Search results

  1. saltaddict

    Power Sweeper

    If you are refering tlo power heads. I would go witha MAxi Jet I tried the power sweeper but found that after three months and coraline statrted to build up the rotating head would jam. I could not get the thing to work for more than a day or two even after cleaning. Needless to say I use it to...
  2. saltaddict

    Yellow leather?

    I have a leather in my tank now for 2 1/2 years. There are manu times when it will not open for weeks at a time . It seems to do this prior to sheding. Its very normal for them to do this.
  3. saltaddict

    Red Sea salt

    Y=Use it for 3 years never had probelm
  4. saltaddict

    Sps Id?

    Saw this in a LFS all they could tell me was that its aquacultured in BALI anyone know what it is?
  5. saltaddict

    Dual questions

    I definetly sugesta water change don't know if you can salvage them but its worth a try. Just the red Algea alone tells me you have things out of wack or lack water flow.
  6. saltaddict

    Dual questions

    sorry my last post was before I saw the last two fotos. They are defonetly bleached The white spots you are refering to are the small nuby tentacles that the coral has. Did you purchase them when recently? were they this color before?
  7. saltaddict

    Dual questions

    Beckzilla Bleaching can be cause by various stress factors low DHK is a possibility others include excessive lighting, loss of UV reflecting pigmentation caused by an untold number of possible factors, such as lower pH, insufficient iodine or magnesium levels. I would do a water change to see if...
  8. saltaddict

    Dual questions

    Bethzilla the red algea is mostlikely cyanobacteria. DO a search on this site I recall quite a few threads on how to get rid of it. From what I can tell from the pictures the mushroom looked bleached like they have lost all their Zooxanthellae. DOn'tr know why perhaps a better foto would shed...
  9. saltaddict

    Tank pics

    Regaltang2 You should try to resize and make the pictures a little larger . What I do is size them as big as I want hem with the best resolution posible that meets the size limit imposed by this board. That said the tank looks nice . Please post some more close up. BTW I think NM reef might have...
  10. saltaddict

    Is 300 watts of PC enough for,,,

    All should do fine including that leather.
  11. saltaddict

    Tank pics

    google search on Easy Thumbnail . Its free software that will let you resize your pics.
  12. saltaddict

    ? About SPS

    Never mind just found a web site that has exactly what I am looking for. I had search the Web before but never got what I wanted.
  13. saltaddict

    ? About SPS

    I am new to SPS corals reef keeping. I was looking for some advice. I have been keeping corals for the past 6 years but all softies. I have never really wanted to know much about SPS to recently when I was able to upgrade my tank and lights I started to wonder if I too could add SPS. Although I...
  14. saltaddict

    ? About SPS

  15. saltaddict

    ? About SPS

    Is there anywhere or place I can get information regarding SPS corals such as Light intensity, Water flow, Hardiness in relation to other SPS. I understand that they are more delicate than softies but there has to be some information out there to assist a hobbyist who wants to venture into the...
  16. saltaddict

    harlequin shrimp?

    Their diet consist of star fish. It can get very expensive to keep them feed and happy.
  17. saltaddict


    Used Red sea for the past three years I'm very happy with it. Only complaint is it takes time to disolve.
  18. saltaddict

    Any one with T5

    OK I just got my T5 retrofit kit. I have one small question. I have a custome hood which I am going to use to set this up. What would be the ideal height from the water to setup the bulbs? Originally I setup the hood to hold MH so if I plave them on the top as is I would be about 6 to 7 inches...
  19. saltaddict

    shrooms touching?

    All I know is from my expierence I at least three different kinds touching with no problems.
  20. saltaddict

    Xenia In RI or MA

    steve yes it is . I'm in sutton no more than 20 minutes from you. I never got your e-mail are you sure you used the correct e-mail? We have a spam filter at work it could be getting blocked. Just post your e-mail here and I will e-mail you.