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  1. bmeeder

    Chaeoto ok in tank?

    My refugium isn't quite ready. Will be tomorrow night or saturday morning...just waiting for the silicone to cure. I got some chaeto today...would it be ok in my tank for a night or two?
  2. bmeeder

    Blue zoes...the spree is over!

    My coral funds are now drained for a few months but I spent the last of it on these zoes. I won them for $132 shipped...steep but I've wanted these for ever. The blastos and prisim favia came today too! So sweet! As soon as I recieve the zoes and organized everything I'll post some pics of...
  3. bmeeder

    How do I feed my sun coral?

    When I had them, I would use an eye dropper (i think turkey basters are too powerful...from my experience with these). I would thaw out the cubes and then soak up some shrimp water...not the shrimp. Squart the water over the polyps and it should entice him to open up. Gently put a coke bottle...
  4. bmeeder

    6 months of clown abuse.

    Any time I put my hand in my maroon wacks the crap out of it....little punk.
  5. bmeeder

    adding another tang

    If you are going to add another one, I'd go with the naso. From my experience they are peaceful and absolutly gorgeous. Go with the blonde too! A little bit more expensive but IMO alot better looking. Do not go with a powder blue(if you were thinking about)...the powder brown would probably...
  6. bmeeder

    sick frogspawn

    Originally Posted by dallas612 nothing, i even have auto top off so that the salinity stays constant. what would cause the chain reaction to occur? could a fish or invert picking at it start the problem? any info would be appreciated! With my frog spawn, one time I noticed one of my conchs...
  7. bmeeder

    Trying to get my chaeto to grow

    Originally Posted by NOTSONOOB Hmmm.. I wonder if it is starving? What is your nitrate level? I would definatly test all of your parameters. My Cheato is growing like a weed. Basically I have a shop light with a 75 watt full spectrum incandecent bulb and about 5 on my nitrates. Maybe you...
  8. bmeeder

    Two more purchases!

    Seriously...I need to get cut off or I'm going to be poor! I won these on ---- from the same person who I bought the blastos and prism favia from! 15 bucks for the favia!!! 40 for the zoes...over 120 polyps and the bubble rose is included!!!!
  9. bmeeder

    Purchased these today!!!

    PM sent
  10. bmeeder

    Patriots- AFC Champs!

    I hope the packs win. I don't think Eli would hold up under the pressure of a superbowl. I hope the pack wins it all. I don't hate the patriots but geez...just not fair to win four superbowls in seven years
  11. bmeeder

    Sweet deal for $10

    Sick! That is so sweet...and cheap!! I have those except probably double the polyps but i paid 40 I wish my lfs was that cheap
  12. bmeeder

    Can i add a Sixline Wrasse?

    Mine is a 100 gallon and there were problems. Also, I added the wrasse about three months after the gramma, so the gramma was there first. I probably just had a jerk wrasse...he doesn't even eat the bristle worms in my tank which is the reason I bought him.
  13. bmeeder

    Purchased these today!!!

    Sent you a pm with the web adress.
  14. bmeeder

    Purchased these today!!!

    thats actually the sellers tank. I ordered these today. Its a what you see is what you get site. I should have them on tuesday!!! Can't wait!
  15. bmeeder

    Purchased these today!!!

    Originally Posted by breebauer Your blastos are awesome!!! I just bought some the other day, but not nearly as nice as yours! Mine were just acclimated in that pic, and seem to be doing great. By far my favorite in that tank! Maybe someone should start a Blasto thread.... Looks like you got...
  16. bmeeder

    Purchased these today!!!

    I can give you the web address to where i got these from. The person sells some amazing corals.
  17. bmeeder

    Can i add a Sixline Wrasse?

    Crazy...I have a six line too and he was fine to everything in my tank but the royal gramma. Any time the gramma would come out of hiding the wrasse would chase him around. Eventually he caught him as I found the gramma body stuck in my overflow one day:(
  18. bmeeder

    New TANG

    Thats so unique. My LFS had one in his display tank which someone donated and it looked exactly the same as Wobbles. A blue regal whipped him up pretty bad. His top fin was a little longer so he looked like a yellow unicorn tang.
  19. bmeeder

    Post pics of your animals/pets!!

    My beagle (Buster) and unknown breed (Blitz).