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  1. zipperfish

    Hammer coral algea prob added pic

    i had a hammer do that and it didnt take very long (1 week) before it was past the point of saving so what ever good advice you get dont waste any time
  2. zipperfish

    green star polyps not so starry

    Thanks for the replies, looking in to fixing it.
  3. zipperfish

    How often do you do your water changes?

    I do them weekly at 5 gal per week on a 75 gal
  4. zipperfish

    green star polyps not so starry

    but does that mean that if my ph is 8.3 that everything else will be at the appropiate levels
  5. zipperfish

    green star polyps not so starry

    havent really tested was pretty much told that there was no need
  6. zipperfish

    Deal or not deal?

    I think thats a decent deal if that is the setup you want
  7. zipperfish

    green star polyps not so starry

    what would be the best way to raise the ph if that is the best solution
  8. zipperfish

    Best Cleanup Crew ??? How many do you REEEEAAAALLY need?

    you'll be amazed at how many will survive in your tank. i'm not an expert but in my 75 i started with 25 turbos and 25 blue legs and it wasn't enough.
  9. zipperfish

    green star polyps not so starry

    lighting is 440 VHO and salinity is is 8.0 and trites,trates, and ammonia is 0.
  10. zipperfish

    green star polyps not so starry

    had green star polyps for about a year and they were doing well. then i moved across state and the rock they were on started turning the purple mat they grow on green. then i started losing polyps and now they dont look good at all. i went from a full 4" rock to about 15 scattered polyps and i...
  11. zipperfish

    300 Reef Q

    i had that same problem but in a 75gal. so i positioned a powerhead to blow across the sand and haven't had a problem since. i would suggest alot more snails.
  12. zipperfish

    dinner tonight

    a lady at one of the lfs feeds her fish the real deal. they have a mixed bag of squid, scallops, mussells, and shrimp and its real cheap. she said her fish love it.
  13. zipperfish

    startfish crabs with lion and eel

    i personally recommend it all. i've had that setup before and it worked great.
  14. zipperfish

    yellow tang in a 75

    i had a yellow tang in a 75 for almost a year and it did great.
  15. zipperfish

    About Horseshoe crabs

    i have had no luck with them. they live for about a week and then get caught in the rocks
  16. zipperfish

    LS in a 75 gallon tank?

    i wont't use or recommend anything but live but you're the boss
  17. zipperfish

    Whats Wrong???

    i say ride it out and keep your water quality as best you can and trust me, you will learn from this mistake.
  18. zipperfish

    tangs and tanks

    think bigger and when you get there go another foot or two for good measure
  19. zipperfish

    added fish too early

    I'm just hoping that is a 150lb rock in there. when i started i was told one gilled specimen at a time and wait a month in between.
  20. zipperfish

    all help appreciated...

    you aren't going to hurt anything either way