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  1. matth2181

    Kaudern's/Banghai cardinal question

    Do these need to be kept in groups or kept singularly, I'm hearing different things, wondering if anyone has some input or owns them? Thanks. Matt
  2. matth2181

    Aggressive three stripe, what should i do?

    i want to, but whats the best way to catch them?!
  3. matth2181

    Aggressive three stripe, what should i do?

    So I have had this three stripe for a few months and it hasnt done anything to my current tank inhabitants (a clown, another damsel, and a royal gramma) its been very skittish and shy actually. but I tried to add a bicolor angel yesterday and the three stripe went after it for a few hours and...
  4. matth2181


    Um its a brownish algae that forms sheets on the glass... not hairy, not slime, a little red as well. its small 30 gallon tank with two power 150 gph power filters on the back. my lighting is a T5HO nova extreme, 4 bulbs, only a few months old. I feed one frozen mysis block a day along with...
  5. matth2181


    Hey everyone, just curious what everyone think about using bio wheels in a reef tank? I have been having some issues with algae growing pretty fast on my glass and one of my powerfilters has a biowheel... not sure how to control it and ive read that biowheels can cause nitrate build up... which...
  6. matth2181

    HLLe on my yellow tang

    hey meowzer.. I got the chemi-pure but there is way to much of it to fill just one filter... it said in the directions to not open the bag and divide the contents... tho this is my only option... is it okay if i just take out the contents and put it in the empty floss pouches to use as the...
  7. matth2181

    HLLe on my yellow tang

    ah your right... hmm ill try switching to chemi pure and adding vitamins... i already have the grouding probe... and water quality is very good, cool thanks for the help!
  8. matth2181

    HLLe on my yellow tang

    they are just the traditional powerfilter one is a penguin 150 then other a top fin designed for 30 gallons... the top fin i can buy empty cartriges for so i could put the chemipure in that one... but the peguin... no such luck... is chemipure in rock form or a sand or what?
  9. matth2181

    HLLe on my yellow tang

    probably not a good idea to just run like empty cartriges just for mechanical filtration is it? cause i dont think i can find cartridges for my filters without carbon but i can take the carbon out...
  10. matth2181

    HLLe on my yellow tang

    okay ill go get some tomorrow... I also see this idea of removing carbon... i mean that is all that is in my HOB filters... in a filter cartridge... any ideas about what to with those?
  11. matth2181

    HLLe on my yellow tang

    VERY temporary, its just a tank i have while im at school I have a much larger tank at my real home that everything will be moved into within the next year! yea im going to make a trip to find vitamin additives... any brand names that are easy to find and good? probably are good for the rest of...
  12. matth2181

    HLLe on my yellow tang

    Yea so its defeinetly HLLE, red around the eyes in what looks like pitts. its a small tang about 1.5 inches across, had him about 2 months. not sure what to do, i feed algae on clip every day along with a block of mysis shrimp (other inhabitants include a clown, royal gramma, yellow belly...
  13. matth2181

    Food Question

    This is dumb but i left a packet of mysis shrimp out, it was one of those packets that has individually wrapped cubes of frozen blocks of shrimp. It was left out over night (12 hours) so i put it back in the freezer. All of the cubes were still sealed, is it still usable or should i just toss...
  14. matth2181

    Hermit Crab life cycle?

    hmm... yea maybe, this a bad thing? i have hermits a cleaner shrimp, clown, royal gramma, sand sifting star fish... any of those eat them?
  15. matth2181

    Hermit Crab life cycle?

    Hey does any one know the hermit crab life cycle? I found a little tunnel in my sand next to the glass, and at the bottom was... something, it was very small and clearly moving some sort of hair like things very rapidly, and i have no idea what it is. i thought maybe my hermit crabs mated and...
  16. matth2181

    The Real Term For "With Caution" (my bicolor angel)

    when you see "with caution" its really on a individual to individual basis... you cant take what one person says and apply it to your fish or other organisms. i had the same issue with wanting to get shrimp but i had a psuedochromis that says, "caution with shrimp" so i asked a few people and...
  17. matth2181

    what is my emrald crab doing

    molting? im not sure not crab expert/keeper, except hermit crabs and they molt all the time.
  18. matth2181

    Cleaner shrimp question?

    yea i gues that makes sence, but i thought they cleaned off dead tissue n stuff as well... oh well, i like him any way! and yes i have had him clean my hand, silly little guy!
  19. matth2181

    Cleaner shrimp question?

    oh um, its the skunk one. and the fish are around 2 inches each, and the shrimp is of the same size, maybe a bit bigger
  20. matth2181

    Cleaner shrimp question?

    hey i got a cleaner shrimp about a week and a half ago... hes doing great, always eatin and movin around n such, i was just wodnering how long it would be before i saw him clean one of my fish, i see him try cause my fish swim near and he moves his antennae toward them... seems like my fish and...