Search results

  1. fish fry

    How is this fish list for a possible tank

    How would this list be for a FOWLR tank in the 80-110 gallon range. I'm looking for something around 4 feet in lenght and between 18-30 inches high and wide. I'm still in the design stages so feel free to tear my idea to shreds. Any and all suggestions are appreciated. 1-2 Dwarf angels - I...
  2. fish fry

    yellow tang losing color

    Tangs usually need to have some type of vegetable matter in their diet. Have you tried seaweed/macroalgae/lettuce? What are the rest of your water parameters? Most fish can handle higher levels of nitrates then corals, but tangs are noted for needing high quality water conditions. What were...
  3. fish fry

    Quietest overflow options

    Ironreef & Johnny Salt thank you for sending me the links. You guys both actually sent the same link. :-) Quite impresive, I'm so excited I might be able to set up a quiet tank. Now to worry about the pumps? ;-( The designs look easy enough to follow (Knock on wood) Thanks again Tom
  4. fish fry

    how much $

    Zack, I did my assembled my 29 very slowly. Started with rock -30 pds at once and then I would add a couple more pieces every week. Upgraded the the lights after 6 months. After that would add corals every couple of months. Sump came after a year. You can get started for a couple hundred...
  5. fish fry

    Tank pics...looking for suggestions

    I really like how you have the rock layered, the fish must love swimming through it. I also like how the sand forms hills, how do you keep it so white? A little more coralline would be nice but that will come in time. As far as powerhead placement - do you have any low down?
  6. fish fry


    Hey Reefman, Hooking up a sump is fairly easy. You will need sometype of overflow unit (unless your tank is drilled). Water will then flow from the main tank, through the overflow into the sump. From the sump it gets pumped back into the main tank. The overflow handles as much water as the...
  7. fish fry

    Quietest overflow options

    Ironreef, I would love the links. thanks Tom
  8. fish fry

    Quietest overflow options

    Rob I like that idea but if I put the sump under the tank that won't be possible right? Also I meant to post this under the equipment section so if any moderator wants to move....thanks Tom
  9. fish fry

    Quietest overflow options

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for the quietest possible overflow for a new tank. I assume that a drilled tank would be quieter then a overflow box correct? I've used a ball valve to silence my overflow in the past, it help but it was still louder than I would have liked. It is supposed to be a...
  10. fish fry

    are there additives needed for maintaining LR?

    Sorry, I took "maintain the live rock" to mean what does he have to do to keep it lookin the same ie. coralline algae. As far as the bugs and bacteria, just like Ironreef said, they are pretty much self-suficent once the tank is up and running. MR. Salty - You use no additives at all? You get...
  11. fish fry

    Mixing tangs with small fish

    Hey Jeff, Out of curiosity how big was your tank and did you have any other fish in it? Thanks Tom [ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: Fish Fry ]
  12. fish fry

    Mixing tangs with small fish

    When I say foot long, I mean more like keeping an juvenile Naso, or Hippo and not having to worry about upgrading if they get to big. I know in the wild they can get even bigger. I assume lenght is more important to them then swimming room. I'm looking at 72 inch tanks with various heights...
  13. fish fry

    are there additives needed for maintaining LR?

    You'll also want to make sure to keep you alkalinity up. Fish fry
  14. fish fry

    Mixing puffers with small fish

    Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to mix a Long-Spined Porcupinefish with small fish such as Blennies, Jawfish, Grammas, Clownfish, Dwarf Angels. How much room would I need? I was thinking about a 6-foot tank, now I'm thinking possible a four foot tank. I'm worried that the puffer would...
  15. fish fry

    Skimmer or Not?!

    Hey Blu Tang, If you are just going to do FOWLR I would probably skip the skimmer. Just have a DSB and some rock. If you are skipping the rock and sand (why would you do that?) then I would suggest the skimmer. 3 fish in a 15 might be overcrowded, depends on what you are planing to keep...
  16. fish fry

    Mixing tangs with small fish

    Rob, So you actually have 3 in a 135? How big are they? I would love to be able to mix tangs, but I figured that they would need at least 180 gallon tank, well at least for the adults. Thanks
  17. fish fry

    Mixing tangs with small fish

    Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to mix tangs with small fish such as Blennies, Jawfish, Grammas, Clownfish, Dwarf Angels. I'm planning a tank probably at least 72 inches long possible a little more. But I'm worried that with a foot long Tang (such as Achilles, Naso, Hippo etc.) will...
  18. fish fry

    Water Top Off?

    You can acutally buy a little float valve that gets hooked up to a power head. When the water in the sump drops the float valve activates the power head. You would keep the power head in a bucket of fresh water, with tubing running into the sump. Works really well and the float valve is...
  19. fish fry

    Is PVC all the same?

    Some PVC says for coldwater only. I was told by someone at HD and on one of the boards that it doesn't matter. They just don't want you using very hot water through them. If I remember correctly they PVC did have a temperature rating on it that wasn't to be exceeded. Darned if I can remember...
  20. fish fry

    Finally...a fish

    Hey Kevin, A couple things, Feeding enough for 2-3 minutes seems like a lot. Usually when I feed the food is gone in about 30 seconds. You are correct in feeding 2 small meals. Unless I have some slower eaters or bottom feeders, in which case I put a little extra food in and stir it around...