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  1. jtroutine

    Guess what?

    I wouldnt buy the actual aquarium from wal mart as the glass in my opinion is very thin, but they have a very nice stand though for less then a 100 I think
  2. jtroutine

    This doesnt look good

    Thanks everybody, I will do some mods to it and see how that makes me feel before I tear it down I was looking at it some more and there is quite a big lip my guess 3/4 inch that the sides are sitting on so hopefully i can get her fixed.
  3. jtroutine

    This doesnt look good

    sits on a lip, I am pretty sure, that is the way it is on the top under the tank, I had looked inside the cabinet and that corner is completly in tact so that was a positive!
  4. jtroutine

    This doesnt look good

    now here is my problem, everywhere else is solid
  5. jtroutine

    This doesnt look good

    Here is the pic of the stand
  6. jtroutine

    This doesnt look good

    I dont know if anybody is familliar with this stand, but in any case I have enclosed a pic of it. I have also enclosed a pic of my problem. I bought this stand used. I had it set up for about 3 weks full with water and sand, lr only 3 days it seems sturdy and all in fact you cant even shake...
  7. jtroutine

    Worm id

    good question skier guy, I was going to ask the same thing. No, I know that they are not bristol worms. I know what they look like, I know I have at least one of them. These worms dont have any legs. Maybe they are peanut worms. I tell you what they can move fast. I seen one last night...
  8. jtroutine

    WON Pro titanium heater

    I just did a quick search on these heaters and I everbody loves them. I am not worried I love the thing. Anything can happen with anything
  9. jtroutine

    WON Pro titanium heater

    well this scares me as well, being that is what i use. The directions tell you how to calibtate it. I havent had too! I compared it to a thermometer and it was may be a half degree cooler. Here I was thinking I was buying a cadillac for a heater:mad: If that thing cooks my tank I am going...
  10. jtroutine

    Thank you all

    yeh there is a prison here, but it is stilll boring. I am originally from york, pa and hope to someday live there again this are and there are no comparison Also I wouldnt say nice prison it puts a eary feeling when you go by, kind of looks like the prison in the movie shawshank
  11. jtroutine

    Worm id

    I know I have at least one bristol worm as I had seen him when I was un packing my lr, I decided to keep him. But at night I use my sons little green flashlight to spy on everything that comes out at night, I havent seen anyhing but these tiny worms going in and out of the little holes in the...
  12. jtroutine

    55 up and running...a few questions

    What you are thinking of doing is what I did, I took a 100# of play sand from lowes it is actually silicate sand and added 30# of ls from lfs, right now I have 40# of lr would like to get more. IMO I dont think it is nesacary to get all ls, very expesive! your lr and what live sand you put in...
  13. jtroutine

    Question about LR

    I bought LR from the lfs store, the rock imo looks really nice, but there seems to be a lot of dead hair like stuff on the rock, one piece of my rock doest have any; it has a lot of hair on it but it is purple and looks cool, will the rock go through a growth cycle, meaning will the stuff that...
  14. jtroutine

    Longing for this day

    As much as I would like to add a anome I am not going too, just for the fact that I hear that can live in the wild for a VERY long time and I also know that the sucess rate is low so no I wont attempt it. I am nervouse about adding a fish, so if that tells you anything.
  15. jtroutine

    Thank you all

    boring pontiac, IL 20-25 miles north from Bloomington on I-55
  16. jtroutine

    Thank you all

    Just thought I would say thanks to everybody that helped me out with information. It has really helped out!!!! With out this board I might have gived up because thought there was just too much to learn. Once again thanks!!! Joe
  17. jtroutine

    Longing for this day

    I got it from a lfs around my area. He is very expensive but I was able to talk him down a dollar a pound so I went for it. Can anybody identify this?
  18. jtroutine

    Longing for this day

    feather duster that I found
  19. jtroutine

    Longing for this day

  20. jtroutine

    Longing for this day

    Here are some close up shots of rock