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  1. oceanbreez

    Lost all interest in my reef tank

    Originally Posted by connor OMG are you seriuos i LOVE my reef before i had FO agressive it was cool but my reef blows it away maybe you guys never got good corals and nice fish Do you have any pictures? I'd love to see it. I just have a 75 gallon saltwater. I don't want to do reef as I'm...
  2. oceanbreez

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Originally Posted by robPSca yea dont even watch the new big screen tv much anymore watch the tank more than tv LOL I would appreciate a guy sitting around watching his tank as long as he took the garbage out in between lol. I have five tanks. My x never appreciated it. Now it's just me and I...
  3. oceanbreez

    protein skimmer

    Thanks I figured that just wondering if there was more to it.
  4. oceanbreez

    protein skimmer

    Just curious how long a saltwater tank can go without the skimmer. I'm going to have my fish guy show me how to fix it for next time so I'll know. Can you explain exactly the function of the skimmer?
  5. oceanbreez

    protein skimmer

    I have a 125 gallon but it's got african cichlids. I had almost thought about doing a reef tank with it instead but I'm sort of attached to the cichlids as I've had them for a few years now. I also have two other freshwater 55 with two severums(huge) and a forty five with six severum babies.
  6. oceanbreez

    protein skimmer

    Thanks for the reply. I'm a little neurotic since with the other maintenence guy I had such bad luck but now it is perfect. This guy is very good and he told me too not to worry. I wish I was more able to do it myself but I will start learning more now that everything is stable. This site...
  7. oceanbreez

    protein skimmer

    Hi everyone, I was wondering is it bad to have the protein skimmer not going for a couple of days. I'm afraid to mess with it as my fish guy is coming Sunday to do maintanence. Is it okay to leave it for a couple of days? Thnaks The water and everything else is fine btw
  8. oceanbreez

    My 210 Gallon project

    Originally Posted by goodwin9 Gosh, I wish I could lay claim to at least one of those, but I can't. I'm just lucky to know good people who wear those titles. I'm just the banker and admirer of their work and fish. wow can you send them my way? That is gorgeous. You should be very proud. I...
  9. oceanbreez

    Aquacultured MultiRock? from SWF

    Originally Posted by cabin7882 Oh what about lighting I couldn't even tell u what I have now my boyfriend took care of that I'll have to check. But what do I need to start a coral tank? and I have one powerhead pointed towards the top of the water and a bak pak 2 skimmer/filter. What else do I...
  10. oceanbreez

    Weekend photo feature:

    Originally Posted by Madman33 Why not heres my GSM (BTW thats not ich just stuff on the glass) That is really a stunning picture. I have a mauroon clown. I need to get some cool shots. Still working on learning digital. I'm really impressed.
  11. oceanbreez

    Angelfish I-Holacanthus

    Originally Posted by Emperor11 Let me know what you guys think! is this all one tank or different tanks? I heard it's not good to have more than one angel. Is that true?
  12. oceanbreez

    Whole Tank Pictures

    Originally Posted by DB It's not the greatest shot, but here is one of my 72 bow. Gorgeous tank. What size is that? What fish are in there?
  13. oceanbreez

    weekend photo feature:

    Originally Posted by sleasia sorry I keep mistakenly reducing twice...again is that a cardinal? I was gonna get a couple . It's gorgeous.
  14. oceanbreez

    weekend photo feature:

    Originally Posted by AW2 A few more... Same camera and lighting conditions as my other pics, on the first page. The settings were different though, but I forgot to write them down. what lens dod you use and lighting. That is really cool. :jumping:
  15. oceanbreez

    weekend photo feature:

    Originally Posted by rabid frog Lol wow... I was just giving you a hard time Nm... Its always fun to see everyones pictures :jumping: I remember when Rye was on here... What a good photographer! What ever happened to him? Lets see some fish!! Since nobody else is posting here is one of my...
  16. oceanbreez

    Post those Blennies

    Originally Posted by wax32 Fantastic shot can I ask what you shot it with? Did you use a flash? It's obviously digital. What camera did you use? I'm trying to get good shots of my tank. Thanks It really is stunning
  17. oceanbreez

    Show me the coolest fish in your tank

    Originally Posted by NM reef My newest addition...added him to the display just this past Monday...he took a bit of a beating from the regal already there...which is why the fins look a touch ragged...but they have settled in and I expect he'll be fine now that the bully regal has established...
  18. oceanbreez

    Sound Proofing Your Stand?

    Originally Posted by maxalmon When I had my 240 a couple of years ago the sound of the LG pump was insane, I found that when I sat the pump on top some folded up towels it really helped reduce the noise, putting a towel over it who cause a lot of heat build up, IMO....My tank that I have now was...
  19. oceanbreez

    tuesday night 5 pack just wanted to show the 180 some more

    Originally Posted by murph145 here yah go very nice I have a 125 tank with all African Cichlids but they are breeding and the babies would be hard to get out. I'd love to make it a reef aquarium and sell the cichlids. I'm not sure what to do as I've had them for years. It's a gorgeous setup...
  20. oceanbreez

    coral beauty and a yellow tang

    Originally Posted by alyssia I wouldn't see why not. I have a yellow tang and a flame angel in the same tank. My tang killed my angel :( . I took the tang back and got credit for it.