Search results

  1. liz50138

    heinachus butterfly

  2. liz50138

    heinachus butterfly

    I was thinking about adding a heinachus butterfly to my tank but wasn't sure how large of a tank i would need. The description said enough room to swim around freely, but did not give an exact amount. I have a 75 gal fowlr that has been set up for about 9 months. Also have a green chromis...
  3. liz50138

    Fish floating on surface

    The bulging eye is sounds like popeye. And the red streaks is blood hemoraghing (sp?) Both are caused by a bacterial infection. Maracyn 2 would be your best bet. I've had to use it 3 times for hemoraghing and it worked for all three. Best of luck Liz
  4. liz50138

    Sea shells

    Just plain old water won't work. I tried that after coming back fro Cancun and my FW tank was cloouuudy beyond belief. So i took them out and a friend told me to use straight bleach and soak them in it for 24 hrs and then rinse them. Haven't had a chance to put them back in yet because i...
  5. liz50138

    info on blue koran or blonde naso tang

    I am very interested in both of these fish for my next upgrade. What's the minimum tank size how hardy are they, what diseases are they prone too? Currently i have a yellow tang, blue hippo and a green chromis, and a horseshoe crab in a 75.( i know i know, thanks lfs:mad: ) Would all these...
  6. liz50138


    Went into the lfs and saw that the berlin skimmers were on sale for $14 instead of hte normal 60 something. Just wondered if they were worth messing with or not. I've also heard good things about the prizms, but they weren't on sale, just the berlins. Does anyone have one, heard anything...
  7. liz50138

    yellow tang

    I've never had problems keeping my yellow tang vibrant, it's kust a few minutes right after you turn your lights on that tehy have a brown spot on them, then it goes away.
  8. liz50138

    yellow tang

    Mine has the same spot. I believe it is his spine, but not totally sure. As for looking different right after turning on the lights, mine always has a yucky brown circle in the middle of his body. Goes away in a few minutes though.
  9. liz50138


    I work at *****, and the one I'm at is great, although I've heard some not so good things about other stores.
  10. liz50138

    New to Saltwater fish!

    If I explained everything you should know about saltwater to get started, I'd have a thick book. But, here are some things to do a search on. And then if you have more specific questions, we can narrow it down. Also, most suggest the consientious marine aquarist, or i know there's a dummy...
  11. liz50138

    best for beginer....?

    Another book I just thought of was saltwater fish for Dummies. I agree with the others, but the biggest you can afford, and you won't regret it. My first saltwater is a 75 gal, and now i wish i would have gone with at least 100. I bought my 29 gal at wal-mart for decently priced, plus it came...
  12. liz50138

    New Tank Owner

    I second on returning the damsels, they can sometimes be aggressive anyways. The fish could have had parasites before you bought them, that's how you would get them into the tank. If this would happen, then you would have to leave the aquarium fishless for a month or more to let all fish born...
  13. liz50138

    False Perc Clown

    What exactly is a false percula clown, and how does it differ from a "true" percula clown? Just wondering.
  14. liz50138

    Just added fish

    Sorry, I meant one inch of fish per 3-5 gallons, and only as a rule of thumb, of course it can vary on which fish (a tang will not do well in a 20 gal) the other inhabitants, ect. Thanks for correcting me, must of been typing two fast.
  15. liz50138

    blonde naso tang

    There's something wrong if you fish doesn't want to eat. Either stress or disease or something of that sort.
  16. liz50138

    cycle question?

    For once your lfs was partially correct. Your do not need to add a shrimp to cycle your tank, but you should not have added the live sand yet. The ammonia spike will kill it. But once the ammonia cycle is completed, the live rock will seed the dead sand and make it live again. As far as...
  17. liz50138

    Just added fish

    First piece of advice - always always always buy the biggest tank you can afford. You won't be able to add any more fish than what you have so far. Rule of thumb is 3-5 gallons of water per fish. Here's what you need to do for a water change (posted by squid) - Aerating the water while mixing...
  18. liz50138

    Hey fellow tankers!

    First of all, you don't need sand AND crushed coral. Eventually the sand will settle on the bottom and the coral on top. Now it is virtually impossible to clean the sand bed. Second you'll need about 55 lbs of live rock, but you don't need to buy it all at the same time. And you don't...
  19. liz50138

    what's wrong with my yellow tang???

    I had the red spots and streaks on my yellow tang also about a week or two ago. It is hemmorraging (sp?) aka internal bleeding. I would, if possible,purchase a quarantine tank. If not, you'll have to do with out. I treated mine with Mardel's Maracyn for saltwater. Within the first day or...
  20. liz50138

    hippo and yellow tang diet?

    I've just been informed that tangs can get HLLE and other diseases more easily if not feed proper nutrion. I feed Tetra Marine flake food twice a day. And also Tetra Color as part of their meal at night to enhance their color. Is their anything else i should be feeding them?