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  1. tnreef

    VHO, PC, and MH efficiency compared

    BurnNSpy, Someone has taken the time and effort to research the lumen output of bulbs vs Wattage and all you can do is shoot them down. This I disagree with. We all agree lumen output is the way to go in deciding what is needed for the livestock. You have a very negative attitude on this board...
  2. tnreef

    Ok.. so I know poop about lighting....

    From what you originaly stated you have Powwer Compact flourecents. NO = normal output flourecents HO = High output VHO = Very High Output flourecents. With your power compacts you can buy higher K rating bulbs for your setup but they will never be as blue as VHO, HO or NO. I recommend PC for...
  3. tnreef

    Ok.. so I know poop about lighting....

    Alienated, The Kelvin Temp is the color of the bulb. The higher Temp the more blue. These bulbs you are refering to are more than likely a NO or VHO '03' The color of the PC actinics are not true for the most part. I have heard that Hamilton has come up with a true Actinic PC bulb you may want...
  4. tnreef

    new tomato clown?

    I would tend to agree with one exception... If this behavior continues he may be deprived of oxygen. It would be a good time to check your surface movement. Since he is already stressed oxygen deprivation will effect him sooner. IMO Darryl
  5. tnreef

    Hair algae

    Also the addition of a clean up crew will do wonders as has already been mentioned. The 10-20 Gal package is only $50.00 including shipping But I would go for the 20-55 less the CBS for $80.00. IMO Darryl
  6. tnreef

    Hair algae

    Adam If you rremember our last conversation you told me your lights looked yellow. This along with high phosphates and silicates are contributing to your problem. Do you test for phosphates??? Why do you not replace your 1 PC bulb for a Higher K bulb? Get your phosphates down and use a bluer...
  7. tnreef

    White Condys turning brown.

    Your lights are not sufficent IMO All lights that you mentioned are NO. A anennome is a high light demanding animal. The condy's are probably the least demanding but I think you should have more light..... That being said how about a little more info on your set up?? A 135, just following the...
  8. tnreef

    emerald crabs

    I have 4 in my 55 withno problems but 1. The biggest 1 ate my Xenia. I know he did because that is where I found him. Needless to say he is no longer part of my reef. The Xenia is starting to recover after 3 weeks now and I do not have a problem with the smaller ones. HTH Darryl
  9. tnreef

    what is the best reef tank size?

    Best Size ? Try about a million. What is best for you is what you can afford. LOL Go as big as you can it helps keep parameters in check IMO Darryl PS Read,Read,Read and then research. [ May 27, 2001: Message edited by: TNReef ]
  10. tnreef

    Changing over to Wet/ any ideas???

    DON'T DO IT. Invest in a protien Skimmer and L.R. this is all that is required for a Reef. IMO Darryl
  11. tnreef

    NO Nitrates--None!

    BTW Geoff A DSB is a deep sand bed It does not surprise me that you don't know I used to live in the Lower Mainland and the LFS in the area SUCK. My first attempt a salt was in B.C. and I never thought I would get back into it after that experience. Darryl Where in Van U from?????
  12. tnreef

    NO Nitrates--None!

    Hermit, I am hoping to have that problem in my refugium which I will be setting up right after I get back from holidays mid June.LOL OFF TO THE BEACH. LOL GL Again Darryl
  13. tnreef

    Cleanup crew with DSB?

    I think we all can agree that Shimek is alittle off the wall on many subjects!!!!!!
  14. tnreef

    Sally (very) lightfoot

    The legs will grow back within a week or two if you water parameters are ok. ie calcium,iodine,hardness If your Damsels are attacking though how long will they last??????? HTH Darryl
  15. tnreef

    NO Nitrates--None!

    Congradulations!!!!! Lets hope there is a little trates though. Your corals and macro alge will appreciate small amounts. GL Hermit Darryl
  16. tnreef

    New Guy

    Welcome to the board! #1 Definatly do not be afraid to ask questions on your pending purchases. I wish I had this about this 5 yrs. ago when I first tried SW. There are alot of different approaches to this hobby and the only one that is right is what works for your livestock. take the 3 months...
  17. tnreef

    anenomes keep dying....getting expensive

    I am sorry if this sounds rude but "RESEARCH BEFORE YOU BUY" These are animals that are needlesly being killed. They can live for 100's of years in the wild the least that you could do is give them an educated chance. IMO Darryl
  18. tnreef

    White Corraline?

    What is your Calcium level? They should be 450 ppm.
  19. tnreef

    White Corraline?

    The different colors of coralline are just differnt types. The intensity of your lighting will help on what type is dominant. I have found that the white is the most easyist to grow. Intense light and good Ca levels will bring out the other colors. IMO Darryl
  20. tnreef

    PC's vs VHO

    Hermit, You have always had my respect and you still do. I am not saying the K rating is not important just that a PC with 10000 K puts out more lumens than a VHO with 10000K. I can not post a link to the site but I would be glad to share them over email. my email is shown as my home page on my...