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  1. jtroutine

    Longing for this day

    Got my rock today and sand, tell me what you think. I want to get more rock, have to replenish funds though.
  2. jtroutine

    Guess what?

    yeh that is more costly I am going throught the beginning stages too, but at the same time I am finding myself staring at a tank with just sand and a stupi cocktail shrimp so all the steps are interesting, the only reason why I even put a c.shrimp ion is because I have to wait anothor week or...
  3. jtroutine

    Water looks wierd

    Thanks I had a feeling that I was being to worried. As we all know it is expensive and I have spent many many many hours researching I just want it all to pay off.
  4. jtroutine

    Guess what?

    I second that, every where I go I here that anything smaller then a 55 is even hard for the expierenced!!! the 20 gal wiould be hard to place under a stand of a 55gal but a ten gal works great here is a pic of the dsighn I used, please do not direct credit to me for design it is not mine
  5. jtroutine

    Water looks wierd

    I have just set up my tank a week ago, all that is in it is sand and saltwater and two little shrimpys (cocktail shrimp). I finally got my light today, and I noticed that there appears to be like a film on the water surface, I have plenty of circ.. Also depeding on how you look but you can see...
  6. jtroutine

    Silica Sand

  7. jtroutine

    Silica Sand

    well cool, I do want to order some sive sand to help seed it. Anybody recomend a reasonable amount. Lr will seed it too wont it?
  8. jtroutine

    Edit screen name

    Wanted to know if anyone new how to edit there screen name. I am 24 years old and cant even spell my last name, suppose to be jtroutwine:rolleyes: :D
  9. jtroutine

    Silica Sand

    Okay, here is my issue. I was offline because I moved(finally)and I was also very anxious on getting my tank set up. I have been trying to find a argonite sand or something that would resemble something that I seen in this forum that works good. Did not find any.....anywhere! and I already...
  10. jtroutine

    Sad Day

    Today my Bala shark died! Yes that is fw, but I love my fw fishies too. Anyway I do water changes to the 29g tank which consist of 2 angels a gournimi and use to be two bala, now one. How often I change water I base upon what my nitrate levels are. My amm. and trites are always zero, but this...
  11. jtroutine

    Anyone ever heard of Quickrete?

    I thought that as well but I would be curious to hear reply being that I am in the market for sand as well. I have been told by somemany peple to go the rout of play sand.......but what kind is been the tricky part for me anyway maybe I am making it to complicated on myself:confused:
  12. jtroutine

    Loud music and fish?

    well thanks everybody, I agree, I havent ever noticed any abnormal behavior either.
  13. jtroutine

    Loud music and fish?

    Thanks for taking the time to replie to a goofy question. I very rarely get to play my music loud anyway due to I live in a apartment. Do fish here sounds or do they feel the vibration? Reminds me of a 80's song;)
  14. jtroutine

    Loud music and fish?

    This may be a stupid question, but I was wondering if loud music bothered fish. I dont mean concert loud, I sometimes like to turn up a good tune, just wondering if that would bother my fish being in the same room, doesnt seem like it. I am suprised I actully posted this post:(
  15. jtroutine

    SouthDown, Inc

    well that stinks I thought I found gold I guess its only fools gold:(
  16. jtroutine

    SouthDown, Inc

    well that stinks I thought I found gold I guess its only fools gold:(
  17. jtroutine

    SouthDown, Inc

    I have seen numourous inquirys about southdown playsand. I am interested myself. If your store doesnt sell it, here is there web sight:
  18. jtroutine

    New rock

    where did you get the rock?
  19. jtroutine

    Light choice decision

    I hate to post questions that i could probally find out on my own. But could you all tell me what you think of this light for a 55galfolr with maybe some day a coral or two, till i get a better tank and then will probally go with halides....but for now I want something better then that single...
  20. jtroutine

    My lfs guy said....

    I appreciate all the post, I didnt think he was acurate. But it is re assuring to hear confirmation. A surge tank is VERY difficult to build and maintain. I would love to see some plans he has though. A surge tank is VERY difficult to build and maintain. A surge tank is VERY difficult to...