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  1. dr. evil

    Things that make you think someone is a little "off"...

    Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08 I dunno... but it's definitely hard to find a common ground if you're a sports person and they're not. I"m a woman and I love LOVE college football. My husband and I avidly watch the games on the weekends. I don't think it would be very compatible for me if he...
  2. dr. evil

    Rich people and biggots always vote Republican

    Originally Posted by Rylan1 you are refering to a small % of those who work the system... they probably are either paying someone for the use of their card, or they have undocumented earnings... But the majority of the people who use those resources are in need...One way to fix it is to make...
  3. dr. evil

    dont buy coralife lights

    you can get a ballast for thet light I just ordered one yesterday. e mail me and i'll tell you where to go i cant post it here it is forbidden.
  4. dr. evil

    corallife skimmer question

    I have this skimmer and i've had it for about a year or so and i really don't like it all that much if it's not filling my tank with bubbles and i mean to the point where it looks like smoke, it will flood my living room, or not do anything at all except use electricity. I wish I would've just...
  5. dr. evil

    Getting out Part 2: fish and corals for sale in SE VA

    What kind of lighting do you have?
  6. dr. evil

    if neil armstrong...

    Yeah Buddy! Go Buzz you da man! I only wish he'd finished him off with a left upercut. I love it. That guys been asking for it for years.
  7. dr. evil

    whats wrong w/ america?!

    Whats wrong with America? um were not perfect? So What who is. And i'm so sick of hearing the whining "we dont give enough" Bullcrap we give more than anyone and what do we get for it a slap in the face? and then were told how evil and greedy we are what a crock I for one am all for...
  8. dr. evil

    What other High School does this?

    wow pretty elaborate. But if it helps to keep kids alive more power to em. But what ever happened to the days when they would show that movie Reefer Madness now theres a deterant.
  9. dr. evil

    What other High School does this?

    They took 20 kids to a hotel without the parents knowledge and the went to the parents house and told them thier kids were dead? Did i read that right?
  10. dr. evil

    pix of my new 150 gallon (im a noob)

    look on the website im sure its on here somewhere.
  11. dr. evil

    pix of my new 150 gallon (im a noob)

    Theres an adhesive someone makes to stablize the rock but i cant place the name at this moment.
  12. dr. evil

    I cant identify this creature. Help!!!

    Say, you got any cad files on that trap? i'd like to build one for my house you think it would work for bug eyed bums too?
  13. dr. evil

    Home Safely

    Welcome Home!
  14. dr. evil

    I love Brett Favre

    Roger that ScubaDoo he is one tough S.O.B. and always respects the game his teamates and his coaches something that is rare in todays NFL with all the pre madonnas you see nowdays.
  15. dr. evil

    Marilyn Manson

    Oh yeah i believe Hitler was fairly intelligent too so i geuss i should pass his book around to my kids. Your logic makes no sense i got no problem with people liking his music but dont anoint him a genius for cryin out loud.
  16. dr. evil

    I love Brett Favre

    yeah ya gotta love Favre. He is my favorite player hands down and im a Saints fan not a cheesehead.
  17. dr. evil

    Marilyn Manson

    so if you create repulsive controversy and make money from it that makes you brilliant? WOW i geuss that would make [hr] [hr] or [hr] [hr] like Einstine.
  18. dr. evil

    Tony Romo best player in the Probowl!

    oops i goofed the original post did not claim he was the best player in the league. my bad. but he still sucks hee hee GO SAINTS GO!!!
  19. dr. evil

    Tony Romo best player in the Probowl!

    yeah payton im not saying Romo is a bad qb hes not , but the best player in the league?
  20. dr. evil

    Tony Romo best player in the Probowl!

    Romo aint a zit on Brees arse. What are you kidding me here?