Search results

  1. saltfisher

    2700 gallon shark tank pic trying to post

    Sweet! I'd love to see that.
  2. saltfisher

    Doing a flea bomb with fishtank in home...

    Can you tell me what the best way to do this or another way to try what I might have to do?:notsure:
  3. saltfisher

    Can anyone ID this!!!

    It's Nemo
  4. saltfisher

    Ever been to jail?

    I went to jail for doing 166mph in a 55. Go figure:rolleyes:
  5. saltfisher

    Post size of your tank and fish that are in it

    180G -Yellow Tang -Purple Tang -Scopas Tang -Niger Trigger -Queen Trigger -Assassi Trigger -Picasso Trigger -Bursa Trigger -Asfur Angel -Soldierfish One happy family
  6. saltfisher

    Successful Collecting Trip

    Nice....Get those pics up.
  7. saltfisher

    what do remora's eat

    They eat anything and everything. I saw one so big in a LFS that the owner was feeding it pinky mice. Damn cool fish. Mine was a hog.
  8. saltfisher

    RIP Rick James

    SuperFreak tapped out today....
  9. saltfisher

    Xotic Agressive question...

    Damsels are exotic Nah, get a black or white Tang
  10. saltfisher

    Fish Eating Machine

    You SAVAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:nope:
  11. saltfisher

    Dsl Blows

    3367 Kb-Here
  12. saltfisher

    trigger losing color

    My Queen picks up whatever she can and moves it. She pulled the piece from my sump release and each time I put it back she went and removed it. I finally left it off and called her a few choice names. :rolleyes:
  13. saltfisher

    Dsl Blows

    Cable is better for networking.
  14. saltfisher

    Any VoIP users out there??

    It's working great. We're a fortune 500 company. There is no more cost involved with it. We had to upgrade routers and switches to handle it though. Needs better backbone than the traditional PBX did. The administration is cool with it. It's skills based, which makes it easy for the callcenter.
  15. saltfisher

    Queen trigger question

    You'll be fine..
  16. saltfisher

    Any VoIP users out there??

    I recently purchased a $220K VOIP system from Seimens. What you wanna know?
  17. saltfisher

    Grey Smoothound/ Female Cali ray for sale

    Sorry to hear about the female issues. Sucks you have to get rid of your tanks and stuff. However, you have a pic of your full tank with stand? I may take that drive to MI to get.
  18. saltfisher

    trigger losing color

    My Triggers eat that seaweed stuff too. Two of them love to pull it off the clip and spit all over the tank. Pisses me off.
  19. saltfisher

    Fish Eating Machine

    Nice Eel, but why have other fish in there, if you know it's going to eventually kill them? I removed my fimbriated because it kept attacking my fish.