyn

    Wanting Coraline on Tank Glass.

    I agree with pointing the ph's at the well established coraline. This is what I have done and I am starting to get some on the glass. I have it growing on my ph's and heater now too. I dose Kalk regularly and that's it. Good luck! cyn