Search results

  1. misty

    125 Gal. for sale Dallas / Ft. Worth

    I might possibly be interested in your tank. Will have to wait until I get my tax refund...I'll know tomorrow. doesn't say (and doesn't look like) the tank is reef I just want to make sure...Y or N on the RR? If not RR, capable of being drilled? Hey Johnnysalt...I see...
  2. misty

    HELP!!!!! Start of a crash????

    It's been a while since I've been on this board, as I started a new business and I've merely had time to maintain my tank since then instead of being able to add to it, etc. But I really need some help here, as I think I may be at the beginning of a crash. I left town for a few days (how many...
  3. misty

    cleaner shrimp...'s been SOOO long since I've been on this board (good, I guess, since I haven't have any major issues with my tank, now over a year old). When I got my cleaner shrimp, I made sure to "introduce" him to my tank water conditions using the drip method. I bought him on September 14th...
  4. misty

    Dont flame me for this but im starting a freshwater tank and wondering....

    Just a "common sense" note to add to all of the techical discussion: Sand as the bottom layer of a FW tank will be a real pain to clean. I still have a FW tank (started just before my SW tank) and the way I clean it is so much different than the way I maintain my SW tank. Remember, with most...
  5. misty

    Last/next fish suggestions...

    Hello all...thought I'd get your opinions on what fish to add as my next (and maybe final fish). So far, here's what I've got (fish-wise, that is): 1 bi-color blenny 2 Bangaii cardinals (and I'm pretty sure they'll have little ones in a couple of weeks!) :D 2 mandarin dragonettes (mated...
  6. misty

    Finally got a critter!

    Congrats! I know all about waiting a long time for critters. I started my tank in May and didn't get anything but rocks and water for two months! Then I had 20 hermits for another 6 weeks. They say that it's best to go slow in this hobby, so just think of being on a budget as a way to...
  7. misty

    Dead or Molted?

    When I first got my hermits, I thought there was a murderer in my tank because I would find "bodies" as well. But I kept counting the same number of live ones. I had forgotten about the molting event. When they molt, the empty "shells" do look like dead ones that have been ripped out of their...
  8. misty

    need help choosing corals

    I'm also "new" to the coral scene, but so far, have caulastrea furcata (candycane), xenia elongata (going nuts, cool to watch) and some Ricordea. All are doing very well under 220w PC and 40w NO in a 75 gallon tank.
  9. misty

    Lawnmower Blenny REALLY skinny

    I have a bicolor blenny that took care of the hair algae growth (new tank). There is no more hair algae but I see him picking at the live rock. I do feed him algae flake food a couple of times a day. He still has a pot belly and is a very happy fish. Not sure if that would work with a...
  10. misty

    tell me if i should or not

    Go for it!!! GREAT DEAL!!! Good luck... :D
  11. misty

    Snail Death

    If it is of any comfort, I bought a "mini" clean-up crew from my LFS and ALL of the 11 snails died within the week. Some were fine for up to 3 days and then, DEAD, all of them. All acclimated very slowly. Very frustrating. Very smelly. All water levels PERFECT (until 7 died in one day, then...
  12. misty

    ID - wierd little guys.

    Ryan, I don't have any personal experience with these, but I THINK that you might have some bristle worms. If nothing else, I moved your question up and gave you another search term to look for. Varying opinions on these critters...some think helpful, some think harmful. Good luck, and HTH!
  13. misty

    New bicolor blenny...

    So, I FINALLY got my first SW fish. Had to wait 2 months because we were going on a long vacation at the end of August and I didn't want my petsitter to have to worry about a SW fish. Anyway, happy to be watching something other than hermits and algae. ;) I got a bicolor blenny on Tuesday...
  14. misty

    detrivore kits?

    Me too (or 3 or 4)! Thanks! :D
  15. misty

    spray bar

    Spray bar??? Arg...another piece of equipment to research...this is the first time I've heard of a spray bar! Although, if they can provide the necessary water movement without the heat output of powerheads, might have to look into it for next summer. Burn, I checked your website and only found...
  16. misty


    Sounds like the usual diatom algae that new tanks get. Test your water levels and when all is perfect (ammonioa and nitrites at 0, zero to very low nitrates, check pH and salinity/specific gravity too)) then get some hermits and snails as a clean-up crew. They'll eat the algae for you and help...
  17. misty

    What do you all keep the salt at?

    1.022 at 81 degrees.
  18. misty


    Brian...yeah, I tried that timers! Thanks for the thought though... :D
  19. misty

    Extremely cloudy water! HELP!!!

    When I added my sand, I put a sponge filter in with the carbon cartride to act as more of a fine particle collector. Since SD sand is so fine, it will probably take a couple of days to clear up. I didn't turn my powerheads back on until most of the sand had settled. I didn't have my skimmer...
  20. misty


    Thanks everyone... Brian, I was beginning to think it was just me going nuts! I got the kind with the tabs that you push out for the times you want the lights on. When I first tested them by spinning the clock wheel, they did work. Then they did turn on the PC lights. Now, both just leave...