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  1. fish fry

    Cups of salt per gallon?

    Anyone know how many cups of salt you would need to add to make 1 gallon of water? Trying to simplify everything. Thanks Tom
  2. fish fry

    quick ? doea any one use air stone's?

    What about tanks that don't use skimmers. I'm working on a tank filtered by Macro Algae, DSB and LR. I assume I need some type of areration. Although my freshwater planted tanks have no areration, but they have tons of plants producing O2 Thanks Tom
  3. fish fry

    mandarin gobies

    Just to take what's been said one step further and possible clarify a little. The way to have all the pods is to have a large tank running for at least a year before introducing a Mandarin. A refugium and DSB would be very desirable, actually I would almost go so far as to say necessary. Hope...
  4. fish fry

    New Choices for snails

    Hey everyone, In the past I've always used Cerith & Astrea snails for my maintence needs. Now I see some other choices: Nessarius, Bumble Bee, Margarita. Any suggestions as to what works well. Thanks Fish Fry Oh and I don't like Turbo's.
  5. fish fry

    Corals and sensitivity to salinity changes

    Hey guys, Until i set up my large tank I am planning a 20 gallon reef, desk top tank. I am probably not going to use a sump. Therefore no float valve to replace evaporated water. How sensitive are soft corals to changes in salinity? Should i really invest in a dosing pump? In a previous...
  6. fish fry

    Macro algae

    If there is any left I'd be interested. Of course I'll pay shipping. Thanks Fish Fry
  7. fish fry

    Feather Duster---Live rock or Substrate?

    Hey everyone, While we are on the subject, what are some requirments for feather dusters? Anything unsual. Tom
  8. fish fry

    Rubbermaid sumps

    Hey, The double container idea is good. I figure either way I will place my sump in a large rubbermaid container, just in case that guy murphy shows up. Tom
  9. fish fry

    power head placement

    Hey Zachary, It is hard to have too much current, within reason of course. IMHO I would have 3-4 powerheads. Somewhere in the range of 125-175 gallons per hour for the flow. I used to try to place them out of site in the rear corners aimed towards the front center. I would also try to have...
  10. fish fry

    has anyone ever

    Sounds like it would work....there is only one way to be sure... :D Let us know what happens. Tom
  11. fish fry

    Rubbermaid sumps

    Hey guys, I'm looking to make a sump for a 100 gallon tank. I have the plans I want to follow but I'm not sure how to go about building it. I figure a rubbermaid container would be the cheapest method to build one, are they durable, salt water safe? I had one a couple years ago that started to...
  12. fish fry


    Hey Reefman, You set up sounds like it will work well. You might want to add some critters/infuna/detrivores/pods to your 20 gallon. Although you might be some already in your sand. These critters are great for numerous reasons. You will also need to light the tank. Nothing fancy, regular NO...
  13. fish fry

    looking for a new tank

    Hey Car Guy, I just priced a 110 for $1600. Stand, Cap, Drilled etc. But for your prices those prices...hmmm might be worth the drive. How do they look, how much are stands, etc. You can use my email Thanks Tom
  14. fish fry

    Stocking ideas - Hardiness and personality

    Hey Topfish, Yeah I'm leaning towards a Huma Huma, but I was afraid it might not be enough room in the 75-90 gallon range. Is it enough room? Do Lion fish have a cool personality? Fun to watch, interesting? Thanks again
  15. fish fry

    First cycle

    Was the rock uncured? Those #'s seem a high. If you were using cured rock. You could probably use more rock and a deep sand bed. I have no patience either, unfortunately with this hobby you need some. Wait a couple days and check again. Welcome to the board. Fish Fry
  16. fish fry

    Stocking ideas - Hardiness and personality

    Hey guys, I'm in the process of setting up a new tank. I'm undecided if I want to to do community or aggressive. Any suggestion for agressive fish that would do well in either the 70 gallon range or in the 110 gallon range. I'm looking for something easy to keep, with tons of personality...
  17. fish fry

    Picking a tank, what height and width

    Hey guys, I'm looking a new tanks. Something between 4 and 6 feet in length. I'm not sure what height and width to get. Obviously the more swimming room the better. Is 18 inches in depth good enough to build a nice reef, or would 24 inches be better. Same for height. A DSB will take up 4-6...
  18. fish fry

    29G FOWLR Questions

    If you use cheap carbon there is a chance it can leech out phosphates into your water, which can lead to algae blooms. Carbon is usually used with FO tanks. With your tank the skimmer should remove most of the organics junk that the carbon would remove. Later Tom
  19. fish fry

    looking for a new tank

    Check your local classified ad's. You might be able to find something used. You will need a large tank since those angels can get huge. It will probably be very hard to find something for only two hundred. Then remember you'll need money for filters and other equipment. Tom
  20. fish fry

    29G FOWLR Questions

    Are you using tap water or purified water? Either way I wouldn't (and most people don't) use carbon. The only time you might want to use it is if the water is yellow, but your skimmer should prevent that. The clean up crew should be perfect for your tank. Tom