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  1. buzzword

    PH too high

    Thanks for the replies Bang and Coral keeper. Gonna do a 25g water change today anyway. Holding the kalk for a while.
  2. buzzword

    PH too high

    Ok Ithink Killler. But my Ph is too high not low. will the buffer bring it down or raise it more?
  3. buzzword

    PH too high

    My Ph is 8.51! How can I get it down? Any other ways then doing a water change? I could have new water by tomorrow. Any thoughts. probably dripping too much kalk got it that high.
  4. buzzword

    Pistol Shrimp

    Pistol shrimp are great, one of our favorite inhabitants. My plan was to get the tiger pistol to pair with my Randalls goby b/c after a month the Bullseye has no interest in pairing with my goby. The thing with pistol shrimp is they DIG! My guy has an elaborate cave system and I am glad that I...
  5. buzzword

    Pistol Shrimp

    well the answer to my question is NO. Put in a Tiger pistol and had brawl session going on. Bullseye pistol dogged him everywhere he went in the tank. Finally got him out and returned him. Bullseye pistols don't pair with gobies and don't tolerate other pistols in their domain!
  6. buzzword

    Pistol Shrimp

    I have a Bullseye pistol that I love. I have a Randalls goby but the two have not hooked up and have read that Bullseyes won't pair with shrimp gobies. Question is is can I get another pistol and would the pistols be ok together in a 120g? Any thoughts?
  7. buzzword

    CPR backpak help

    Thanks for all the suggestions, I will put them to use in the AM. And I looked and it is a Maxijet pump.
  8. buzzword

    CPR backpak help

    My wifes CPR backpak RR has worked well for about 4 months, now the last month or two I can not get it to make enough bubbles and or not have the water level high enough for the skim to form. What can I do to make it work again? I have taken it apart twice and it will work for a week or two...
  9. buzzword

    Weekend photo feature:

    Not very good pics but.... My newest member to the tribe, love the purple tangs. Also love my Copperband, was skeptical about getting one but now is one of my favorite fMy Red Sea Mimic Blenny, always perched somewhere mostly on my monti caps.
  10. buzzword

    post pix please

    120g w/ 30g sump/fuge 2x250w 14K MH and 4x65w Pc's 150+lbs LR 95lbs sand Custom canopy with oak stand. Skimmer, UV, and just got my Aqua Medic calcium reactor going to install it after the carpet is laid. Predominatly SPS, 4 clams, ricordia, lots of zoos, just added a nice blasto and acan lord...
  11. buzzword

    pics of your favorite coral!

    Hey Jakebtc I got that last frag of acan echinata from him. He gave me what he had left inch and a half by 3 inch piece and I love it! The green is just now showing on the growth edges.
  12. buzzword

    New Addition!!

    NM's is a Pinkspotted Shrimp goby.
  13. buzzword

    copperbanded butterfly??

    I have 4 clams and he has not touched any of them.
  14. buzzword

    Let's do WRASSE'S

    Radiant Wrasse
  15. buzzword

    copperbanded butterfly??

    I have a 120g.
  16. buzzword


    Madswife, the ONLY place I will buy fish is from Premier Fish & Reef! They quarantine all of their fish for a minimum of 3 weeks. I have paid for fish when they come in and they will hold them for a few weeks for you and get them eating and make sure they are healthy. Just look at the other...
  17. buzzword


    Here is a better picture of him. peter1215, my lfs held him for 4 weeks for me. So he was quarantined there. Eats like a pig.
  18. buzzword


    NM I aquired your Purple's brother yesterday. He is just a bit smaller than yours. I didn't pay anything for mine either, used credit from trades. I love him. No problems with him at all. He hangs with my CBB and my Mimic Lemonpeel tang.
  19. buzzword

    Weekend Photo Feature:

    Here are a few of mine. My camera is not very good so these are the best I could get so far.