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  1. thedraven

    Not new, but what is going on with all this algae?

    Originally posted by thedraven What works for one hobbyist, may not work for another. Ive heard of people who buy certain fish to 'erradicate' this or that, and the fish ends up starving. Certain fish will accept certain types of food, certain ones wont. Whos to say? A perfect example is...
  2. thedraven

    Not new, but what is going on with all this algae?

    I wouldnt recommend a blenny for your tank, as I have one and he has never touched hair algae. Thats trying to solve a problem by presenting another. What works for one hobbyist, may not work for another. Instead of ending up with an unwanted or possibly starving fish, look at your water quality...
  3. thedraven


    Hey, good questions.. alot of people dont realize the importance of water movement. In my 72, Im using two maxijet 1200s (295 gph each), one extra maxijet 1200 feeding my Remora Pro skimmer, and two Magnum 350 canister filters (350 gph each). Recommended flow depends on your type of setup...
  4. thedraven

    coral branded shrimp attack?

    Actually I was considering getting both. One fire and two cleaners. Ive heard that fires tend to hide alot though, so I dont count on seeing it much.
  5. thedraven

    Maroon Clown + Other Clown

    Man, Viper and I tend to reply to the same posts. Viper, we need to start hanging out together. lol. Agree with V, not a good idea to mix clowns. When I started off, I followed the advice of my LFS, who said it would be ok to mix clowns in my 75 gal. Apparently, thats the same day I fell off the...
  6. thedraven

    What Can I Do?

    Agree with the general consensus. Not enough room for the larger fish is causing aggression. I just gave away my large (6") foxface lo because he outgrew my 75 gal, I posted on a local club board and somebody picked him up within two hours (he now lives in a 240 gal). Its a win-win situation.
  7. thedraven

    coral branded shrimp attack?

    Indeed, Ive also been considering yanking my cbs from my 75 gal fowlr.. he was fine when I first got him, but has grown fairly large and is now quite aggressive. He used to only harrass fish that wandered too close, but a few nights ago I witnessed him chase my lawnmower blenny across the entire...
  8. thedraven

    Are these water peramiters ok?

    Originally posted by Bang Guy If you're using live rock to cycle then having sacrificial fish in there is redundant. :yes: Couldnt have said it better myself.
  9. thedraven

    Post Shrimp Pictures

    My coral banded shrimp
  10. thedraven

    Is he flipping me off?

    I have read that certain stars (like the blue linkia) do this "arm waving" technique to catch microbes floating in the water. I know my orange linkia did this on occassion, and Im still not completely sure why. There doesnt seem to be as much info on starfish as other marine animals.
  11. thedraven

    brislte or fire worms

    They sell worm traps online, but most people think theyre beneficial as scavengers (they consume detritus).
  12. thedraven

    cured rock = faster cycle?

    Youre learning a hard lesson. Your tank wont be cycled by the time the tang arrives. Always do plenty of research before making livestock decisions. You basically just got a really good deal on a dead fish. Take some time to read about cycling. Then worry about stocking. Good luck.
  13. thedraven

    How much LR?

    Its a matter or personal preference. Amount of live rock will also differ depending on the type (Fiji, Kaelini, Marshall, Tonga, etc). For example, fiji rock is denser than tongan rock. Fiji is probably the most popular type of live rock, and to fill a 75 gal reasonably well, count on buying...
  14. thedraven

    Question about curing LR!

    Doctor, heres a reply I posted to another guy concerning the same subject. Hope it helps. I use a 30 gal rubbermaid container, powerhead, and a heater. To speed the die off you can run the heater a bit high (I usually run it around 84 degrees), pick off any sponges you see (which are already...
  15. thedraven


    Have to agree with these guys. Buying everything new will certainly cost you. If youre determined and search online however, you will find excellent deals that will cut your cost way down. If you can, join a local marine club and ask members if theyre selling any used equipment. You can look at...
  16. thedraven


    If so, I dont think this is the best hobby for him. How about NASCAR? :D
  17. thedraven


    Ive had purple, burgundy, pinkish/orangish, green, and even white coraline (not bleached, but actual growing coraline). Ive heard different colors tend to grow better under different lighting conditions. Supposedly purple grows best under high light, and green under lower to moderate light. The...
  18. thedraven

    in your opinion... could i fit a 6th fish in a 40 gallon?

    Sounds like you have an awesome tank. Personally, I would stop while I was ahead however (even though youre housing smaller species). Dont want to push that bioload too much further. If you listen to certain folks here, theyll tell you one inch of fish per 5 gallons (which gives you 8 inches...
  19. thedraven

    still podless

    I had pods until my fish began devouring them a few months back. After my pod population got nuked, I picked up different kinds of macro from a guy in my local club, and it restarted my pod colony. I also rearranged my rockwork and macro to give the pods shelter and protection from predators. So...
  20. thedraven

    Never gonna believe this . . .

    Blitz, were talking about a Ground Fault Interrupter. You can buy them at most hardware or home improvement stores. They basically just break the circuit before you get zapped. Ive heard stories of people who have had the lighting fall in the open tank and tried to catch it - the gfci saved...