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  1. guinness

    My Weird tank...

    what size is it? can't wait to see more!
  2. guinness

    New with questions

    good luck casper. i started out with fish only in a 90 with stock lights that came with the tank. i had a sump and skimmer. over the past 4 years i invested money to buy better equip. i turned the sump in to a fuge and got better lights and skimmer. with those upgrades i moved over to coral...
  3. guinness

    rodi waste

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 That's what I plan to do too; I still haven't hooked up my RO system. I know this is a hot topic right now; but I don't think water is ever really wasted, it always finds its way back into the water cycle somewhere. Paying for water going down the drain is a...
  4. guinness

    For Sale in Pittsburgh

    if you part. i am interested in the heater, koralia 2 and mag 9.5.
  5. guinness

    rodi waste

    has anyone tried to recycle their rodi waste water and have the filter run throught it again? i always feel like it is such as waste every time i make water. i thought maybe if you could put in a large trash can and run a pump back to you input that might work. any ideas?
  6. guinness

    90 gallon progress after 15 months

    i thought about a clam but my hermit crabs killed a cleaner clam i stuck in the display tank. anyone have that issue? teen - the lighting is just the camera, the first pic was also taken at night and the second was taken during the day. thanks for everyones suggestions
  7. guinness

    90 gallon progress after 15 months

    2 150 w mh and 2 130 w actinic. i have a hitchhiker ric but it is brownish...not the color i was going for.
  8. guinness

    90 gallon progress after 15 months

    i was looking to add more color. i was thinking about a bunch of brightly colored zoos. if you have any ideas throw them in.
  9. guinness

    Newbie with a Question

    i would definately get a rodi unit. it has really helped me. stay away from e b * y. mine is an air water ice brand, it was not that expensive either.
  10. guinness

    240 Gallon RR Tank For Sale in PA

    sorry to see you go. thanks for the advice over time.
  11. guinness

    emerald crabs and coral

    what can you supplement to feed them if the start to harass the corals?
  12. guinness

    90 gallon progress after 15 months

    here is my progress after 15 months. any suggestions or comments would be great. if anyone wants xenia or colt pm me.
  13. guinness

    What did you pay for Xenia

    i bought mine off but i have sold alot to the local fish store for credit and traded with a few friends.
  14. guinness

    Do you name your fish? tends to be a death sentance
  15. guinness

    Lights for 90 gallon Reef

    i have the outer orbit set up. i like it a lot. i have some acro. i have not tried a clam though. i would give it two thumbs up.
  16. guinness

    anyone have solar panel?

    i have also thought about this when i move into a new home. even if you don't generate enough to power your whole house you are not taking all the energy from the power company. does anyone know about the upkeep cost on a solar system?
  17. guinness

    looking to buy frags

    i am in pittsburgh and have some xenia and colt frags if you are interested.
  18. guinness

    changing actinic bulbs

    thanks for the info
  19. guinness

    Lighting for a 20gallon Tall.

    i use a coralife 96 watt quad compact light on my ten gallon. i think that it would also work nicely for you. i am running 9.6 watts per gallon. if you are keeping simple things then 4.8 watts per gallon should be fine.
  20. guinness

    changing actinic bulbs

    how often should i change my actinic bulbs? they are on for about 10 hours a day.