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  1. nanomantis

    Water Softener, Make up water & Kalk (Calcium hydroxide)

    Alkalinity is KH. Perhaps you should switch to a better salt... Even IO reef crystals is an improvement on their standard salt mix.
  2. nanomantis

    A sad thing to see in an aquarium

    Originally Posted by Handbanana That is horrible. People make me sick sometimes. dont be surprised if that lil guy ends up soup. To them I imagine its like us picking out our fresh lobster at Kroger ;)
  3. nanomantis

    Too much in too small

    Its because a lot of these little 'designer frags' have become somewhat of a status symbol. Those who get caught up in the trend want to collect them all and make their collection the focus of the tank. Don't worry, in a few years everyone will look back and joke about it - just like how 7 or so...
  4. nanomantis

    Good Goby

    Some of the larger watchmen gobies will sift sand.
  5. nanomantis

    HELP HELP just lose one of 2 clown fish dont want to lose the other HELP ME PLEASE

    Your small water changes are not accomplishing much. You need to do a series of 50% water changes at this point. Also I would add some carbon to your filter, seeing as you likely stirred up some hydrogen sulfide with moving all your rocks around.
  6. nanomantis

    Lighting System for a 100 gallon FOWLR

    Its a fish only. Just run some t-5 or t-8 strips.
  7. nanomantis

    Removing aiptasia from an overflow box.

    I used too, years ago. Favorite animal I have ever owned. :)
  8. nanomantis

    The Truth About "Sandsifters"

    The what is a better way to prevent extremely fast growing diatom algae on your sand bed?
  9. nanomantis

    Ok its a freshwater tank, but I wanna share.

    Very nice Bosemani!
  10. nanomantis

    Aquascaping with PVC!!

    There should be a 'report to moderator' button for this kind of blatant abuse.
  11. nanomantis

    Coralline growing on coral

    tbh, it looks like the coral is already dead and its just algae growing on the skeleton? Coralline will not grow on flesh (unlike some filamentous algae).
  12. nanomantis

    what is this? A snail of some sort?

    Can you get a side shot so we can see what is on the other side of its foot?
  13. nanomantis

    What the..?

    Its too fat and squat to be an emerald crab. Emeralds are more rounded than oblonged. Get it out.
  14. nanomantis

    ID Please, not sure if this is good or bad

    If its hard its coralline, if its filamentous its cyano. /thread
  15. nanomantis

    Suggestions please?

    As long as you do not do bottom dwelling or really small fish, the snowflake will likely not show issue with any other species.
  16. nanomantis

    Wet/dry advice

    I'll answer your questions in order. 1) I like bioballs. Some do, some don't. You will find arguments going both directions on this one, so go with whatever is familar to you. 2) Pump: Since you have 2 overflows, I'd go with an oversized pump. 1500 gallons per hour or greater. 3) You don't need...
  17. nanomantis

    Soft Corals touching

    They are very closely related. I think you will be fine, just keep your eyes on them. If it becomes a problem, just prune the kenya tree!
  18. nanomantis

    Wellsophyllia swollen

    Both pics are acceptable - skeleton is showing, nor is the flesh tightly pressed against the skeletal ridge. The below picture looks like it is getting ready to release its feeding tentacles!
  19. nanomantis

    They're actually painting fish.....

    In regards to the op, this is a fairly common practice. They have been injecting dye and other chemicals into fish for years and years now. You've seen painted glass tetras; the ones with blue/pink/purple/green/yellow/orange streaks across the dorsal ridge of an otherwise boring species? I would...