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  1. evilbob22

    How do you cut frags off an anemone to reproduce?

    I only noticed Jargon's reply was new... didn't bother to check the other posts...
  2. evilbob22

    How do you cut frags off an anemone to reproduce?

    lol Jargon's response is basically the opposite of what "the gang" has been saying. Personally, I have no idea how well anenomies frag (nor am I inclined to try it), so I won't add to that part. But... in regard to the over-simplification to fragging corals, I do know that you can cut shrooms...
  3. evilbob22

    Help the Beginner Plz , =) about cycling

    Yep, the generally recommended amount of live rock is 1 - 2 lbs per gallon, so 75 is right in there. I'm sure coming from a freshwater background, you alreay know about giving fish places to hide. (Unless you just kept goldfish or guppies or mollies...) If you buy enough for that, you'll be...
  4. evilbob22

    90g and Stand

    Originally Posted by madmax50 Nice job!!!What size tank?Looks like mine. Ihave a 75 gal. pssst... the title of the post is "90g and Stand" I agree, it looks nice! Too bad about that door in the second picture though... I assume you can't move it somewhere else...
  5. evilbob22

    Base Rock?? And Cycling??

    Ok, ok... we are getting off subject here... You actually may still be fine with your live rock critters, aredmon. As you said, the ones in the middle parts have a decent chance of survival. The rocks weren't totally dried out right? Pods and stuff can't last forever like that, but they can...
  6. evilbob22

    the jessica alba appreciation thread

    No, not THAT meaning.... I mean it's hard to disagree with that pic... Even an old man like Squidd would probably find that hot.
  7. evilbob22

    Security Issues with forums!!!

    Originally Posted by snailheave at least you understand teh lingo "All your base are belong to us"
  8. evilbob22

    the jessica alba appreciation thread

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Angelina also. I just have a hard time arguing with: Originally Posted by snailheave I also get Squidds point... Brittney [hr] is almost young enough to be my daughter... she doesn't do it for me.
  9. evilbob22

    the jessica alba appreciation thread

    Originally Posted by Speg I've heard this girls name before... but I forget why... A little bit of geekiness coming out here... She starred in Dark Angel on FOX 2000 - 2002 (running around in tight black outfits and kicking butt)
  10. evilbob22

    Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!

    Hey! My grandmother sent that one to me in a birthday card when I turned 12 (or around that year).
  11. evilbob22

    can i add fish?

    It hasn't really started yet... the shrimp will puff up around the same time it is releasing the most amonia. That's when it really starts... The amonia goes up, then down, the nitrites go up, then down, then all is well (except that you'll want to do a water change). As far as chromis go, they...
  12. evilbob22

    can i add fish?

    Only if they stay small. The general rule for a 30 would be 6 inches worth of fish max. That can probably be stretched a little if you have good filtration and watch the water quality closely. Part of the problem for you specifically though is that agressive fish eat a lot and produce a lot...
  13. evilbob22

    can i add fish?

    I don't really know the agressive fish very well. Although if I remember correctly, a snowflake eel is a good choice for a smaller tank. Tobies and Dwarf Lions sound good to me too. Try asking in the agressive forum, you'll probably get people that actually know what they are talking about.
  14. evilbob22

    can i add fish?

    Hehe, sorry I "abandoned" you, I'm at work and I'm not supposed to be posting stuff in discussion boards I don't forsee any issues with chopping them up, but I will have to warn you that you are probably looking at 4 weeks more of waiting no matter what... The problem is that you have to...
  15. evilbob22

    can i add fish?

    They'll get really gross and basically dissolve away by themselves. I just noticed something else... how big is your tank? Two dead shrimp and a brine cube may produce enough waste to kill your two existing snails.
  16. evilbob22

    can i add fish?

    Filter: yes Skimmer: could be either way, but probably no Another hint: 1 (or 2) shrimp at the grocery store is cheaper than fish food... people have been known to get them free rather than have 0.01 lbs of shrimp rung up :joy:
  17. evilbob22

    can i add fish?

    You can feed a tank by feeding imaganary fish (sprinkle fish food in there to just rot by itself) or put in a raw peeled shrimp and let it rot. Traditionally people have seeded tanks with damsels, but it is very hard on them, especially their gills, so it should not be done. Not that it is too...
  18. evilbob22

    Wet Dry Sys Vs Refuge

    Take a look at DSkidmore's guide here: It has a lot of answers to your questions, and probably some you haven't thought of yet. Most of it is a distilled version of a LONG (17 page) thread of Snipe helping out Leona with her...
  19. evilbob22


    Before you do that, think about this... Ick is an invert and the stuff they are selling basically says "put it in the tank and it will seek out an destroy only one specific invert". Chances are you would just be throwing your money away on some snake oil.
  20. evilbob22

    Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!

    And I always thought Parrot fish weren't reef safe... Reefman22 - 7 pages is nothing... check out Leona's post in the DIY forum... as of right now, 802 replies, 17 pages long This one may not match it's number of posts, but I'm sure all...