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  1. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

    really... that sucks. Looks like a venturi canister style then, thats in the 250 range... if i get it though i wont need another for when i switch over to the 40 thats itching to be setup.
  2. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

    I doubt they will get too big, the Blenny is at max size already, 5.5" and the clown in on his way to 4". I do need more liverock, I was thinking about another 10-15 lbs. It has ~10 already. The main rock and side rock above the HH equal 6.6, and the one the shrooms are on is around 3 lbs...
  3. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

    About 2 weeks. He's really active, always hopping around pecking off mysid and brine that are living in the tank, as well as the algae on the powerhead sponge.
  4. blackhavoc

    My 20 Gal Tank Yay!!

    iiiinnnteresting... Where can one buy that stuff? I've been wanting my Star Polyup to sick to my LR, so the bulldozers, err Turbos dont knock it over.
  5. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

    Here you can see my LMB on the right, the clown is using some sort of blurr technique, can't get a decent shot of him... He doesn't have a clue what the Condi anenome is, think he was tank raised, and that explains the anenome crab.
  6. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

    Self explanitory.
  7. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

  8. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

    Shrooms with LOTS of nudibranch, tiny guys though. Still havent identified them yet, they are the purple dots on the shrooms. 3 are circled in red.
  9. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

    Some form of star polyup, and a green Richordea
  10. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

    Anenomennoene crab, after battle with Purple Lobster :-( hope he regens it soon.
  11. blackhavoc

    My 10 Gal update pics

    Wow its been a while since I've posted new pics. I have re-aranged the LR, and gotten a few new corals. Here they are. Pink, and green Hammerhead
  12. blackhavoc

    heres some updated pics fellow nanoers!

    13$ each? YOU SUCK lol j/k. thats a steal! For just run-of-the-mill soft tube worms at my LFS are 15, the coco's are 30+...
  13. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

    Any comments anyone? I usually get a ton of replies on how I can make better use of space etc.
  14. blackhavoc

    Hermit ID

    anyone? I need an ID soon. I want to know if he's going to eat the Frog spawn I'm getting.
  15. blackhavoc

    Hermit ID

    Can't seem to find out his species. He's not eating my corals or shrooms, so he's not a color morph of a hawian strawberry hermit. And I haven't found out exactly what he is yet.
  16. blackhavoc

    Need ID PLease

    yup thats a nudi. Sea Goddess to be exact. check out the seagoddes under the inverts section of the site.
  17. blackhavoc

    End of Cycle ... ?

    Did it could up real bad the first week? Mine got almost solid white for about 10 days, then has been crystal clear since. If your amonia is a 0 and nitrates that low, go ahead. Get a cheap fish though, just to be on the safe side.
  18. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

    Thats it for now. my LFS is moving, Waves in Lake Oswego OR, there moving around the corner, so they haven't ordered ANYTHING in weeks, they are getting very low on stock, but to all the Oregonites all their livestock is 20% off. ALL LIVE STOCK, they have tons of Maxima's lots of misc corals...
  19. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

  20. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update
