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  1. rhearrel

    Microvert vs. Phtoplex

    I use the phytoplankton for a couple a doses then use the microvert for a dose and rotate like this. Everything seems to be working fine.
  2. rhearrel


    I agree that you can keep tangs in small tanks. However, IMO - this hobby is a way to capture the beauty of natural reefs in your home or office. Increase your knowledge of oceanic organisms and the plight of reefs. Without changing the base behaviors and lifestyle of the organisms. Forced...
  3. rhearrel

    Amonia spikes

    I recently added 5lbs to an established tank and noticed an ammonia "rise". I caught it just in time and started H2O changes daily until things leveled out again. It really gets down to how much do you trust your LFS. I trust mine, but not with my tank. After a couple of mishaps, you learn...
  4. rhearrel

    Problem with PH

    Definitely sounds like a test kit problem. I recently got a PinPoint Ph monitor and love it. I can quickly check the Ph at various day parts without the hassle of getting out the testing gear.
  5. rhearrel


    Definitely go with a grounding probe. I had a heater crack last winter and found out the hard way. I got mine at my LFS for about 15 dollars.
  6. rhearrel

    couple of questions..plz help

    Can you get a picture of your crab? This would help to identify him.
  7. rhearrel

    Arrow Crab (Dangerous?)

    I have had a couple in the past. The first one was real good at cleaning hair algae. The second was real good at pulling blue legged hermits out of their shells. Neither of them bother my feather duster though. Good luck
  8. rhearrel

    How to get rid of flatworms??

    Yep - the six line is reef safe. Good luck.
  9. rhearrel

    How to get rid of flatworms??

    I had flatworms in the past and tried everything from chemicals to animals. The best and only solution that I found was a hungry six line wrasse. I had several mandarins but none of them were hungry enough to make a dent in the population. After months of chemicals, freshwater dips, and...
  10. rhearrel

    What is up with my feather duster?!

    Mine has done this a couple of times. Rumor has it, it because of water quality. Mine has grown back bigger and better each time.
  11. rhearrel

    Coral Bandeds??????????

    Mine is only out at night or during the dawn and dusk cylces of the tank. The rest of the time he is hidden in the rocks.
  12. rhearrel

    feeding mushrooms and featherdusters

    I also have a duster and some shrooms. All I provide is Kent Marine phytoplankton(every day or so) and a small dose of iodine(monthly) and they seem to be doing fine.
  13. rhearrel

    Caulerpa in main Tank - Good or bad?

    I have some in my tank that my tang eats. However, I do agree that without managing it, it will get out of control and take of the tank. My single tang can't keep up with it so about every two weeks, I rip some out to help keep everything in check. Also, I have noticed that if you get too...
  14. rhearrel

    Do you run your tank with or without a Protein Skimmer?

    I am currently running a skimmer, however, I am researching and planning to set up a test tank using the eco-system method as a test.
  15. rhearrel

    coral banded shrimp

    I have a CBS in my 29 and he is very shy. I only see his feelers in the evening and then he comes out breifly at night. Other times, I can't find him.
  16. rhearrel

    Black Algae ???????????

    What are your readings?
  17. rhearrel

    mudfilter (HELP)

    I don't know much about the mud filter but my LFS has one. Do you have caulerpa in your mud? Do you have lights on in your mud tank 24/7?
  18. rhearrel

    tank upgrade

    Wicked in the DIY Equipment board there is an excellent discussion on moving from a 29 to a 55 gallon. It offers some tips and tricks. The post was entered within the last couple of days. Good luck.
  19. rhearrel

    37 gal. w/ sump?

    I put a sump with built-in skimmer under my 29gal. I initially thought I would have to have one custom built, but I found one on the web that would fit within my stand. I like mine because it gives me a little extra water volume and water level in my tank doesn't fluctate like it used to. Good...
  20. rhearrel

    Grapelike growth

    I didn't realise there was purple bubble algae. I have two emmie's but they won't touch the stuff. They do however, love to gobble on a small bunch of green bubble algae.