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  1. concon

    Anemone & Clown help!

    Snails are very sensitive to the change of salinity, copper. Have you check your salinity lately? How about copper? Is your tank a new tank or an old tank being converted to salt water? Have you use any copper related medication in this tank? If these are not your problem, then focus on...
  2. concon

    False per clown and anemones problem

    At this moment, I don't have any fish in my tank, except a boxer shrimp. I remove my per clowns to a hospital tank to cure them. I will keep you posted about my progress. Thanks
  3. concon

    attaching mushrooms

    Use crazy glue. It won't hurt the mushroom a bit. Gently touch the mushroom to make it shrink and take it out of water. Apply crazy glue on its base and attach to a piece of rock. Return the mushroom into water after that. Other alternative is to buy a small rearing box or net, put it into...
  4. concon

    False per clown and anemones problem

    Hi all, hear this strange story and please give me advise. I just bought two false per clown(wild caught). They became attach to my seabate anemones when I put them in the reef tank. They were so happy to defense their territory. Now, after one week, both of them got sick badly. They don't...
  5. concon

    clown and anemonie behavior

    Clown fish becomes territorial is natural and there is nothing we can do about this nature. I have shared the same experience twice. Right now, I have two per clown killing each other for the anemones. I have to remove one to avoid casaulty. Don't give up hope yet because there are ways to...
  6. concon


    Your clown must be wild caught one. I had a maroon clown did the same thing. He stopped when I purchased a seabate anemones for him. He stayed and fed the anemones all the time. I just took him back to lfs because he killed all other fish in the tank. He is one of the aggressive clowns
  7. concon

    My Mushrooms Are Dividing!

    Yeah, Seaweed. I use sharp razor blade to cut the mushroom. It won't hurt them at all. I heard other people use crazy glue to glue the mushroom on the rock too. I have not try it yet. :eek:
  8. concon

    My Mushrooms Are Dividing!

    Mushroom diving is a good sign of good work. Hey! you should be proud of yourself. Do you know these mushroom can be moved to a different rock? I cut one of my mushroom away from the original rock, leave it in a breeder trap with a piece of new rock. The cut away mushroom will bind itself to...
  9. concon

    Is my mushroom rock dead?

    LL206, when mushroom corals die, they dissolve and left with nothing. If you still see mushroom (tiny or skrinked)on the rock, likely they are still okay. Now, you have to do something to revise them. Do 20% water change, add active carbon and don't add any more medication. You might need to...
  10. concon

    sebae anenomes and clowns

    My maroon clown became very aggressive when I added the seabate anemones in my tank. She killed every fish in my tank. After a year, I have to trade her for two small per clowns(not tank raise)because I want to add more fish. After one day, I am so lucky to see these per go straight to the...
  11. concon

    New to hobbie setting up new tank.

    A lot of opinions will be available when you ask this question. A typical reef set up (fish and corals) should have good lighting (4-5 watts per gallon), good water quality (no ammonia, no nitrates and no nitrites), good filtration system and a protein skimmer(eliminate some of the wastes from...
  12. concon

    HELP!!! All the corals are nearly dead!!!

    I hate to make it sounds like a lecture to you. You need to tell us a little more about your tank. How often you test your water and the water parameters as well. Adding tap water directly into your tank might bring you troubles. Sometimes the copper pipes leach ap water trace of copper into...
  13. concon

    Aggressive Maroon Clown?

    Thanks for your advise. Look like I to have to make a difficult decision either to give up my clown and dwarf lion or nothing else. I really like them. Wow, let me think about it.
  14. concon

    Aggressive Maroon Clown?

    I have my 28 g reef tank for over 8 months now. Tank casaulty is always fish only. Bicolor pseudo, firefish, royal gamma and jaw fish. All my fish died due to bully maroon clown (one year old). All fish suffered and died from (chasing and bitting)stress and ICK infection. Except my dawrf...
  15. concon

    treating a reef

    I agree with BurnNspy. Remove the sick fish if possible. I tried MelaFix in my reef tank before. It is a tea extracts and does no harm to coral. It did not work for me because I still lost my royal gamma to ICK. Just a reminder, Skimmer should be off when adding MelaFix. Skimmer will...
  16. concon

    another stupid question/water changes

    Frequent water change will help you in two ways. 1) Eliminate some wastes like nitrates, ammonia and nitrites. 2)Water change will replenish trace elements in a closed saltwater system. Saltwater contains many trace elements like calcium, iodine, iron etc. These trace elements are very...
  17. concon

    HELP! Leather melting!

    When I purchased my leather, it was in a poor condition, stalk was rotting. At that time, leather is my second reef addition beside mushroom in my tank. I have managed to keep the leather closer to light, aim moderate current at the rotting stalk to wash away any peeling rotting stuffs. Add...
  18. concon

    Attack of The Killer Tomato

    My maroom clown does the same thing to me. He chases my hand all over until I take my hand off the tank. This behavior happens after I got my seabate anemone. Cool.
  19. concon

    Dwarf lion or turkeyfish in reef?

    I got my dwarf lion fish because of my camel shrimp. My lfs told me that camel shrimp is reef safe and it was not true. I had a hard time removing the shrimp. My dwarf lion fish has an expensive meal. Rule for dwarf lion fish, never keep anything small enough to fit in his mouth. The rest...
  20. concon

    Please Read need help :) about copper

    mm..about Copper, been there and done it. I agree with getting a new tank and avoid the old tank with copper treatment. Copper stay in your old tank and leach out from time to time, it is very difficult to detect the trace of copper in your old tank at one time. However, if you decide to keep...