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  1. ravennreef

    Price of RO/DI water?

    just go out and buy a RO/DI. It will save you money in the long run. You can get them for cheap off any auction site... has some really good machines as well. I bought one and it was a great investment and should have done it sooner. The shop I work at charges .50 for RODI and...
  2. ravennreef


    From my experience, a puffer and a trigger will go after inverts and nip on corals but should leave a anemone alone. Having said that, I have seen some Niger's do just fine in a reef. Your fish schedule looks fine to me but I am sure that somebody will hop in and confirm it. :thinking:
  3. ravennreef


    probably fine, as long as it's not a reef...
  4. ravennreef

    sand always brown

    Don't put a sand sifting starfish in your tank...They need at least a 100 gallon or else they will starve over time(and eat all the good living things in your sand). Some sand sifting snails would be a good idea or maybe a fighting conch. A Sea Cucumber would also work. Hope this helps
  5. ravennreef

    I need some I cycled??

    I'd say wait another week and do more testing. Patients is definitly part of this hobby and it is better to error on the side of caution.
  6. ravennreef

    Check out my new solar wrasse!

    I really like that fish and one of my favorite shrimp. We have one of those wrasses in my shop and I am thinking about takin him home. And advice from your experiences so far with him.
  7. ravennreef's live rock

    I bought the 45-50# order of live rock from this site and it was great. It came from I recieved it about a month ago and could not be happier. Did have some sponges to scrub off and also some die off but that was to be expected.
  8. ravennreef

    What corals do my lights support?

    You could probably get away with some mushrooms. Feather Dusters also don't need light. As well as sponges. Stay away from most others. If you want to keep corals I would recommend upgrading the hood. I started my saltwater aquarium experience with a eclipse hood and ended up throwing the thing...
  9. ravennreef

    My new tank

    Take the venturi kit off the powerhead. Bubbles are not good for corals and most everything that we put in our tanks. I would also highly recommend getting a protein skimmer. It will do all the aerting you need. You can get one that hangs on the back of your tank. Also, most people with reef...
  10. ravennreef

    please reccomend a reef safe dwarf angel.

    You are taking a chance getting one but a lot of people do and have no problems. I took the chance on a flame and it was a perfect tank mate. I would say if you really want one and are willing to take a risk, go for it. I guess it depend on if you like vegas or not. :thinking:
  11. ravennreef


    I moved from seattle to denver about two months ago. Not sure if this is the right way or if this will work for you but I pack up my live rock and sand and sent them along with the moving van in 5 gallon buckets. I packed up all my live stock and shipped them overnight to a friend that was...
  12. ravennreef

    Refugium Plants ???

    A small bit of chaeto will go a long ways. It grows really fast with the correct lighting and soon you will be having to remove some of it. The others are fine but make sure you keep most of them trimmed. I had the red gracillaria go sexual and it went everywhere(display, protein skimmer).Huge...
  13. ravennreef

    Mandarin Goby

    Depends on some conditions. Do you have a large amount of live rock and sand? Do you have a refugium? They are very hard to feed. Sometimes you might get lucky and they will eat frozen or pellet food. There main source of food is copeopods or live brine shrimp. I have had mine for a while and...
  14. ravennreef

    RO/DI unit is not working right?

    Thanks for the reply. I did find the problem. The RO unit had nothing in it. They shipped it empty. Kinda of funny but not really considering I have used that water.
  15. ravennreef

    RO/DI unit is not working right?

    I have a new RO/DI unit and am having some problems with it. Instead of getting the 4-1 waste to product water ratio, it is pretty much the opposite. The unit is only rated at 20gpd but I can fill up a 20 gallon bucket in one hour. It is the Mighty Mite from airwaterice. The water also smells...
  16. ravennreef

    New 50 Gallon Tank

    I had a breakout of hair algae and high nitrates. It also did not look healthy. When I moved the old sand had a ton of decay in it. Smelled really bad. One of my friends has a reef that is BB and love's it. So I figured I'd give it a try. Bad idea? I was thinking I might put a little sand but...
  17. ravennreef

    New 50 Gallon Tank

    It is probably around 100 pounds. Maybe more. The other's I brought with me from seattle. It's not all the way to the brim....I guess I'll have to watch it. thanks for the relpy's
  18. ravennreef

    New 50 Gallon Tank

    I just moved from Seattle to Denver and just got my tank set up. I've never posted pics before so hopefully this works. Any advice is more then appreciated. I am thinking of going Bare Bottom instead of using Live Sand. I had Live Sand in Seattle but kinda of thought it did more harm then good...
  19. ravennreef

    Is this equipt. sufficient for my reef??

    That looks like an Aiptasia or glass anemone. They spread like wildfire. You will want to get rid of them. You can search this forum for more info. They can sting your corals. NICE TANK. Also, instead of having one large powerhead it is recomened to get a couple smaller ones for better overall flow.
  20. ravennreef

    11000 HQI Bulb

    I was looking to buy a Metal Halide Pendant on the big auction site. It comes with a 150 watt 11000 HQI Bulb. I was wondering if this is the right bulb for a reef? I can't seem to find any info on it. :thinking: I've been surfing this forum for about 6 months but this is my first post. I thank...