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  1. hondo

    bubble coarl??

    Clowns can host with almost anything. the real question is will your bubble coral be iritated by the clown and stop opening. I have two clowns and one hots with a hammer coral and the other with a large section of GSP.
  2. hondo

    Metal Halide Question

    Ballast will need to change. If you go to a HQI bulb then the socket will also need to change. If your going with a standard mogul socket 250w bulb then just the ballast will change.
  3. hondo

    Cooling A Tank?

    Fans blowing across the sump and across the top of the tank will be pretty effective. will it increase water evaporation, yes but then so will the extra heat from the MH. Water and fans are alot cheaper than a chiller, but if $$$ is no object then a chiller is nice to have.
  4. hondo

    Something very strange

    they will lose legs due to stress or lack of food, not just from attack. since it took 3 weeks for it to start losing legs I would rule out an acclimation problem. That leaves stress from water quality or starvation. I would bet on starvation. How big a fuge, what is in the display, what were...
  5. hondo

    hang on fuge thoughts

    I used the 18" CPR unit for a while on my 50g and it had little to no impact on nitrate control as it's just not big enough. they are great for pod production though. another problem with the CPR units is they don't come with a light so you need to DIY one, and they tend to have an air buildup...
  6. hondo

    Going to War with the Hair heres my strategy what ya think?

    keep in mind that a 0 nitrate reading just means your hair algea is consuming them and producing more hair algea. try testing your top off water. Hair algea is caused by excess nutrients in the water and the only way they get there is by you putting them in there through your top off water, or...
  7. hondo

    sea clone skimmer

    I have a sea clone on my 50g and a CPR on my 37g and I would rate them about equal. CPR skimms a little better but needs constant cleaning (POS Rio PH) and it's a bubble factory. Seaclong doesn't skim quite as much but needs less maintenance. both are cheap and you get what you pay for. I run...
  8. hondo

    DIY halide setup

    Lonestar, I found the Hoffman site and they have a wide range of products but I cannot find anything that matches the cat # you gave me. what type of box (enclosure) is this?
  9. hondo

    DIY halide setup

    Thanks, this is the exact size I am looking for as I have 2 ballasts and will probably add a third at some time.
  10. hondo

    DIY halide setup

    Lonestar, I have the ballasts and I am in need of the enclosure, where did you buy yours? I have been looking around and can't find anything that large. What type of enclosure is it (by name in the store you purchsed it from) and what size is it. Thanks
  11. hondo

    CPR overflow

    you will end up regretting the CPR overflow as it will eventually cause a flood. If you have no choice but to use one make 100% sure you use a PH on it to help remove the air bubbles. If you really do not want a flood some day use a Life reef overflow, you will not regret spending the little...
  12. hondo


    Most likely the shrimp molted and the aptasia caught a piece of the molt. seems like when ever I add a new shrimp to a tank they molt right away, same thing with a major water change seems to get my shrimps to molt also. If the shrimp molted and is also new to the tank you may not see it for a...
  13. hondo

    New MH bulb should I change the hours its on?

    no need to adjust the time the bulb is on due to it's color temp. Leave a 10k on for the same amount of time you have the 6500k on.
  14. hondo


    you need a diverse mix of snails as nassarius are great but only eat meat and won't touch algea. for a 29G I would go with the following: 5 - Nassarius 10-Cerith 10 - Stometella 5 - Trouchas
  15. hondo

    Overflow burping

    Not sure I am following what you are saying as a gurgling "Burb" sound should be eliminated by the durso/stockman. when you still get this sound then you usually need to widen the air hole in the top of the durso/stockman. The only other thing I can think of is to lengthen the PVC so the...
  16. hondo

    VHO's too purple

    Switch one VHO bulb to a 50/50 and leave the other a super actinic.
  17. hondo

    lighting upgrade suggestions?

    220w of PC on a FOWLR is alot of light I don't understand why you want it brighter. Or is it the quality of the light you want to improve? If so then are you running true 03 actinic bulbs or blue 7100. If your running the old blue 7100 bulbs then switch to new 03 actinic bulbs and you will see a...
  18. hondo

    Overflow burping

    do a search for "stockman standpipe" and you'll see numerous threads on various designs. It's simple to make and will make your overflow whisper quiet.
  19. hondo

    detrivore kits

    I've ordered detrivore kits before but not from the vendor in HI. Overall I was pleased with what I have gotten and now have lot's of diverse life in my fuge and display tank. you can get the same items from good quality LR but it doesn't hurt to jumpstart the process with a detrivore kit. $99 +...
  20. hondo

    Penguin 330 problems?

    like the previous post says do not clean the biowheels as you will harm the good bacteria growing on them. they slow down naturally but still function well. the unit itself may need cleaning though and you should pull it out and clean it and the impellar which may have gunk around it restricting...