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  1. it's_fishy

    ID please

    Really hard to tell from the pic but it could be coralline...somehow i doubt it (just my instinct), but the bottom line is if it doesn't bother your ecosystem....just sit back and enjoy. If it's presence in the tank disturbs you or you other inhabitants then seek to remove it.
  2. it's_fishy

    Salt Question

    what kind of powerhead?
  3. it's_fishy

    aquarium with wood trim?

    Looking at those pictures, I'd say it's def. plastic with a "wood" look. Wood doesn't melt like burns and fragments so he's either scamming you or doesn't realize what he bought to begin with. Personally, I'd only use that tank as a back-up (ie., sump, refuge, Q, etc..). When the...
  4. it's_fishy

    Bone/Shell Yard

    until i meant, not unless
  5. it's_fishy

    Bone/Shell Yard

    I had peppermints that would actually eat out of my hand and clean my fingernails, lol............that is, unless i introduced a green brittle star to the tank. He's a death machine for ground dwellers.
  6. it's_fishy

    Mountain Climbing Hermits

    would need to know more about your substrate really. that is a very bizarre behavior for hermits and sandsifters tho.
  7. it's_fishy

    RO/DI Units

    ummm ok..why does it say yellow tang under my name?
  8. it's_fishy

    RO/DI Units

    oh ok thanks, i had no idea if it was a permanant plumbing issue or just a "as needed" hook up
  9. it's_fishy

    RO/DI Units

    so it's not like a permanent hook up type of thing?
  10. it's_fishy

    RO/DI Units

    Ok, so I know the benefits of RO/DI and all...I buy it by the gallon at wallyworld for my tanks. My question is this...I'd like to purchase an RO/DI unit so I can make my own, but how do you hook it up? Do you need a dedicated water line for your tank or can you just install it under a sink...
  11. it's_fishy

    Newb Here.. Introducing myself..

    they are demon rocks!!! run for your life! Run NOW!!!
  12. it's_fishy

    RO water

    RO = reverse osmosis. it's the purest type of water you can bye. DON'T use tap water. You are putting all kinds of crap in there with tap water. You can find RO water at walmart for like 60cents/gal. that;s what i do
  13. it's_fishy


    I found peppermint shrimp to be voracious aptasia fact i purposely bought a couple LR's covered in aptasia just to give my shrimp a treat....all were gone in 2 days.
  14. it's_fishy


    pretty sure that'd be a bristle worm aka fire worm
  15. it's_fishy

    Brown Slime Algea????

    i wish i could post a pic....or you could....and i may be way off but there's a slight possibility it could be chestnut brown algae. it has a red corraline form and a brownish 'algae' form that looks like a slimy carpet. one of my LR came covered in the red coralline and it has since spread a...
  16. it's_fishy

    Total Newbie to Saltwater Aquariums-Advice anyone?

    Hi peggylynn Welcome to saltwater! My biggest peice of advice would be to spend a couple weeks reading posts on this site!!! there are hundreds of great informational posts for newbies here. Also, figure out what kind of tank/fish you'd like to have--and what kind you CAN have with a tank that...
  17. it's_fishy

    Lower the temp in the tank???

    egg crates? i don't get and why do egg crates serve as a hood? you don't mean egg CARTONS i don't imagine...(sorry i'm a city boy)
  18. it's_fishy

    Storing Saltwater

    thanks ricks
  19. it's_fishy

    Storing Saltwater

    has anyone ever stored premixed saltwater? I had some leftover after the last water change and was wondering if it "goes bad". And/or how long will it last and how should one keep it if you can store it. For now i just put it in a gallon jug container.
  20. it's_fishy

    ***** Is Stupid !

    My father owns 2 pet stores (his own, not chains) and does not sell saltwater fish for many of the reasons listed on this thread. --high cost to proper upkeep vs. profit margin --relative lack of customers for the expensive fish (making stocking a risky prospect) --difficulty finding salespeople...