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  1. damndamsel

    R/O from stores " drinking r/o "

    Look on ---- 6 stage ro/di w/ valves under 100 inc shipping.
  2. damndamsel

    The case of the disappering fish....

    2 cents No clue why the fish would be dying but.. I think I could throw a 1# Tbone in my tank when I go to bed and it would be gone by morning heh. But really I have had fish die that were totally consumed just while I was at work with only a damsel in the tank. The amount of critters hiding in...
  3. damndamsel

    Guess the Critter!

    Had one in our 180. Was the biggest star when ppl would look at teh tank(was always out in daytime and night). Was a demon to snail/hermit pop and lord knows what else. Molted 7 times in one year. Was just in cozumel and saw one almost 2 feet tail to head. Think they are called "Spiny Blue Lobster"
  4. damndamsel

    Lighting question's

    Hoping for a bit more details.
  5. damndamsel

    Lighting question's

    I know this is a tired subject but still new to me. Have been running a tank with 2 actinic whites and 2 actinic blues for 3? years now. They are ran on seprate Ice-Caps. Never had any trouble with them. Now the Tim Allen in me spotted a retrofit kit from an online light comp. I know nothing at...
  6. damndamsel


    Thanks for the info:)
  7. damndamsel


    No sand needed? Anything I should put in to "feed" to keep a healthy pod pop going? I will prob stick some mangroves in there even if not needed just because I like that look... any harm from these to a podpop?
  8. damndamsel


    Have plumbed in a rubbermade container for a refugium. Had initially planned on Mangroves (cuz they look neat and difrent). After reading many posts it would seem rufugium inhabitants will change depending on what you want from it. Can't seem to find what inhabitants though. What I want from my...
  9. damndamsel

    Water question

    Hey all, Have a reef tank (our first and only salt so far) 180 gal DSB assorted corals, inverts, and untill recent 2 fish. Went to Cozumel for a week came gome to find our spiny blue Lobster dead. (had friend feed once while we were away plus he had plenty of snails he just loved to eat) We...
  10. damndamsel

    What to do if hurricane hits?

    Depending on length of time you are out ... If its a short period dont get to flustered. You are in Fl so the temp shoild stay up (small baggy of ice on hand to float on the surface of the water will help if gets to hot). You have a 90 gallon tank if the power is out for awhile take your 5...
  11. damndamsel


    No, I really have no clue what to look for. Willing to spend on equipment to get the flow I want just unsure what/where to look.
  12. damndamsel


    Shame there is nothing designed better yet. Who would not pay more to have less maintenance.
  13. damndamsel


    I would like sweeping type power heads. Everything I have read on here says the PowerSweep is junk. Been searching but cant seem to find sweeping PH's in other brands. Not concerned about a sweep it could be rotary etc. Will be putting a few in a 180 gallon reef.
  14. damndamsel

    Grrrrr! Microbubbles!

    Get creative with it. You have it use it. Use it also to run your skimmer (should knock down alot of the flow prob) maybe set up a small fuge to tee some off to. PVC fittings are cheap and easy to work with. P.S. The elbows and lift of teh water to get back to your display is creating head...
  15. damndamsel

    Wiring ???

    Not a great idea. Eventually the harsh salt air will degrade the connection no matter how well you tape it. Once that happens it will start to arc heating up and could catch fire.
  16. damndamsel

    Temperature issues

    Maybe a pump is going bad and over heating? Sounds very hot if the air temp is only 70.
  17. damndamsel

    uv sterilizer vs protein skimmer

    Does a UV take out things you would want in the tank? Like Fuge produced plankton etc?
  18. damndamsel

    filter help

    80 is extreme I would think. I would do a water change and try to figure out where all that nitrate is coming from.
  19. damndamsel

    Painting Metal Halide Pendants

    Not sure the temp of the outside but if that is the consern go by some engine paint. You can get almost any color in spray form nowadays from a decent paint supplier they will just add it to a can. I would steal wool and clean the outside first.
  20. damndamsel


    again.. well it seems it let me post it after shrinking it beyond reasonable size:( Shame theer is uch a restriction. Would have though filesize would be the factor.