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  1. @knight

    Opinions, hows this sound?

    You can get LR and LS online from many websites, including this one! sometimes its cheaper getting it online tan at the LFS I would recommend doing dome research before "diving in"
  2. @knight

    Opinions, hows this sound?

    first you want LS, about 4 inches of it. IMO CC is not a good substrate. In that small of a reef ou are limited as far as bioload. you should limit yourself to 1 fish. You will not want to add corals for a while. You should also get LR instead of the Porous Rock.
  3. @knight

    Raw or Cured LR??

    it will work to cycle the tank just fine.
  4. @knight

    Has anyone used southdown

    Yep, i remember mine took a good week to completely clear. I recall poly-fiber filter pads worked well with removing the small particles. noticed a difference overnight. but a lil patience and it will settle on its own. the small particles will help you in the long run. I would have not...
  5. @knight

    What type of Rock does everyone prefer

    I have marshall island and vanisii in my reef and love them both. very interesting shapes sizes and makes curves and caves easy to make.
  6. @knight

    help! trying to install berlin skimmer

    as long as your air is turned up and the water is circulating and there is air cycloning thru the center tube, you should be allright. How long has the tank been setup, there may not be anything to skim out of the water, or you may need to give the skimmer a little while to go thru the break-in...
  7. @knight

    wanted xmas ls!!

    blueking, sd sand is your best choice, if you vant get it, check out the big online auction, or I think its ok for me to post it, because they only sell sand and SW fish does not sell dry sand. Sharks, please correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. @knight

    reef ******** needed!

    SD sand is 100% aragonite sand and is an excellent substrate for a reef tank.
  9. @knight

    what would you add next??

    coral beuties are nice, and you might consider 86ing the damsels for credit at your LFS. they get agressive as they get larger. plus they ate goldfish to the SW wold, and you could get better fish.
  10. @knight

    can I just add live sand

    if you are going to do it, do it right. although the sand will not really hurt the fish, since you will be moving rockwork around and such, If it were me, I would book my fish into a 3 day stay in a hospital tank. you want to get out as much of the CC as you can. I dont know about "breaking...
  11. @knight

    reef tank safe @ 80 degrees?

    if you do opt for a chiller consider using a dorm refrigerator with pvc tubing wound through it. you can usually pick one up and do it yourself for a lot less than a chiller unit.......just a thought i saw it on a website a while back and thought it was a good idea, a lot better than payinf...
  12. @knight

    Question about Protein Skimmer in a reef tank

    Just remember that you get what you pay for. Red Sea makes goos skimmers. check into a berlin classic or the prism.
  13. @knight

    reef ******** needed!

    those should help, any other questions would best be answered by searching the equip page.
  14. @knight

    reef ******** needed! unterhit=yes unterhit=yes counterhit=yes [...
  15. @knight


    i wouldnt sweat it too much either. a lil trates wont hurt much, I would do a 20% H2O change and keep and eye on it.
  16. @knight

    berlin skimmer

    the odd thing is, the pumps impeller and the replacement look identical, do you know what the problem is with the impeller?
  17. @knight

    What should I get to stir my sand?

    if you have a DSB, get a detrivore kit and steer clear from horsehoe crabs and sand stars. they will eat up the critters in your DSB.
  18. @knight

    A few step by steps PLEASE!!

    also, I agree with salisbury, except I would add the sand before the water to reduce the cloudiness. I feel you will get better results that way.
  19. @knight

    A few step by steps PLEASE!!

    420: if you are going for a DSB, get twice as much sand. my 30gal took 100lbs to get a 4" bed. As for the cycle, you need to introduce bacteria to the tank. I WOULD NOT try to cycle a rotting shrimp without any type of biofiltration. I would get the substrate and rock in and then just feed...
  20. @knight

    I think my live rock is dead!?

    Welcome to the board! Did you put the rock directly into the tank or scrub it? did the rock look like that straight out of the box? If you are unhappy with it, I would recommend contacting them to let them know about it. Please give us a little more info on the history of the rock. I have...