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  1. jojogeno


    Im looking to upgrade my powerhead. I have a 35 gal hex and was wondering what GPH would be sufficent in my tank w/ fish only. Thanks
  2. jojogeno

    2 Lighting Questions. HELP!!!

    I got an anemone in my first tank (55gal) within first 3 months. Had it for a year until I introduced a choclate chip star. I ran it with NO 36" x 2 50/50 bulbs. HAH to all the PRO's that said it cannot be done. I won't do it my new tank because this forum scares me to do anything with my new...
  3. jojogeno

    Question About Brittle Star

    I feed my brown brittle star by hand with shrimp pellets... Too bad he only comes on at night. My choclate ate my anemone about a year ago but since I changed my tank and do not have enough light to get another anemone he can stay for the time being. I wait till my choc comes to the top and feed...
  4. jojogeno

    i tradded my lunar wrasse in for a stars and stripe puffer

    Lunar wrasses are MEAN!!!! But man are they a good looking species. Almost like some woman.....
  5. jojogeno

    Florida Condi

    Ive never heard of a florida condi until this site so I seen some pictures and it looked to me more of a long tentacle. Thanks for the posts, I appreciate greatly. :happy:
  6. jojogeno

    Florida Condi

    2 Questions: Is a Florida Condi the same as a long tentacle? What species of clown does Florida condi usually go with?
  7. jojogeno

    Lighting suggestions

    oh yea and its only 18"!!!! Its such a joke cause in my 55gal, I had two 36". Thank you
  8. jojogeno

    Lighting suggestions

    I have a 35g hex and would love to upgrade the lighting. I have a mere 15w 18,000k bulb in it now only because that is the strongest thing I can put in the factory hood. Any suggestions??
  9. jojogeno

    What do I need to get an anemone?

    Originally Posted by TheGrog Feather dusters are filter feeders so lighting is no big thing. Just something as simple as a light bulb to differentiate night from day would work. If you want polyps or mushrooms, you will need some more lighting. Look into retrofit kits that will install power...
  10. jojogeno

    anemones being sucked into powerheads

    I had that same problem... What a nightmare
  11. jojogeno

    Tang compatibility - Sailfin and ?

    Another expert that says a sailfin should be in a 120g or more... Is your sailfin happy? Mine is and he is definelty not in a 120g or more. I would definelty not get another tang though.....
  12. jojogeno


    you are right, but my levels are good.... I appreciate all the concern, my LFS probaly wouldnt care as long as Im putting money in their pockets.... All I want to do is get my fish healthy and believe it or not, the tang is happy, I just want him and the angel to be healthy. The stray voltage...
  13. jojogeno

    Is a 30 gallon tall..............

    I gotta a 35g Hex and couldnt be more happy. If you like tall tanks, by all means get one. My tank is very nice and it isnt 120g and does not take up half a room. Mine sits nicely in a corner out of the way but stills is the focal point in the room. I want a bigger hex but I honeslty do not know...
  14. jojogeno

    What and How do you feed a Choc. Chip star?

    I actually feed mine pellets.... once and a a while krill but mainly pellets. Watch out for these stars, mine ate my anemone and I will trade in if I ever buy another
  15. jojogeno


    The local LFS puts there tangs in 5 gallon tanks by themselves.... They also have more than enough sailfins and I do not believe mine is better due to the HLLE and would not entice another Enthusiast. I guess the only options left is to a) get a bigger tank b) take him out and flush him to save...
  16. jojogeno

    agressive yellow tang... safe to add clowns?

    I have a sailfin in a 35g Hex, and yes I know its a small tank. My tang seems happy and is only not aggressive at all. I just added two clarkii clowns and the tang didnt bother them one bit. I guess there is only one way to find out....
  17. jojogeno

    Anemone lighting

    Thats what I was afraid of..... With will there is a way, now I need to harness that determination.
  18. jojogeno

    Clarkii Sick

    I have just recently moved and have had my tank for about a month. What do you mean "display" tank. Can the fish be QT and treated and if so, what disease am I dealing with. Or is death a forseeable future in my little Clarkii?
  19. jojogeno

    I think I might want an Anemone, what do I need

    Lighting is the most important aspect to keeping an anemone alive, how many watts of light do you have?
  20. jojogeno


    Ive had my sailfin for about 2 years and he has gotten to be quite large. I did not research the size of my tank for the sailfin since my girlfriend came home with him one day. That fish is my pride and is quite smart. When I open the top, he comes to the top and eats from my hand. No matter...