Search results

  1. fish fry

    macro algea

    You might get a bloom of undesirable algae. The macro alage filters the water and removes undesirable things, (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate) If there is no more macro alage this things will pollute the water and possible cause an alage bloom. Also when the alage crashes it releases...
  2. fish fry

    Cucumber, myth or reality?

    I had a tiger tail cuc in my reef for about a month. Conditions were good and stable yet one day there he was with his guts hanging out. I found him when I came home from work and I hadn't seen him that morning. He was probably dead for at least a couple hours. When he died there were no...
  3. fish fry

    How long until SD sand becomes live?

    A would say a minimum of a couple of months. I assume you are going to have LR in the tank. The rock will help add larger critters (pods, worms etc) to the sand. These are extremely beneficial. To get a really good sand bed and to decrease the length of time it takes to become active I would...
  4. fish fry

    I bought some sand for my tank and I think I might have a problem

    As was mentioned just move the sand around with you hand to level it out. It took my sand about 5 days to really clear up. Although I didn't use any filter. Fish Fry
  5. fish fry

    Fish for 12 gal

    I know you said fish, but an invert tank might be cool. Maybe a small shrimp or 2, or possible a crab. HTH Fish Fry
  6. fish fry

    Flame Angel Owners

    An algae clip is basically just a clip that holds algae/lettuce/greens. The have a little suction cup so you can attach it to the side of the tank. This way fish that need greens (like angels and tangs) can graze all day long. Later Fry
  7. fish fry

    One more question about southdown?

    I would just add it on top. Over time the bacteria and critters will from the LS will populate the SD. If you have a pipe or tube you might be able to pour the sand into that to minimize the initial cloudiness you will get. I was careful when I added my sand and yet i still couldn't see more...
  8. fish fry


    Back to the subject of gobies in general. My understanding is that all gobies will sift through the sand and eat pods/critters. Over time this will deplete their population and limit the effectivness of the DSB. As far as where to get critters, send me an email and I'll send you a link...
  9. fish fry

    Shrimp & Crab's together

    Hey everyone, I want to add a shimp or 2 to my new 30 FOWLR tank I have decided on what type yet, possible Coral Banded, Cleaner, or Fire. Will I have any problems if I added a Sallylight foot or some scarlet hermits? Thanks Fish Fry
  10. fish fry

    Suggestions to remove surface film...

    Thanks for the suggestions. Nosmada - The tank is a desktop tank set up in my bedroom, so I'm looking for something as quiet as possible. The last tank I did a couple of years ago went well with a skilter and a light bio-load. When I finally upgraded my system and increased the bio-load I...
  11. fish fry

    Sushi Tank

    Might be worth it's own thread but I'll ask here anyway. Does anyone have expirence growing edible seafood ie clams, musseles, oysters. I love seafood, but am a little paranoid about eating things that could have come from polluted waters. Thoughts Fish Fry
  12. fish fry

    Suggestions to remove surface film...

    Hey everyone, My new 30 has been set up for a week or two and I noticed they way I have the PH set up I am getting a slight film on the surface of the water. I do not have a skimmer on the tank, nor am I planning on adding one. The overflow I have gets its water from a powerhead 1-2 inches...
  13. fish fry

    How much live rock?

    I just put 45pds in my 30. It looks good but it is almost too much. I wanted more open areas, oh well. I also have 4+ inches of sand which takes up a ton of room. In my old 29 I did 50pds and it was perfect. One suggestion if you get it mail order it is cheaper to get it all at once. But...
  14. fish fry

    The Cannot Live Withouts....

    Buckets, & towels. Spare water made up ready to go - just in case murphy shows up. :) Another good "can't live without", that I am living without is a bottomless wallet. :D
  15. fish fry

    5gal. tank..what to do?

    If you look around they sell small PC lights. I think they have a 16 watt bulb, you might even be able to get a (double 32watt) Even if you get 5-6 watts per gallon you wouldn't be able to keep anything that requires a ton of light, but some soft corals should do great. Later Fry
  16. fish fry

    cpr Refugium Setup

    I just hooked mine up last week. I have a couple inches of sand and some rubble in it. My macro alage is coming in the mail tomorrow. You might need to get some type of cover, to put your lights on. I haven't decided if I am going to keep the lights on 24/7. I don't want it to be to bright...
  17. fish fry

    New Tank

    Welcome to the board, I would suggest 2-4 of the following: Clownfish, Blennies, Cardnial Grammas, Firefish or some type of goby. I would suggest looking through the "fishstore" portion of this web page and looking at pictures of fish you like. Also search this board, this topic has come up a...
  18. fish fry

    CPR overflow & AquaFuge Refugium...

    Hey guys, If I remember correctly there seems to be a problem with CPR overflows and a potential to flood. I assume it is beacause they run off a powerhead and the siphon can break. I just purchased a CPR AquaFuge Refugium which also runs off a power head. Am I asking for trouble? Does...
  19. fish fry

    29 gallon tank with 55 lbs of live rock

    Welcome to the board, I would suggest a protien skimmer. They are extremely beneficial. If for some reason you don't want one I would suggest a DSB (deep sand bed) with some marco algae. this will also help to remove organic waste. Any more ?'s just ask Fish Fry
  20. fish fry

    5gal. tank..what to do?

    Hey Tomato Clown, Crab and snails would work. Hermits are easy to keep and tons of fun to watch. Anenomes are REALLY hard to keep alive for more than two years. Where as in the wild they can live approximately 100 yrs. They do not breed in captivity so they are all taken from the wild :(...