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  1. fish fry

    Macro Algae choices

    Big Dave, (I love your signature) I like the idea of using different species. Have you had any problems with any of them? Do they look good? Also what type of lighting are you using on your 29 reef? Thanks Fish Fry
  2. fish fry

    5gal. tank..what to do?

    Hmmm, It could make a nice grow out tank for any newly propogated corals. If it was up to me I would keep either a couple of hermits or maybe a shrimp or two. The tank would be too small for most fish, hence my suggestion toward some type of crab ort shrimp LAter Fish Fry
  3. fish fry

    Macro Algae choices

    What type of algae does everyone keep in their refugiums? I'm looking for something easy to grow, good looking, something that won't go sexual. I've heard razor caulerpa is extremely popular, any other thoughts? Thanks Fih Fry "And just as I mixed the salt and water I realized my friend has my...
  4. fish fry

    AquaFuges Hang-On Refugium

    Hey EBeckels, I too have a 36 inch tank, which I am setting up this week. I am going with the Hang-On Refugium and no skimmer. I got the large sized on (24 inches, it was about $125 MO. It should get it tomorrow.... :D :D I believe that with good DSB/LR/Marco Algae a skimmer is not...
  5. fish fry


    Pufferlover - Now I'm Jealous, I wish my LFS sold them live. I knew of one that sold worms but they are ovre an hour away. Fish Fry
  6. fish fry


    The hatching kit works pretty well. Most of the eggs you can get are already encapsulated...they have the shell removed. If you have a hospital tank set up you can easily use it to hatch and raise them. They get to be a little bit of a pain in the *ss, Hatching them is easy but rasing them is...
  7. fish fry

    starting a 20H gal tank

    Welcome to the board, You can do a 20 gallon salt, however your water parameters can change quicker, so it is important to keep a eye on them. I would set up the tank using a DSB (Deep Sand Bed) this will help act as a biological filter. If you want to seed the tank with the CC I would put it...
  8. fish fry

    is a 30 gal a good size for reef

    I've done a 29 and I'm setting up a 30 this week. As long as you keep an eye on your water paremeters you shouldn't have any problems. Good luck.
  9. fish fry


    to expand on what Maxx said. If you take a jar put a whole or two in the lid and place some food inside they will learn to twist the top off to get the food. fry
  10. fish fry


    If you have a large enough container you can keep them alive for a while. If you want to feed adult brine shrimp it takes a couple weeks for them to fully develop. They live in salt water so that's what I would keep them in. I have actually heard of people storing them in a large containers...
  11. fish fry

    Pick ONE Fish for my 30 Gallon-Semi-Reef

    How bout an Emperor Angel....just kidding. You can't go wrong with a percula clownfish. Colorful, loads of personality. I'm also a big fan of Scooter Blennies - a lot of fun to watch. How reef safe are those flame hawks? Is it true that they will destroy/eat everything in a DSB? And is it...
  12. fish fry

    quick ? doea any one use air stone's?

    The tank is a 30 gallon, no sump. It will have a HOT filter for Macro Algae and of course PH's for circulation. I just wanted to make sure that you don't need to actually break the surface of the water to exchange gases. Thanks Fish Fry
  13. fish fry

    How do you replace evaportated water

    Wally - Have you had any problems adjusting them. I had tried a DIY one a couple years ago it, it worked well until I realized I could put above my sofa and drip beer into my mouth. Don't knock it till you try it. Ironreef - if you have those links I'd appreciated it. Are...
  14. fish fry

    How do you replace evaportated water

    Thanks Ironreef, That is kind of what I figured, although I was wishing someone had an idea. The tank is a small desktop that is located in a bedroom so I want it as quiet as possible, hence no skimmer, no overflow. I'm going to give it a couple months if it doesn't work out I'll add a sump...
  15. fish fry

    How do you replace evaportated water

    Hey guys, I'm wondering on how people replace evaportated water on tanks without sumps. On a previous tank I would just add water throughout the day. I'm looking for a way to keep my conditions a little more stable, but I don't want to invest in a dosing pump if I don't have to. Thanks Fish...
  16. fish fry

    Perc and Long tent plate coral

    Actually the new trend is to keep them with corals, since anemones are so hard to keep alive. I'm not sure how they are with plate corals, although I've never heard of a clown attackng corals. Search and you will find some post suggestion which corals work well as anemones subsititues. Tom
  17. fish fry

    AquaFuges Hang-On Refugium

    How would you go about making one? Also how exactly do they operate. Is it an overflow, pumps or are they on the inside of the tank? Thanks Fish Fry
  18. fish fry

    AquaFuges Hang-On Refugium

    How would you go about making one? Also how exactly do they operate. Is it an overflow, pumps or are they on the inside of the tank? Thanks Fish Fry
  19. fish fry

    quick ? doea any one use air stone's?

    What if there isn't that much surface agitation? PH will operating, but I don't want them aimed up splashing everything, as you might see with some return pumps. Fish Fry
  20. fish fry

    Cups of salt per gallon?

    I was talking about Coral Life. I've got a couple of 50 gallon bags that have no writing on them, and I don't know where the bucket is. How different is Reef Crystals or IO? I can't imagine it being too different Thanks Fish Fry [ November 23, 2001: Message edited by: Fish Fry ]