Search results

  1. babs

    Nitrate problems

    ok i have to tell you guys something, i said i had a bio wheel, i don't have , i have a reg. filter, the box said bio filter on it, sorry, so i do not have bio-wheel I only vaccumed surface and few spots done deeper, i will not vaccum again. i got the protein skimmer in today and got it running...
  2. babs

    Nitrate problems

    I do have a powerhead running, there is plenty of movement going on. i change filter pads every week and half, or sooner if looks to dirty, I will do the 25 % water change Saturday, and i will make sure salinity is up more too. i do have blue legged hermit crabs, i did the vaccum only because i...
  3. babs

    Nitrate problems

    thanks for all the help, i was readin on other posts, I will give it time, anyother advise i will take though, I bought the new water today, salt and ro, so should i do more water changes, more often, or should i just do one gallon weekly, or what should i do, thanks barb
  4. babs

    Nitrate problems

    sorry i didkn't put the other stuff in there, i should have know to do that, i have live sand about 1 and half inches, and at least 20-25 lbs of live rock, i keep temp, at 80- and i do not use tap water, i have well water, i used to, till i read posts for other guys having trouble,so i use the...
  5. babs

    Nitrate problems

    I would appreciate any advice i can get, I have been having nitrate problems for awhile now. I have a 20 gallon long tank,I have a biowheel filter system , aquawywtem lights recommended for this tank by lfs powerhead and heater i have protein skimmer on the way, My levels are ph-7.9 nitrite is...
  6. babs

    Need Help with insurance and bypass surgery.

    hey nemo lover, please tell me how to start, where can i find the ins. commisioner
  7. babs

    Am I Wrong??...*long teenage problem* lol

    I think you should tell her parents why you did this, if she was bold enough to tell them you done the mailbox thing, they should know why. I am a parent and i'd want to know if my kids were telling this kind of stuff, it was pretty laid out and devious, not to mention all the other kids that...
  8. babs

    Need Help with insurance and bypass surgery.

    i am not understanding the goverment thing. what and how would i ask gov. to help? I will try anything. I hope your daughter is better and that you're getting the help you need, I know the ins. deal is tough. i am in Missouri and it's harder everyday.thanks to our new Govenor whose making too...
  9. babs

    does anyone else have Great Danes

    I will keep everyone posted on the puppy situation. She isn't accting any different yet. So it's still a little early to have her tested. No, i don't have buyers yet, but i hope to have a waiting list ready for them so i don't have to deal last minute. the last litter i had from sassy went as...
  10. babs

    does anyone else have Great Danes

    I have bred Harlie, the Harlequien, So i will have puppies to post pic. of in a couple months. I think she will be great mommy.
  11. babs

    Missing daughter

    please update on the kids..
  12. babs

    Need Help with insurance and bypass surgery.

    thanks everyone, i haven't been on here in awhile so i am just readin replies. I have apealed the insurance. and when i call they all but told me that there is no way to fight an exclusion. even though i am now having more knee problems and major back problems. i don't know what else to do. i...
  13. babs

    working from home

    Hi, I read you post here ans was wondering if there is a miricle i could pull off with my insurance co. to get the gastric bypass done. I proved i have med. nessesity but the ins. has exclusions. thanks for your time. Sorry to bother you, but at this point of health i'll ask anyone. Babs my...
  14. babs

    Buy now or wait???

    you will gets lots of replies on times for adding to your tank. Listen to them. I put anemonies in way to early and they have al died. First the tank wasn't cycled and up long enough, mine has been going since Jan. and i still can't keep most anemonies. I have curly-q's. but still if i put a...
  15. babs

    Need Help with insurance and bypass surgery.

    I don't know what anyone will think of me, but at this point in my life i have to ask advise anywhere i can get it. I have gotten good anvise from this site, and i've seen others get help. My problem is I NEED gastric bypass surgery and my husband's insurence says it is an exclusion in the...
  16. babs

    does anyone else have Great Danes

    Still working on pictures, someone told me once how to downsize it through another program, i'll work on it more in a couple days. I love the pictures. if u go to danes on line, Illinois, then ckdanes, ckdanes has brindle as well as the black/white, and the blues. i will be breeding my...
  17. babs

    Missing daughter

    Just reading the post, Did the children ever show up. How about an update. If there is anything we can do just post it. I can send a little money if it will help with the search funds. Hope all is well.
  18. babs

    New puppy, need help with name.

    how about Zeus's Red Rebel Mighty Red Rebel ( red) or (rebel) just pick out the ones you like and have the person email pictures of him to you. I sell Great Danes and i always send buyers pictures every week, that way they get to see them and it's easier to name them. Good Luck..
  19. babs

    A short progression on my tank.

    i have a questin, you have a cc starfish. the lfs told me not to put one in my tank because i have a mushroom rock. don't you have corals in your tank? Do you have problems or should i listen to lfs. I usually don't i most of the time come on here and ask. I have found most employees at lfs just...
  20. babs

    29 gal pictures

    what kind of anemone is that ? I love the tank. I need to get pic. of mine too. i enjoyed the pics.