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  1. bostonpro

    Acclimating Janitor Reef Package

    Thanks for the responses. This brings me to a side question, why do they ship some of the snails dried? I would think that they would die (obviously they won't or they wouldn't do it). But I just wonder how they can survive without being in water. I just got the order in and it looks like...
  2. bostonpro

    Acclimating Janitor Reef Package

    Hi All, This is the first time I've bought live stock from I purchased the Janitor Reef Package. I recieved an email from stating that the snails and hermit crabs didn't need to go through the Acclimation process and only to float them in the tank for 15 minutes in...
  3. bostonpro

    Will Dwarf Lion eat tankmates?

    Actually, the false perc is the largest and most aggressive out of the three. Perhaps it's better to stay on the safe side and not get a lion fish right now. I just wasn't sure how big a dwarf lion actually got and if it would be able to fit one of those smaller fishes in it's mouth.
  4. bostonpro

    Will Dwarf Lion eat tankmates?

    Hi All. We are thinking about getting a Dwarf Lion for our 55g but are concerned if it will get big enough to eat it's tankmates. Tankmates are a False Perc, Bicolor Blenny, and Sunrise Dottyback. Thanks in advance!
  5. bostonpro

    Frogspawn Help

    Is it possible that a fish might have been irritating it? I would think that as long as the tenticals are not loosing color, then it should be ok. My frogspawn doesn't fully extend in certain areas sometimes and it's been doing good for a while now. However, someone else may have something to...
  6. bostonpro

    How many powerheads should I have in a 20 g?

    I have had my 20g reef tank up and running for a couple of years now. Here lately I am having a bad hair algae problem. A lot has to do with me slacking on my water changes. Another part might be because it's been about a year since I changed the bulbs. I am starting to get caught up on my...
  7. bostonpro

    Instant Ocean and cloudy water change

    It must be an Instant Ocean thing. My mom uses Instant Ocean and it's always cloudy when she does a water change. I always thought that it was the way she mixes it. She pours the salt into water jugs with lids and just shakes them up (doesn't use a powerhead). Anyway, the tank gets cloudy...
  8. bostonpro

    Bad News!!!!

    I only have a perc. clown in my tank right now. I think he can handle his own. My only problem is that the tank is only 20 gallons. Everybody says that they get to be 5" or more. I have also read that they don't need a whole lot of room though because they just kinda lounge around on the...
  9. bostonpro

    Bad News!!!!

    Originally Posted by SSweet1 Off topic: Boston Pros rock, I have a set in my Impala My hat is off to you SSweet1, you are the only person thus far that understood my user name. Most people think I'm from Boston, MA. :cheer:
  10. bostonpro

    Bad News!!!!

    Tonight I came home and found my sixline wrasse lying on the floor. He jumped ship. It sucks because he was such a good looking fish. I'm thinking about getting a lawnmower blenny to replace him (have a bit of a hair algae problem). I've read that some blennies have been known to jump out of...
  11. bostonpro

    Fighting clowns

    We've had a pair of clowns (false percs.) for a little under a year now. When we first got them they fought for about two weeks. The little clown got real bad but was able to bounce back when the larger clown stoped picking on him. That was almost a year ago. They've been getting along since...
  12. bostonpro

    Irritated BTA??

    The last few days some of my BTA's tenticles are shorter than the rest. It's like he has little nubby tenticles. This just started about the same time my clown fish started playing with him. I figure the BTA is just irritated by the clown but I'm not sure, what do you guy's think? Thanks
  13. bostonpro


    After one month, my bta finally hosted my percula. I'm so happy, I thought my chances were slim because the percula is tank raised but I lucked out. :happy:
  14. bostonpro

    Water Change Water

    Should I or can I add Reef Builder to boost up my alk in my water change water? It's sitting at about 6 dKH and calciums at > 500 ppm. I was thinking about bringing up the alk before the water change, but I think I remember reading on here that you should wait and add it to the tank after the...
  15. bostonpro

    ID please!!

    Sorry about the picture, it does suck. Does anybody have any good pictures of a Mojano Anemone that I could compare it to? Thanks.
  16. bostonpro

    ID please!!

    Any of you guys know what this is. Looks like pinkish tenticles with green tips growing out of a small hole in the rock.
  17. bostonpro

    conversion question

    Is mg/L equal to ppm. The bottle of calcium additive measures the calcium by mg/L and my test kit measures in ppm. So are they the same?
  18. bostonpro

    and now for all us reefers enjoyment, i present to you

    :happy: Thats pretty neat. I like that. On a side note though, it looks like your clown is bobbing up and down. I also have a true perc that does that. Just wondering if anybody knows why they do that. Good to know that mine isn't crazy or anything, but it looks like he would get sick after...
  19. bostonpro

    Has he gone mad?

    My sixline does the same thing. He picks on my cleaner shrimp and leaves my fire shrimp alone. He hasn't taken any limbs though. IMO, I would just let them be, maybe he will quite after a while. I wouldn't take out the sixline over a shrimp.
  20. bostonpro

    How Do You Feed A Green Brain? Where Is His Mouth?

    I would try turning off any powerheads you may have for a minute so that there is no flow in your tank to blow away the food. Then set a piece of food on his mouth and watch to see if he takes it. If you have a shrimp, keep him back so he doesn't steal the food.