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  1. bmeeder

    Fuge is pieced together..couple of ?s

    well i'm looking on a website and the are selling 21 in a pack. Do i really need thatmany?
  2. bmeeder

    Fuge is pieced together..couple of ?s

    Alright,I pieced together my fuge/sump last night. How long should i let it cure for? I used the GE 3 silicone i think... Also, I want to start it off with sucking my nitrates down to zero, how many inches of sand should I put in it? How man mangroves?
  3. bmeeder

    Recommended Easy Beginner Corals

    mushrooms are incredibly easy. zoes. yellow polyps...favias, button polyps..leathers...all are pretty simple.
  4. bmeeder

    Blue zoes...the spree is over!

    Live in Florida actually...Panama City.
  5. bmeeder

    what to feed sun corals

    Brine shrimp and I fed mine a cube every other day.
  6. bmeeder

    Something other than anemone

    Mine hosted a purple gonipora once. Well the gonipora went back into its skelton and never came back out because the clown wouldn't stop hosting it. 3 anenomes in the tank and it had to destroy my favorite piece
  7. bmeeder

    Who is your tank enemey?

    I have a maroon clown called Clubber (Clubber Lane from Rocky 3!) in my tank and I love him to death. He was the first fish I ever bought and looks incredible in my rose. However, he seriously hates me. Anytime I put my hand in the tank he attacks it. Only mine! My mom occasionally does some...
  8. bmeeder

    anybody know where to buy a pulsing xenia

    The offer is always on the if you ever head this way for summer or spring break you are welcome to a couple stalks.
  9. bmeeder

    Lowering nitrites in QT?

    Buy some sand and rock....
  10. bmeeder

    anybody know where to buy a pulsing xenia was actually going to be free....but dang...six hours is far.
  11. bmeeder

    anybody know where to buy a pulsing xenia

    I live in PC florida which is close to Alabama and my stuff is almost to the point where its growing out of would definately be welcome to it.
  12. bmeeder

    Accidently used amazing goop...

    I used liquid cement. I just stink at DIY stuff so as a precaution i siliconed the seams incase of leakage.
  13. bmeeder

    Accidently used amazing goop...

    I am building an acrylic sump/fuge and after I cemented it together i wanted to silicone the inside just incase of leaks. I accidently used amazing goop, which I believe is not acceptable for the aquarium. I can't break the sump apart because it is seal and would actually require breaking the...
  14. bmeeder

    help phosphates will not drop

    The phosphate sponges have always worked real well for me.
  15. bmeeder

    Blue zoes...the spree is over!

    Originally Posted by oniel21 Interested as well! probablly won't be for awhile because I need to learn how to frag but you and the first person who asked will def. be at the front of the line.
  16. bmeeder

    Blue zoes...the spree is over!

    Originally Posted by jtrzerocool WOW...thoes are beautiful...what kind of lights do you have them under? The seller had them under four 250 watt, 20,000k metal halides
  17. bmeeder

    Blue zoes...the spree is over!

    Originally Posted by maxalmon Nice....The blue's don't like a lot of lighting, more shaded or under a ledge is best. They also seem to preferr vertical placement or rather have the frag sitting up, not flat. I will defintatley set them up with that in mind. Thanks for the tip!
  18. bmeeder

    Blue zoes...the spree is over!

    I was reading to get rid of it get a syrine and some concentrated lemon juice...squart about 3ml into it and it will get rid of it. Originally Posted by Debbie Very nice, I just got a small frag of some green button polyps. This is my very first time with buttons. The LFS whom I deal with got...
  19. bmeeder

    Blue zoes...the spree is over!

    I'd be more htan happy to frag a couple off for you. I just gotta learn how!